Slicked and SLABBED and "Spooky at a distance"

Only the Senator whose brain is you-know-where could come up with such a bone-headed plan!

Saying that he has received commitments from the Army Corps of Engineers to move forward with long-delayed Louisiana flood-control projects, Sen. David Vitter, R-La., agreed Wednesday to drop his hold that has blocked a Senate vote on the promotion of Army Brig. Gen. Michael Walsh to major general.

Yesterday’s headline story on linked to TP story Sen. David Vitter drops hold on promotion of Corps of Engineers commander and challenged readers to connect the dots.

Drawing a line in the sand, those dots connect to David Vitter’s grandstand.  Could the Senator have been borrowing trouble and buying time for his big oil contributors – just enough time for BP oil to reach land?

You think, perhaps, it was a coincidence that Vitter claimed victory just as PB oil hit land A month after explosion, oil from Gulf of Mexico spill washes ashore in populated areas?

Slicked and Slabbed complete with a photo gallery and theme song.

“Oh the games people play now
Ev’ry night and ev’ry day now
Never meaning what they say, yeah
Never saying what they mean.”

While all eyes were on the oil in the Gulf, big oil was slickin’ and slabbin’ Tulane’s Environmental Law Center!  ThePopTort tells that story in BP and Law Clinics – One Spooky Interaction:

Einstein once coined the excellent phrase “spooky action at a distance.”  He was referring to the “action at a distance” theory in physics, the “interaction of two objects which are separated in space with no known mediator of the interaction.” Not that we have a clue as to what that means, but we agree with Einstein – sounds spooky!  It also suddenly reminded me of two stories we’ve covering lately, which suddenly came together, maybe in space, but certainly in Louisiana.

As if there aren’t more important things for them to worry about, last week  BP’s trade association, the Louisiana Chemical Association (LCA), tried to do what polluters in Maryland just tried and failed: to cut state funding from any school whose law clinic sues a government agency or business.  This dementedly misguided bill was directed at Tulane’s Environmental Law Clinic, the state’s only environmental law clinic, which “sometimes takes legal action against polluting companies and regulatory agencies.” Luckily, the bill was killed yesterday in the Louisiana State Senate – unaminously.

According to the Huffington Post, “in a letter sent to its 61 corporate members earlier in May, LCA president Dan Borne wrote:

“This bill is the culmination of years of frustration with Tulane and its support for its environmental law clinic not only on the part of the chemical industry but other business and chamber groups as well. The [association] Board of Directors voted to actively engage the clinic by targeting Tulane itself, which gives cover to its out-of-state, student want-to-be lawyers and their job killing lawsuits.”

Local news reported on the questioning by State Senator Karen Carter Peterson of LCA witnesses as to whether “this bill was aimed at keeping the clinic from suing BP.” Tulane Environmental Law Clinic director Adam Babich told the Huffington Post, “Their fundamental problem is that they don’t want our clients to have lawyers.”

“See how it’s all interacting?”  Oh, yes, Pop Tort, we do.  Down here we call it “politics as usual”.  This year it’s “Big Oil” on Tulane  – motivated, no doubt, by the success of “Big Insurance” with LSU.   Tulane Law,  meet Ivor van Heerden.

2 thoughts on “Slicked and SLABBED and "Spooky at a distance"”

  1. Why am I not surprised by this cowardly skulduggery.
    It wasn’t enough that this Punk Bitch Walsh had to enlist Military Mothers to start a Facebook Page for his gutless promotion. This fuckless bastard had to once again hold Louisiana’s head to the water to get what the Corps Wants. I so fucking hate these jackal criminals.
    On a similar note:
    LSU Cyanide Pill for Scientist Ivor van Heerden Confirmed! Can We WTF’ing Believe This?
    I want y’all to see my rant of course.
    The world is going to the Bhopal’Mall in a freaking Hand Basket!
    Soooo let’s fire all the smart guys in the room and promote the dumb asses.

  2. Hey, Editilla, that’s one hellofarant, fella! Great stuff hanging from the Ladder, too!

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