Monday Omnibus: Bare Naked Potential First Lady and more!

Few Presidential Candidates have done themselves the amount of self inflicted damage that Donald Trump did his campaign over the weekend when he decided to run down the Parents of a child that made the ultimate sacrifice that spoke out at the Democrat National Convention against Trump and his Xenophobic world view. While Slabbed is very sympathetic with the plight of those that have been economically displaced by the Globalization of the world’s economy, we’ve never been much on scapegoating Mexican ditch diggers or an entire religion in the Islamic faith. The GOP in particular has been peddling this particular brand of ignorance since around the time Obama was elected and it has come home to roost in spades with their presidential candidate that looks more and more like he’ll be trounced in November by a highly flawed and almost equally crooked Democrat.

Being raised in a Marine Corp family my only observation is that Bill Murray had it nailed in Stripes, because as a whole Marines are Mutts aka (Americans with a “Capital A”). Culturally my own Daddy could not have been more different than his best friend from the Corps but when men go into battle together special bonds forms that do not break based on race or creed. This is what Trump, who was born with a silver foot in his mouth, fails to get because when you disrespect the parents of a child who gave the ultimate sacrifice, your disrespecting every parent whose children made the ultimate sacrifice to secure Donald Trumps ability to eat Lobster at the Waldorf in relative peace:

But in the interest of being equal opportunity Hillary Clinton will certainly continue to waste American lives in the middle eastern quagmire which we are stuck which probably explains the following from the Airforce Times:

Next up is Donald Trump’s wifey, like you’ve never seen here via the New York Post:

And then we have The Donald’s Income Tax returns, which he refuses to release:

And his supposed business acumen:

The words that come to my mind are “money changing phoney”:

Luckily for everyone there are other choices including Libertarian Candidate, former Governor Gary Johnson. Straight up if religion is at the center of your political beliefs Johnson and the Libertarians are not your guys. In fact this 2016 election where the Republican Candidate has a long history of supporting Planned Parenthood there is no candidate that meets the core religious right’s various litmus tests. Where those votes go will be an interesting exercise – here in Mississippi Phil Bryant is supporting the Trump despite his support for Planned Parenthood and abortions. So much for Phil’s sincerely held religious beliefs. Now the best of the rest:

21 thoughts on “Monday Omnibus: Bare Naked Potential First Lady and more!”

  1. Doug: I suggest that you visit the “Walid Shoebat” web-site for information linking the MOZ-SLIME and his MOZ-SLIME “wife” to the Muslim Brotherhood and the Clinton Foundation. Kahn is an advocate for SHARIA law in the USA, and an enabler of MOZ-SLIME immigration onto this country. As you should know, SHARIA law is INCOMPATIBLE with the U.S. Constitution. But you’ll never get ANY of this from the “Lame Stream Media”. His son, while his death was regrettable, was a volunteer, who was killed by a “brother MOZ-SLIME”. He was blown up by a suicide bomber, not by “closing with the enemy”. Why is “Daddy Kahn’s” wrath directed at Donald J. Trump, rather then at the VERMIN SCUM who killed his son? Islam is not just a “religion”; it is a POLITICAL IDEOLOGY, which is INCOMPATABLE with our way of life. However, no one, not even the Communist Pope, is willing to address this subject. Kahn is a MOZ-SLIME charlatan. I hope someone other than Walid Shoebat and “The Conservative Treehouse” web-site have the GUTS to reveal what this MOZ-SLIME really is. Ashton O’Dwyer.

  2. The parent I most admire today is the father of Kate Stienle, who lost her life too young and for no reason except the total neglect on the part of our government to
    deport illegals who break our laws while in our country.
    Her death was not allowed to be exploited and politicized for anyone’s ” drunk on power” political ambitions.
    May she rest in peace.

  3. CORRECTIONS: the word “thAn” rather than “thEn”. And “Into” rather than “Onto”. And did you know that more American soldiers have been killed by MOZ-SLIME “fellow soldiers” than MOZ-SLIME American soldiers have been killed by “the enemy” (brother MOZ-SLIMES). I rest my case. Ashton O’Dwyer.

  4. O’Dwyer, you are a complete, total dumbass. Anyone who reads a website called Walid Shoebat is a dipshit. Did you ever serve in the military? Or, like your hero Dipshit Donald, was making a lot of money how you “sacrificed”?

    1. It’s time to “Make America Great Again” this November.

      I will not say The Donald is without faults but I think his faults are far less than the current faults of our government.

      We have a Radical Republican Machine in the Deep South who supports corporate welfare and fuels the welfare system while being hidden behind a curtain all by keeping the public ignorant.

      Phil Bryant and Haley Barbour know exactly what I mean.

      On the other hand, we have socialistic democrats who line the pockets of under achievers with free goodies we all have to pay for.

      It’s a broke system our forefathers would be ashamed of.

    2. Abu Hoodoo:

      Oh Abu boo boo how’s bout you go on the Internet and do a little smart research on Hellery’ s Kozy Khizr Kahn and find out he is a Pakistan who moved to Saudia Arabia…….like all of the highjackers of 9/11 came either from Packie or Saudi remember?…….

      and has published many articles supporting strict Sharia Law without any changes…… And then learn Kahn being a NY attorney who makes mega $$$$$$$ doing what?……….

      Wait for it Hoodoo boo boo……….immigration law specializing in immigration of Muslims into America……

      Abu , to put it in more simple terms Trump’s immigration restrictions on Muslims from terrorist areas would take $$$$$$ money from Kahn who is also a supporter of The Muslim Brotherhood…..

      But then at the DNC convention old Kahn puts his conflicting Sharia Law hand over his heart, pulls out his mini Constution of the US and knowing full well in his Muslim heart he supports Sharia Law unchanged has the hypocrisy to attack Trump who is only thinking of preventing more Radical Islamic Terrorist attacks.

      Abu you need to kick start up yo’ camel and go pick up Kahn and both yo’ boo boos head back to Packie or Saudi where yo’ Q-Tip arses belongs……

      1. Listen numbnuts, I was born and raised on the Mississippi Gulf Coast (why else would I read Slabbed?). I served 20 years in the US Army defending our country and our Constitution. It’s dumb shit jackasses like you and O’Dwyer who pose a bigger threat to our way of life than does radical Islam. Attacking a Gold Star family because of their religion is un-American. But I doubt a dumb country cracker like you can grasp that concept. Now go back to watching Duck Dynasty and crack open another Bud Light. Try not to dribble down the front of your shirt.

        1. Abu hoodoo:

          What’s da matter you don’t know how to research on the Internet?

          The only Gold Star bout the Kahns is they are stooges for Hellery or are you a Clit-on voter and would like to see the First Genlteman back in the Whitehouse.Khizr Kahn now ” wants out of the spotlight “. Is that cause it’s only a matter of time until conservatives figure out exactly where he comes from, his ideology as to Sharia Law and his current profession and radial terrorist social associations?

          You call me a cracker which I am white but as a person with a college degree plus does that mean you may be a racist militant black ?A new Black Panther perhaps?

          Obama and Clit-ones’ Establishment are so scared Obama is way out of ethical bounds today in his speech saying that the Elephants need to dump Trump as unworthy of office. He also said “…. we are part of a Global economy and I’m President and in favor of TTP trade agreement.”

          So Abu go thou and sing the ideology of yo’ Black Lives Matter and release some of that racist tension in your heart bro but at sometime in the future you and others will realize the Clit-ons are corrupt treasonous scalawags when the Cliton Foundation email dump happens.

            1. Abu Hoodoo:

              Are you stupid or something ?…… How long have you been following Slabbed….I intentionally use grammar in a sometimes Cajun way or sometimes in a Ebonics way for humor in this screwed up world of evil…..partially created by the worse treasonous President America has ever elected and the most corrupt unfit candidate ever for President, Hellery Rotten Clit-on.

              How many years did you go to school ?…. What a pompous arrogant ass you are my bro’. I have a Doctorate degree….what year did you flunk out of middle school?

              For your info Ashton served in the military and has more brains in his hemorroids than you have on your best day on Cocaine. And Ashton has sacrificed by standing up to the truth and was illegally prosecuted by Jim Letten and the Feds cause he called a spade a spade and refused to leave his Katrina home after he filed class action suits against the US Corps of Engineers.

              So what do you do for humor Abu … biographies of Obama and Hellery?

              1. Are you saying his brains are in his hemorroids? Well, “Doctor” Dumbass, no wonder you are such a big fan, that’s something the two of you have in common. And you still haven’t answered the question: What sacrifice have you made for this great country?

                What do you do for humor Uptight? Research the Internet for online “Doctorates”?

  5. Thank you lockemuptight.
    How many of these Islamic Terrorist have killed our Americans here and in other countries ??
    I’m sorry for the Khan family for losing a child but more sorry for the future of our country and to prevent more deaths from these terrorists
    For our citizens.
    We need to take a stand and stop being sympathetic to the wrong group. Since our “Muslim” president has been leading our country we have had more terror attacks and daily murders in our community.
    It has to stop. Our police being gunned down in the streets and what does the president do. Say the shooters are the victims. invite the families of the robbers and murders that the police have taken off the streets to the White House. How many families of the slain police have been invited to the White House? Wake up America. We don’t need more leadership like this in the next 4 years.

    1. “You can safely assume you’ve created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.”
      ― Anne Lamott

      “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”
      ― Mahatma Gandhi

      1. ‘A Holy War has begun ‘ says Pope Benedict,

        These Sharia Muslim extremists are cutting off Christian heads, drowning them in cages and cutting the throats of 86 yr old Catholic priests ….every day…. 24/7…..and what does Obama and Clit-clowns want……….for America to bring in hundreds of thousands of unvented Muslims but no persecuted Christians. TREASONOUS!!!

        And Iam supposed to say ‘ oh let’s forgive and forget and let more radical Muslims onto a Presidential Convention stage to lie and denigrate the Constitution to millions of Americans via TV and then let more across our borders cause that is the Christian thing to do.’?

        if I’m to be held to the judgment of God then why did He , who was, is and always will be the same,order the Israelites to kill everything in the evil villages of the Hitites,etc. in the Old Testament?

        I deplore the morals of this country with 50 million abortions, with LGBT marriages instead of civil unions but have no hatred of them just hatred of their sacriligious destruction of the family and purpose of Divine Creation ( sins). I know America’s protection has been lifted by God because of our corruption but I will fight for all Christians ‘ survival including my own.


  6. Holy Boo Hoo, Boo Hoo for Khirz Kahn:

    OAN news of ATT universe just disclosed Kahn is no ordinary Gold Star family father but a lawyer whose law firm sells E2 and EB5 visas mainly to Muslims wanting to buy their way into the US . They also stated he has written articles supporting Sharia Law , associated with Radical Islamists and has actually done the Clit-clowns’ taxes.

    What you have to say about Ashton’s Internet sites now Abu Hooboo.? Sounds like there maybe some stinky camel sh*t headed toward Kozy Khan and maybe some good old American retaliation for his fraudulent rant about the US Constitution which he does not and can not support as he is a strict radical Sharia Law believer.

    Need to run Kahn and the Sharia radical likes of you …. stinking Muslim supporting jock straps out of these United States of America. America First!

  7. Gold Star family man and Clit-clowns’ taxman, the Sharia Law author and supporter Khizr Kahn, has taken down his Muslim immigration law firm website and wants out of the spotlight now.

    Sorry Kahn, when you hold up the US Constitution booklet in front of 30 million TV watchers and question Trump’s knowledge of same, all the while you have published many articles upholding strict support of Sharia Law as THE legal basis and even a footnote denoting your support of Islamic radicals; it’s time to be ‘waterboarded’ by the TRUTH. It’s pitiful only a few still American media news outlets, namely OAN news of ATT Universe will announce the true information on Kozy Kahn.

    Lets see how many more media news organizations have the guts to print the truth about treasonous Kahn.

      1. Dear “Doctor” Dumbass,

        The word you were looking for is hypocrite. That’s the noun. You used the adjective.

        You should get a refund from whatever matchbook-cover “school” awarded you a “Doctorate”. You got robbed.

        1. Abu Hoodoo,

          As you are too stupid to know sometimes what you type gets corrected by the i pad to a word you never typed. For instance, a couple of comments ago I typed” unvetted “and pad printed “unvented”.

          So Abu why don’t you go take your closed ,locked mind on Clit-clown and take a march with yo’ Black Lives Matter group and release some of that black racist aggression. just don’t shoot any of Our Finest.

            1. I was in the military for four years to pay back my college loans bro’. It was well after Vietnam Nam so I didn’t see combat action.

              Now Abu , I know it’s raining but get out there, parade with your Black Lives Matter bros and release some of that black liberal racism.

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