One thought on “Wednesday Upper”

  1. On Friday, the 11th, I ran into an Assistant U.S. Attorney who I know, and who had recently returned from Afganistan. It didn’t take long for the conversation to turn to “mortal danger” in the combat zone, and the fact that this “War in Afganistan” has degenerated into being able to detect IED’s (improvised explosive devices), EFP’s (explosivelt formed penetrators), and other types of “booby traps”, rather than actually closing with the enemy (who are “all around” you) and KILLING him in a fire-fight. A “new” element is insurgents, ie. RAGHEAD terrorists who, if caught, should be put up against a wall and SHOT, summarily, wearing Afgan Military uniforms and “pretending” to be friendly, until they spray unsuspecting American troops with automatic weapons fire, suddenly and without warning. Our “government” only reports the incidents that result in DEATH to Americans; the wounds, the maiming, the crippling, all remain UNREPORTED by our “government”. But here’s the point of my story: This AUSA told me that one of the biggest decisions he would have to make before going out on a mission was whether to wear “body armour”. You see, body armour can save your life from small arms fire or shrapnel. But if your body takes the full brunt of an IED, EFP or other very powerful booby trap, the body armour may protect your torso, but both of your arms and legs, and whatever you have below the groin area GET BLOWN OFF! Who wants to live the rest of his life, like THAT? Hence, the decision not to wear body armour, and the fatalist notion: At least I’ll die quickly, as a whole man. To our veterans, wounded or not, I SALUTE YOU. Ashton O’Dwyer, Captain, USAR (ret.).

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