Name these legs

I am a Louisiana politician spotted today at a cross country run by a founding member of the Slabbed Nation who snapped this pic. Despite being a glorified social event no one fawned at his presence. To whom do these legs belong? Winning guess gets to pick the next music post. Here is a hint, this pol belongs to the GOP. ~ sop


9 thoughts on “Name these legs”

  1. David and Piyush are my boys but I don’t think either one of them could run up a slight incline on a paved parking lot to get to their next fundraiser much less a cross country. Ms. Mary only wishes she had those legs between those hams and hoofs. I’m going to go with Bryan Barrilleaux. It was a tossup between him and Boustany both being Drs. and are probably in pretty good shape. Both could yabber politics while running but Boustany would probably be recognized. So Vegas odds says Bryan.

  2. Sop are you sure ? I didn’t see any signs of extruded diaper material or crap stains in his pants but I guess that’s why he wears dark shorts.

    Whoever can guess what position he was playing gets a year’s supply of Dave’s Velcro Diapers.

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