2 thoughts on “Tommy say it ain’t so…..”

  1. “A rose by any other name is still a rose.” And a thief is a thief is a thief! I have a few questions, which are not apparent from the indictment, which is “non-talking” and conclusory: (1) How did the State determine that the credit card was used to fuel his personal vehicle? (2) Were there concomitant charges to the card for the State-furnished vehicle while the card was being used for fuel for the personal vehicle? (3) Where did he “go” in his personal and State-furnished vehicle during the critical period and can his travelling be justified as “office-related”, ie. how many miles did the allegedly stolen money allow him to travel, and was it all “office-related” travel? (4) Was his State-furnished vehicle in the shop for repairs during the period in question, and was his personal vehicle used as a substitute? (5) Did he make restitution to the State before the Auditor cut off his hand while it was still in the cookie jar? (6) If he knew the Auditor was looking at his records, why didn’t he “fess-up” and make restitution before getting caught?

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