Nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk: Its the silly season

Folks we’ve had some great months and a few high traffic days and it is not lost on me that our record month for traffic was last March when the special election race for JP Council at Large featuring Mini-me Roberts and Tim Baudier was raging. Baudier got his ass kicked as only 17% or so of the electorate bothered to vote and the rest is history. I’m not much on politics, in fact the associated sleazery makes my skin crawl. That said you guys want the type of political coverage this internet community offers so what the heck. Let’s begin with the stooges:

I duly noted our own Patricia is mentioning St Bernard’s Wayne Landry in comments as it related to the death of a cast member of Treme. For his part Landry is using the Meraux Foundation Scandal in his bid for Sheriff:

But it gets low down and dirty as Wayne is shown out doing thr party thing with his mistress. Folks, hell hath no fury than a Chalmation scorned……

IMHO Sean Alfortish used the money grab at Meraux as his template for looting the Horseman’s association.. Here is the latest salvo from Team Landry:

Paul Rioux profiled JP Council District 1 candidates Ricky Templet from Gretna and Michael O’Brien from Marrero. This will go down as one of the more competitive races that also has mucho political history attached.  We indirectly covered the early days of Team O’Brien here and I extend an invitation to all the candidates to come make their case here on Slabbed if they so desire. I’ll note the younger O’Brien is running as his own man so to speak as he steps away from the very long shadow cast by his father, a man who was both feared and respected in Jefferson Parish political circles back in the day.

Finally my favorite politician, Billy Nungesser gets a mention in today’s T-P column by John Maginnis as Nunny’s campaign claims are compared and contrasted with Jay Dardenne’s in a piece of punditry that is both superficial and lame.  There are reasons the TEA Party gets little love on these pages and their endorsement of Nunny is one reason why they are widely viewed as imbeciles.


12 thoughts on “Nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk: Its the silly season”

  1. i got push polled last night by a combo jim donelon/billy nungesser. turned the heat on the poor lady.

  2. jr. sorry you had to endure anything involving Jim Donelon…here's some mo on 'Jimbo the Clown' …stopjimdonelon.com

    damn, I wish they would call me pushing Donelon…(how I love a good pushing match..)…

  3. Rumor on Poydras Street is that both Hingle & Bennett are cooperating with the Feds. Bennett was in Dallas a couple of weeks ago working with the Feds on the Frank Fradella SEC indictment and when he arrived at MSY from his Dallas meeting none other than Lee Z was waiting with arms open to greet him. Hingle has been wearing a wire for several months. Several other indictments are expected thanks to Hingle & Bennett's cooperation including at least two attorneys (CNO & Plaquemines). Bennett's cooperation ensures that Fradella is cooperating with Feds now in Dallas which could leads to Robert Ellis, Ray Nagin, and other politically connected in New Orleans. Again this case was not just a Jim Letten led investigation but it is important to note that the Washington DC branch of the US Attorneys office made an appearance in the Hingle bill of information.

    Does this touch River Birch in some way? The folks on Poydras strongly suspect that there are ties between River Birch and the current indictments today through 3rd parties. One thing is certain though and that is that a lot of people are probably wearing wires these days and there are folks in Jefferson & St. Bernard who are ultra nervous with what's about to come down.

    Let's see:
    and this doesn't count those who are cooperating unindicted coconspirators that haven't been identified yet.

  4. And to think the race for Lite Gov is supposed to be close. Count on the media silence on Nunny continuing.

    A well deserved big day for the citizens in Plaquemines Parish.


  5. Thanks Pres.

    As long as that other indictment in Plaquemines is Stephen C. Braud attorney for Plaquemines Parish and the head of the legal department – bring it on, because that means Billy Nungesser isn’t far behind.

  6. Pres,

    – " Bennett’s cooperation ensures that Fradella is cooperating with Feds now in Dallas…"

    Not necessarily. Fradella is in Miami at the moment and there is no indication that he has agreed to cooperate at this point….unless you've heard something I haven't. He already rejected an offer to cooperate once and the Fed immediately introduced a mountain of previously withheld evidence into his case.

    Fradella may have held his cards too long on this one…depending on what Bennett can produce that Frank can't.

  7. Also:

    -“Bennett was in Dallas a couple of weeks ago working with the Feds on the Frank Fradella SEC indictment and when he arrived at MSY from his Dallas meeting none other than Lee Z was waiting with arms open to greet him. ”

    I don’t think that is accurate either. I am pretty sure Bennett came from LA and was on a trip regarding some type of Movie production deal. He wasn’t coming from Dallas.

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