GOP Kenner City Councilman – Mayoral Candidate Keith Reynaud Equates Democrats and Fried Chicken

Folks this is 2016 and you’d think the days of using the fried chicken analogy as a form of politically motivated coded racism would be long gone but they are not. (H/T) To a reader that attended the River Region Republican Women Celebrity Cook off.

Present when Reynaud made the remarks were State GOP Chairman Roger Villere along with a bevy of other State wide Elected Officials and a certain local Democrat, who witnessed the gaffe:

Reader Submitted Screen Capture of Jefferson Parish Councilman Mark Spears Facebook Page
Reader Submitted Screen Capture of Jefferson Parish Councilman Mark Spears Facebook Page

A reader that was present was kind enough to snap a quick picture of Reynaud adding the crowd groaned when he made the remark:

Reader Submitted Photo of Kenner Mayoral Hopeful Keith Reynaud at the River Region Republican Women Celebrity Cook off.
Reader Submitted Photo of Kenner Mayoral Hopeful Keith Reynaud at the River Region Republican Women Celebrity Cook off.

I took a quick look at Reynaud’s Campaign Facebook page to see if there was any signs he was a Trumper but its pretty well one track in becoming the next Hizzoner of Kenner (Brah). I can’t imagine his remarks will set well with the 20% plus of the Kenner electorate that is black. Stay tuned.

4 thoughts on “GOP Kenner City Councilman – Mayoral Candidate Keith Reynaud Equates Democrats and Fried Chicken”

          Former Executive Director, William W. Walker

          Status: A formal demand in the amount of $362,689.14 was issued on November 7,
          2013. On March 10, 2014, Walker pled guilty to Embezzlement. On June 16, 2014,
          Walker was sentenced to 5 years in prison, 3 years supervised release, a fine of
          $125,000.00 and $572,689.00 restitution, $210,000.00, of which is joint and several with Scott Walker. Restitution payments are to begin 30 days after release from custody. For Fiscal Year 2016, payment in the amount of $225.00 has been received, leaving a balance of $362,353.33 with the formal demand, and $570,214.00 (includes payment from Scott Walker in the amount of $2,250.00) in federal restitution. Walker is currently serving time in the federal penitentiary and expected to be released November 26, 2018.

          Former Chief of Staff, Joseph Ziegler, Jr.
          Misuse of Public Funds

          Status: A formal demand in the amount of $258,268.75 was issued on November 7,
          2013. On August 14, 2014, he pled guilty to Misprision of a Felony, and on November
          10, 2014, Ziegler was sentenced to serve 90 days of house arrest followed by 3 years of supervised probation. For Fiscal Year 2016, payment in the amount of $12,000.00 has been received, leaving a balance of $240,281.47.

          Former Director of Coastal Management Programs, Sheila Shumate
          Misuse of Public Funds

          Status: A formal demand in the amount of $127,608.57 was issued on November 7,
          2013. On August 18, 2014, Shumate was sentenced to 6 years in the custody of MDOC,
          five years were suspended and she was ordered to serve 1 year in prison on each count. The 2 sentences were ordered to run consecutively for a total of 12 years to serve with 10 years suspended and 2 to serve in prison. She was given 4 years of supervised release following her time in prison. She was also ordered to pay restitution in the amount of $14,091.11. For Fiscal Year 2016, payment in the amount of $8,535.80 has been received from the bond company, leaving a balance of $104,981.66.

          Former Public Relations Officer, Susan Perkins

          Status: A formal demand in the amount of $30,959.34 was issued on November 7, 2013. On May 28, 2014, Perkins pled guilty to False Pretense and was sentenced to 2 years of probation. For Fiscal Year 2016, payment in the amount of $826.40 has been received from the bond company, leaving a balance of $29,453.55

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