Slabbed Quietly Turned 10…

It sure did folks, a few days ago. Such a milestone deserves a post of some kind because it has been quite the journey.

From being the bane of State Farm and Allstate’s existence after Katrina, causing a major national media shit storm back during the oil spill, unraveling Aaron Broussard’s bribery and money laundering schemes in Nova Scotia to being a major contributor here at home in the DMR scandal along with bringing some much needed transparency to the Bay, Slabbed has been a true trail blazer on the local journalism scene.

And then there is the fight to tell the story but that is another post as we mark 10 years.

5 thoughts on “Slabbed Quietly Turned 10…”

  1. Congratulations!
    And thanks for the work, the honest news, the coverage no one else bothers to do. ❤

  2. Diligence! That is what you have, Doug!
    Diligence with brains and expertise.

  3. Holy Blazing Batman Birthday Candles( da ones you can’t blow out):

    Who would have thunk dat such a wonderful ting would be conceived from Katrina and then born and wrapped in a manger at a Cracker Barrel…..

    Happy Birthday and The Merriest of Christmasses to one of the purist justice fighters of all times !!!!!!!!

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