The Times Picayune unzips and pisses all over the Zombie. A Cedric Richmond charity looting update.

So here we have it folks, a certified card carrying member of the old Dollar Bill Jefferson political machine who looks to have looted out at least 2 charities Jefferson style and the Times Picayune in one corner and Dambala and other bloggers in the other.

Is it me or did the paper manufacture “facts” to make a point? Do we have a problem with public record requests in New Orleans and Baton Rouge?

Slabbed reports you decide.


ps. Our money is still on the Zombie.

pps. Pissing on a Zombie is an especially bad idea IMHO.

3 thoughts on “The Times Picayune unzips and pisses all over the Zombie. A Cedric Richmond charity looting update.”

  1. The TP never disappoints.

    TP: “Hey, let’s talk about the watch receipt.

    Meanwhile, in their own two stories, TWICE: “In March, a Criminal Court judge agreed to expunge the charge, and the case was closed.”

    Ha, which judge? When? Under what evidence? With a hearing? Was the DA contacted? If so what did he say? Why expunged at all? Why expunged when only $15,000 was paid while that was but a fraction of that stolen? Who was the attorney, Spears most likely? Did the judge have connections to Spears?

    Er, let’s look for that watch receipt again! So if he received the money from the non-profit and just bought it with his ill-gotten gains as opposed to using teh actual NOCWE credit card that would actually make a difference to people???

    The reports by Dambala go far, far, far beyond what the TP (and even Cao) are raising.

    Finally, Richmond was suspended from practicing law for ethical violations, he should be banned from public service as well. I don’t understand why it’s necessary to even get past that point.

  2. Well said Telemachus. This stinks to high heaven and the T-P should be hanging their heads in shame at what they’ve done here.


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