BREAKING: Another one bites the dust. Tom Wilkinson resigns

Unslabbed made the prediction this morning and now it is official. Paul Rioux has the story and the party line for the Times Picayune. (The comments from TWalk spinning the story are priceless)  Here at Slabbed we give Val Bracy at Fox8 the credit as her reporting on the Jefferson Parish payroll ghosts kicked started the chain of events while US Attorney Jim Letten did the rest. It was clear from the TV news reports that Wilkinson, despite the “pictures” he had on others in Parish government, was finally thrown under the bus due to his toxicity.  The meaning of receiving a Target Letter is evidently lost on the pols in Jefferson Parish. 



7 thoughts on “BREAKING: Another one bites the dust. Tom Wilkinson resigns”

  1. I’m exhausted form having to confer with lawyers in Baton Rouge and Lafayette the last two days. Assembling a litigation team for the upcoming ” legal war” is exhaustive considering I don’t like lawyers .However, I must say that my lunch at “The French Press” restaurant in Lafayette was like finding an oasis while wandering through the desert of corruption we know as Jefferson Parish.

    de Brief calls me as I begin to take my first bite of the scrumptious Cajun Dip…What ?…Pelican says he has contacted yet another lawyer who will be part of the team…4 lawyers ? !…Hey de Brief what’s the mystery, what are you working on ?…I can hardly hear Pelican as he says something about gar…He’s no longer on the line, Hmmmmmmmmmm

    Wilkinson resigning ? Should never, ever have been appointed. Peggy Barton serving as temporary Parish Attorney ? She also should resign; a Wilkinson clone. Theriot ? Illegally appointed, an ethical fraud, and Karma is now biting him on the ass.

    Tomorrow, it is yet another day to do battle; but for today, let us savor in victory !

  2. That Mr. Theriot would appoint Ms. Peggy Barton as acting Parish Attorney, and then have Mr. Cappella applaud the decision is evidence of the fact that these people are indeed the arrogant political thugs they are continually characterized to be. Ms. Barton is a principal participant in Mr. Wilkinson’s litany of wrong doing for as many years she has worked under him. I am now told that the Federal Government is investigating the possibility that there are numerous Asst. Parish Attorneys on the payroll, but where are they ? Ms. Barton’s return of a PRR request of the names of all Asst. Parish Attorneys may not be complete; or that possibly these individuals have been assigned to the various boards and/or commissions and have been lost to her mismanagement.

    Ms. Barton should resign and she knows why. It’s unfortunate that Mr. Theriot, Mr. Capella, et al still continue to protect the status quo. They are the problem, a dysfunctional corrupt political mindset, a sense of entitlement so instilled they are in delusional denial of the events now encircling them.

  3. Now I’m confused. I thought Ms. Karen Parker was Mr. Bob Evans’ council assistant. Did she become Mr.Broussard’s assistant in some interim period ? Does it really matter now ?

  4. Whitmergate

    No it doesnt matter but yes you are correct she did work for both Evans and Broussard when they were councilchairs…but then you knew that…My point was simply to correct the mis-statement with reguard to P Barton

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