Highly qualified Parish Attorney provides opportunity for John Young to “walk the talk” of good government

Maybe, just maybe, Phelps-Dunbar thought the firm could make another trip to the well in Jefferson Parish unnoticed.  After all, “times are hard all over” – and, in Jefferson Parish, they’re needlessly hard for want of a highly qualified Parish Attorney independent of any interest other than the best interest of Parish taxpayers.

Hopefully, the newly elected Parish President, John Young, has noticed how easily one can connect the dots from legal gymnastics like Phelps Dunbar’s outrageous motion to USA Lenten’s formal request for the retention and preservation of Parish documents.

If Young intends to deliver the “good government” he promised Jefferson Parish voters, he’ll connect the dot from Lenten’s letter to the imperative of retaining the most qualified candidate for the position of Parish Attorney:

10 thoughts on “Highly qualified Parish Attorney provides opportunity for John Young to “walk the talk” of good government”

  1. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOwwee Hearing President John Young read Holy Scripture at the last Council meeting to a full chambers, in the Spirit he read out loud James 1:5-6 as follows: “[5]If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraith not; and it shall be given him.[6]But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.”In regards to the resume’ and application for Parish Attorney sent to John Young by Ann Marie Vandenweghe, I respectfully state that Ann Marie has shined much Light on the political scandals and dutifully produced all the documents to the F.B.I. as requested; only to have then been unjustly kicked out of the public records department for fear of shining more Light thereon. I would like to recommend the following scripture to be read by Mr. Young to himself,in prayer, namely Matthew 5:14-15 in which Jesus in great wisdom says:[14] Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. [15]Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.” Not withstanding that Jefferson Parish is below sealevel, with wise decisions it can quickly become a moral city on a hill its citizens deserve. However, if candles are hidden by so-called wise men then we will be tossed about by the winds of corruption and the self serving political powers will rule the day! Let those with ears hear, for Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God. A.M.D.G.—-Amen— OOOOOOOOOOOwweeeeeeeeeeeeee

  2. OOOOOOOOOOwweeeeeee IMA: I’m not really a Bluejay, I wish, but you could say I’m a born again, true blue believer in A.M.D.G. But I believe John Young is a Bluejay and I pray he governs just like his Jesuit’s motto commands. OOOOOOOwweeeee

  3. John Young is not a Blue Jay, he is a De La Salle Cavalier, just like David Vitter and Jim Letten. But like many Cavs, he sent his own kids to be “men for others.”

  4. Hell, I am so tired of this fucking Jesuit/Manresa BS connections CRAP. All that these MFers have learned from their great-grandfathers, grandfathers, fathers, uncles, cousins and crony friends is HYPOCRISY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!… Incestuous stonewalling and rationalization…let’s see…Connick (all his brothers, Tom Wilkinson etc,etc), Broussard, Whitmer, Coulon and son…the fact is I’m too nauseated to go on…they’re too many to possibly name in ANY post !

    In PRISON’S HELL , all I pray for is that these Jesuit/Manresa Mafia MFers pray together, stripped to their knees, and HOPE for forgiveness and any possibility of REDEMPTION !

    Thank you MFers for making Jefferson Parish the HellHole of ALL HELLHOLES !

  5. OOOOOOOOOOoooowweeeeeeeeee Sock: Thanks for the correction that John Young is not a Blue Jay. But I’m overjoyed to know his boys are Blue Jays being trained to be “men for others” and do all things A.M.D.G..Sometimes fathers living their life over again through their sons and watching their sons mature can see certain things they never saw as when they were maturing. So maybe just maybe, President Young will learn a few Blue Jay things from his sons; like if you want to be first then you must be last and as a leader you must be a slave to others, just as Jesus washed the feet of his disciples over their objections.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOwweeeeeee

  6. I want to attempt to clarify something, from my own personal experience. I am a 1965 graduate of Jesuit High School in New Orleans. My Dad graduated in 1940. My Uncle, cousins and brother are also graduates, spanning over 50 years. My only son broke my heart and decided to stay at Newman for High School, but that was his choice. The motto “Men for Others” is for Members of the Society of Jesus; it does not and has NEVER applied to the Jesuit High School student body. In the 60’s we had some zealous religious teachers who believed that the student body was collectively guilty for all of the ignorance and poverty and deprivation in the world. Accordingly, we were sent into places like the Desire Housing Project with instructions to “make things right”. Fortunately, such assignments did not last more than the one year that such IDIOTS had to “teach” us their brand of self-loathing and guilt. It also is fortunate that none of us was killed. Anyway, I know John Young. John Young is no Blue Jay. And no Blue Jay (other than a Member of the Society of Jesus, ie. a Scholastic or a Priest) was ever required to me a “man for others” while I attended Jesuit High School. Ashton O’Dwyer.

  7. OOOOOOOOOooooowwweeeeeeeee Ashton: I’m not doubting what you say was not true when you went to Jesuit but having a little monkey son who graduted several years ago confirms that the Blue Jay motto applies to every Jesuit student,not only at Carrollton and Banks but all over the world. I also called the school and talked to a person in student development and she also confirms the same. Jesuit, as most other religious schools, now have service hours requirements (100hrs) which all students need to fulfill before they can graduate. I believe my little monkey, who now is in medical school, did his time at the local Magnolia school on River Road. Now enrolled in medical school he did an additional 100 hrs in the jungles of Guatemala which really made me happy.(P.S.) Elderly Uncle and I attended a Blue Jays’ football game this past weekend and they put on a better football display (scoring on first 6 or 7 possessions) than LSU or the Saints.A.M.D.G. OOOOOOOOoooooowwweeeeeeee

  8. Sorry Ashton. It’s clear you have not been back to Carrollton and Banks for some time. A.M.D.G. does apply to all as the previous poster stated. By the way, the 100 hours of community service has been in effect before I graduated. Ashton, it is also obvious that your parents wasted their money on a good Jesuit education for you.


  9. To “curiousgeorge” and “AMDG80”: Guys, I think we may be misunderstanding each other. Translated from Latin to English, the term “A.M.D.G.” means “All for the Greater Glory of God”. This is a totally separate and distinct term from “Men for Others”, which is applicable to Jesuit Priests, Scholastics and Brothers, but has NEVER applied to students or graduates of Jesuit High School. That said, I was taught to show Christian charity to those less fortunate than I, a fact which will be abundantly clear from a review of my Federal and State Income Tax returns since my graduation from Jesuit High School in 1965. Ashton O’Dwyer.

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