For those that have been wondering about Ashton…..

AROD is a budding radio personality now appearing several times with WGSO NOLA Jeff Crouere. The transcript of Ashton’s August 29, 2017 interview is here courtesy of the Bernofskys at TulaneLink. His last interview with Courere on Tuesday is here beginning at 3:05:00 or there abouts.

2 thoughts on “For those that have been wondering about Ashton…..”

  1. Ok, Ashton !!!!!!!!!!!

    Good luck to you…….. break a leg……. no, don’t cause you would have to call Morris Bart…

    Don’t go too hot and heavy on past tribulations but look to the future as a legal and political pundit, with a personality that attracts listeners who want to call in with legal and/or political comments

    Thanks SOP for the info and keep up the good work

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