From the you can’t make this stuff up file we have another problem on the Louisiana class action front: Ye ol’ buttcall

There are times that we get tips that simply defy description. This one comes courtesy of a proverbial buttcall via Baton Rouge Lawyer Donna Grodner. The names should be familar ones to the Louisiana legal community.

Through an odd series of events involving a “butt call”, Judge Hymel was found participating with Lewis Unglesby in what may be described as an “ex parte” communication on the case. An “ex parte” communication occurs when an attorney has a private conversation with a sitting judge about litigation over which the judge presides. It was reported that the phone conversation was taped.

Attorney Donna Grodner whose office was the inadvertent receiver of the “butt call” commented as follows, “This explains a lot of what has been going on in this case. Although I had a feeling something was going on – I could never put my finger on it. I am sorry for the delays this will cause in the litigation, which has already been strung out too long by these individuals.”

Indeed as the Slabbed can attest getting the shaft without benefit of lubrication can be most disconcerting and as our own Robert can attest lawyers milking this type litigation are sometimes a very big problem as we continue our peek behind the back door into the world of ex parte communication:

Ms. Grodner commented, “It was one of the scariest things I have ever been through being on the other end of a butt call and hearing two powerful attorneys, one of whom is a former US attorney and judge on my case conspiring against you. My heart was pounding and my hands were shaking. I was horrified.”

Not quite so horrified as the rump ranger himself after he learned he was ratted out by his own ass:

A letter was immediately sent to all parties advising that Ms. Grodner heard and taped the conversation and that she opposed the continuance they planned but believed from what she heard that impartiality was compromised and that Judge Hymel should recuse himself.

Of course we would run none of this without some proof and Ms Grodner was quick to provide it. So I’ve uploaded the entire PR to SCRIBD. Enjoy – sop

[scribd id=25605759 key=key-1hiyf58ahtm9o551w64l]

4 thoughts on “From the you can’t make this stuff up file we have another problem on the Louisiana class action front: Ye ol’ buttcall”

  1. I’ll add that having seen Lewis Unglesby in action first hand there are few men on this earth that can match the man’s arrogance. My own long held personal opinion is he is a complete douche.


  2. There are laws for recording persons over the phone. As long as it’s a criminal act it’s OK to tape. With all my complaints about the fraud and crooked lawyers I’ve never before mention that I have my share of recordings as well. And there are all OK. The way I did it was to place one phone near the recording devise with a cam corder recording it all. This also works good when you have say a card from the head of the state health department or such and speaking on an answering machine, telling you to report the matter to some internal agency.

    About the recordings those corporate back butt holes are quite bold.

    Then theres the film showing the toxic fumes coming from our home and everything in it. It’s 64 degrees outside and this thing is fuming like a hot highway on a summers day. Since it was all kept as the courts have denied our motions without ever allowing any amending because the action was an intented attorney milker and although it was our claim alone used.We have no real court to place the matter before.

    I’m certain of ex parte contact in these matters and wonder if anything will be done about a stupid act of huge coroprations which came to hate us over something they cause. Other than injury,property loss and millions settled on us. It started when we were home minding our own business. Lost everything over actions of court fraud. You couldn’t do this without ex’parte.

  3. Lewis may seem arrogant, but if you need a lawyer he’s one to call … I was on trial on trumped-up charges … Lewis asked me one question – “Did you do it?” … when I told him no he went to work to prove my innocence and prevailed … he isn’t cheap but he’ll get the job done …

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