42 thoughts on “I forgot to mention someone also sent the picture of the 6th Floor Furniture delivery too”

  1. Ahhhhhh. A special delivery for the white elite. Hmmm. I wonder who is the recipient of this furniture? Could it be the chosen one? Could it be a high ranking former military official? Or, could it be sleazy white whore who thinks she is entitled?

  2. Jamie, Earth to Jamie.

    In case you haven’t noticed, you are being watched. People are observing every move you make. People are taking notes and documenting the facts accordingly.

    I find it comical that you look around your staff and can’t figure out who the leak is. Ha ha ha.

  3. My My nice choice of chairs and colors. Someone must have had an Interior Decorator help with their new Décor.

  4. There is one bright spot here.At least this furniture was not delivered to 435 East Beach,Ocean Springs. That is where the last furniture that was bought for the 6th floor ended up. Probably still there.

  5. WikiLeaks/Bolton ed.2016 has struck agin’.

    What ! No vinyl,vibrating recliners to release all dat congenial tension on da’ Sexth Floor. Cronies going conservative here.

    1. LOL. Locke. I won’t mention any names but rumor has it that there are a few individuals who would be interested in this sort of “hanky-pinky”. 😉

  6. I feel so sorry for poor Jamie. Imo, he is a teeny little man in a shark tank while the CONS tell him when to eat, sleep, and sh… ahem. Why is that slovenly general, that is older than dirt, and is retired from one government feed trough, and now is controlling the money department at the DMR (the fox watching the hen house so to speak), and is a relative of our good friend, Billy the Boy over in Gulfport, being paid another large govenmental salary ? I feel confident that he, or one of his pets there, is the recipient of the new costly furniture. This man is retired and should not be double dipping off of the peoples’ backs. Isn’t that illegal? How about it DMR Commissioners? This practice is not above the board. But not to worry…He may be going sooner than he thinks….wink, wink.

  7. I don’t feel sorry at all. He is the one behind all of this. And when the FBI shows up and investigates a lot of good people will loose their jobs just like what happened under Bill Walker. CFO and the Fake grants office are bankrupting the DMR under the direction of Miller. All of them should be fired and sent the same path as Tina Schumate. All those that are covering and enabling all these actions to go on will be held accountable. But I do agree with Eye Miller has a problem with one of his own. Someone on the 6th floor don’t agree with the lavish lifestyle. That invoice could only have come from someone that ordered or received the furniture. Just when I thought they had a strangle hold a true patriot risk all to expose the thievery of our tax dollars. Too much. Keep it coming. Just beware of the Cake Eater and the Donut Eater. Two Republican Christians willing to stick a knife in your back. Et tu Judas.

    1. Slabbed New Media has no comment on its sources beyond saying they are second to none IMHO. Thank you for your support.

      1. Heard there were storm warning flags up in TN concerning a certain legislator. Said legislator tried to keep an investigation into his dirty deeds under wraps. Lost on that. Report got out.

        Just got the word, he needs a hot mop or something to clean up his mess!

        Set a google alert right now for “Candy Pants”! Watch it go viral!

        Sex with interns, and Candy Pants!

          1. Well rfp…..are you insinuating that the same type of thing might be going on here in Mississippi?? In our State and/or Federal representatives?? For shame, for shame. I know that someone out there can shed some light on this subject.

          2. More on Candy Pant’s checkered past:


            “In 2003, he was arrested for vandalism, theft and aggravated burglary. A police report states, “Related: Girlfriend was seeing another person.”…”
            “Contacted about the arrest, Durham said he wasn’t sure NashvillePost.com “was talking about the right Jeremy Durham.” He then said he would not discuss anything that occurred in college. Asked to either confirm or deny the arrest, Durham hung up the phone.”

            Additionally, this more recent offense:
            House Majority Whip Jeremy Durham wrote to a federal judge last year seeking a more lenient sentence for a youth pastor convicted of possessing child pornography, a move a leading Republican lawmaker Friday called “poor judgment.”

            Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey questioned the decision by Durham, R-Franklin, to write a character witness letter on behalf of a youth pastor who pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography and was seeking a lighter sentence.”


            “According to federal court documents, Neill, a pastor at North Fork Baptist Church in Bedford County, had “been involved with a then 16-year-old member of the church,” and his phone contained the child porn that was seized in the course of investigating that relationship. Neill was sentenced to a little more than three years in prison and 10 years of supervised release.

    2. PP – me thinks that Mr. Miller is in more trouble than he knows. The little bird, or should I say birds, that are doing the cheeping are “dear friends” of his….and his pal Puhl-a$$-o. Now, you know what that means. If Donald Trump OR Hillary Clinton go in….either one…..there will be hell to pay for that crooked bunch at the DMR. All of the employees who have been performing illegal acts for the CONS will be in for it too imo. They should have all banded together and done what the State law said to do instead of what the CONS said to do. Sure hate it for all involved who have gone against the State law. I hear that some of the employees that were let go are testifying to what they have seen the CONS and employees do that was illegal. Photos and tapes don’t lie. It should be fun to watch the onion finally unravel and reveal it all AND hopefully, the Feds have learned something from the last investigation and have their ducks in a row this time.

      1. Riddle me this Charlene. How many times do the taxpayers need to pay to map Deer Island. We had Dweebert and Miller pumping the new mapping being done in the media here a few weeks ago. But the little birdies are telling me Mississippi State was paid $10,000 recently to do this despite other very recent mappings of the Island. I wonder what the angle is on the mapping?

            1. RFP

              An absolutely astonishing post. It certainly appears he’s had his hands in government long before we knew.

              1. It’s time to hit the Slabbed archives for some more mapping links.

                There are a number of additional links on GIS and the fine folks that were marketing the schemes posted in comments at this Slabbed post from April 30 2013: I would like to acknowledge the rampant rumor mill regarding DMR and Utility Authority related indictments Specifically some guy named Scott Walker was repping for a utility GIS mapping deal at no cost to the Harrison County Utility Authority. Just contact the MDEQ to get the $2 million check.

                I now find that some of the links don’t work, so here is one of the comments from that post with the links repaired:

                I must caution that it is not yet confirmed that the Scott Walker making the presentation to the Harrison County Utility Authority is the same person as the JaWa/D’Iberville/”Oversights” Scott Walker. Perhaps someone could just ask a few of those attending these meetings if anyone in this picture was pitching for “free” underground mapping on the taxpayer’s dime?

                The phrase “these meetings” because apparently the same Scott Walker who was at the Harrison County Utility Authority Board meeting on July 9, 2009 was at the Hancock County Utility Authority Board meeting on July 8, 2009. Apparently making a similar pitch.

                Some of the details missing from the Harrison County Utility Authority board minutes are filled in by the July 8, 2009 Board Minutes of the Hancock County Utility Authority. The minutes report among other things:

                Request to Address the Board

                Mr. Scott Walker of Geospatial Corporation presented to the Board their plans for an underground digital mapping program for the new infrastructures being installed and funded by the CDBG projects along the Gulf Coast. He explained that this is a ten million dollar project coast wide with two million dollars allocated to Hancock County and would be at no cost to the Authority.

                After the presentation Mr. Walker requested the Board to contact MDEQ if they decided that the program would be something the Authority would be interested in utilizing. Attorney Artigues advised the Board that if they should decide to utilize the program, the contract should specifically state that the Authority would not have to absorb any type of expense.

                Again, see how many names you recognize.

        1. I’m waiting for the CMR poultry cooking photos. That would be great timing for this coming Tuesday swearing in of the new fake Jamie Miller operative Commissioner Mark Havard. Havard has already been the recipient of a Joe Cloyd Boston Whaler view and tour of the red snapper reefs. In his own boat but still enjoyed the “privileges” that Miller and Cloyd afforded him. This Commission will be no different than the old. Just Jamie now having a direct vote.

  8. I guess I am trying to get my simple mind around what appears to be another CDBG shell game that occured involving Scott Walker and others. My first question is who were the others? My second question is the person shown on the SOS business formation paperwork named James Miller, is that DMR Jamie Miller? Third, are any of these same schemers involved in the mapping of Deer Island? Obviously Scott Walker was working for someone when he made the presentations to the utility authorities. He had friends on both boards who were probably influenced by his involvement. There needs to be a movie made about the Gulf Coast and what has happened starting on the day Katrina came ashore. Within days many match stick men arrived and claimed to work for various government agencies. In reality they were nothing more than self serving “business consultants” getting their con on. Mississippi Grifters may be an appropriate name for a movie about these dirty rotten scoundrels

    1. The answer to your second question is that these James M. Miller/Jamie Millers are apparently all one and the same person. Note the mention of Jamie Miller’s previous employment with the City of Pascagoula in this report from when Jamie Miller was named as Rep Palazzo’s chief of staff:

      Palazzo names new chief of staff

      U.S. Rep. Steven Palazzo has promoted Jamie Miller to chief of staff and his spokesman, Hunter Lipscomb, to deputy chief of staff over his district offices in-state.

      Miller, 38, former Pascagoula deputy city manager and coastal ecologist with the Department of Marine Resources, has served as Palazzo’s deputy chief of staff since February, running Palazzo’s district offices in South Mississippi. Miller had also served as a policy adviser to Gov. Haley Barbour after Hurricane Katrina.

      Which seems to match this mention on a GIS trade website in 2003:

      Pascagoula, Mississippi officials uses GIS By Geospatial World -January 14, 2003

      Pascagoula Assistant City Manager Jamie Miller said GIS is a valuable tool for “people making the decisions” to have the best available information at all times. “It’s really incredible. Every time I look at it, something new’s been added,” Pascagoula City Manager Kay Johnson said.

      Geographic Computer Technologies helped Pascagoula design and implement its system and will help the other councils and agencies meet their goals.

      Geographic Computer Technologies? That seems familiar… (See The Second link hotlink at my 5:49 PM comment above.)

      1. We all know that Puhl-a$$-o is Ben Stone’s nephew. Google that name. And, the Tea-partiers are another part of this puzzle since they enabled the Republicans to take over and swarm to the Coast without producing credentials. (Now, we really don’t know who had already served prison time before they converged upon us!! ) They had to learn their grafting/stealing ways somewhere. So, the story begins there (after Trent Lott stepped down and his staff needed jobs and Dub gave old Fat-a$$ control of all of the billions of dollars that was given from the Federal coffers to rebuild the Coast). The flavor of the Coast was ruined forever and sold out to the highest bidder by our own people on the Coast like Billy the Boy, the Walker Clan, the Harris Clan, and too many more to mention. Instead of the Coast being rebuilt like the people wanted it to be, we were forced to accept whatever Contractor that found favor with F@t-a$$ wanted that would overcharge and build ostentatious buildings the we don’t need or want down here. The Fat concrete contractors and elevator contractors all swarmed in for the kill. This is not Washington D.C. (Praise God), and the ones who want it to be like Washington should pack up their happy asses and move up there. It is my opinion that F@t-a$$ has single-handedly ruined our State by opressing our peoples’ wishes and treating the people of the Coast like he treats his people in Yazoo County – like slaves. That is, except for his minion Trudy Fisher, who coincidentally, has left the building.
        It is my opinion that Miller was just looking for an opportunity to better himself in some way and the CONS saw that desire in him and realized that he would do whatever he was told. He hails from a family in the Saucier/McHenry originally and he couldn’t get anywhere when he first worked for the DMR. The CONS needed a patsy with a lambskin and Miller already knew some of the players and he was sucked right into the mess he is in today. It is my opinion, and I feel sure that he will be used as a fall guy in some sort of form or fashion before it is all said and done. And that saying that “I was just doing as I was told” isn’t going to fly for him. It isn’t going to work for the little fat General either. I wonder how many people they will find floating face down before this second part of the DMR saga ends?? Someone mentioned earlier about all of the needless deaths when this all first started.
        Isn’t it amazing that no elected officials, State or Federal, have been indicted so far? What does that tell you?
        There will be a lot of informative information coming out when the Federal lawsuits depositions start. Maybe we will be able to find out the truth when that begins. There are many still working at the DMR who will be forced to testify under oath. Now I know, that since Jamie is such a Christian, that he would not expect those people to lie after swearing on a Bible would he?? Time is getting short and time will tell the tale. Better get all of his buying sprees over with.

        1. Here is another document, I either posted a link to this one or a similar one in the past.


          Page 1
          State Of Mississippi
          Coastal Impact Assistance Plan
          Mississippi Department of Marine Resources
          William W. Walker, Ph.D., Executive Director
          In conjunction with
          Hancock, Harrison and Jackson Counties
          Plan Update 1 (Updated November 2012)
          Mississippi Coastal Impact Assistance Program Plan
          2007 – 2010

          Some items from inside:

          See page 13 for the dolphin prison project CIAP Application For Marine Mammal Program – Dr. William Walker, Moby Solangi, Michaela Hill, Tina Shumate

          See page 46 for the acknowledgements which begin with:

          The State of Mississippi and the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources wish to acknowledge the hard work and commitment of the Hancock, Harrison, and Jackson County Boards of Supervisors, their designated contacts, the members of the CIAP Technical Team, and all participants who have worked together to design this Plan to conserve and improve the health of our coastal ecology. Technical Team members include: Judy Steckler, Dale Diaz, Grant Larsen, Marcia Garcia, Bob Fairbank, Vernon Asper, Jamie Miller, Ann Daigle, Robbie Wilbur, Margaret Bretz, Dave Dennis, Jane Dennis, Scott Walker and Phil Bass and members of Governor Barbour’s staff.

          1. Some of the individuals on this list I really thought had some integrity. I must have been in dreamland, or maybe they didn’t know what they were getting themselves into? Sadly, two of these individuals are no longer with us to share their story.

        2. I’ll just drop this link here.
          Has to do with MS Power’s Kemper Boondoggle.
          Opinion from 2010 at Mississippi Business Journal.

          Mississippi Power Company attorney, Ben Stone, of Balch & Bingham’s Gulfport office, should seriously examine his role as Chairman of the Mississippi Ethics Commission.

          If you are promoting a power plant project that is the best thing since sliced bread for consumers, certainly you shouldn’t have to resort to crafty language and the concealing of information to ram it through for approval.

          So Kemper was a loaf of Wonder Bread?
          Or is is Kemper a slice of boss hog and a slice of subsidy scam for one of the biggest shit sandwichs since Enron?

  9. Many of those named in the CIAP program still work there and use there expertise back then as they do now. Dale Diaz was on the panel that approved the purchase of Tina Schumates parents property and the purchase of Scott Walkers property. Diaz in true Walker style friends and family retired, so he gets a state retirement check, he was rehired by BMR for almost $80,000 contract, and gets a check for being on the Gulf Council. Modeling his career after Greg Denyer. Someone should report him to PEER. He is also the person heading up the Governors Oyster Mafia Council. They even gave a contract to Alabama native Bill Walton to rape the oyster resources in Mississippi for the Governors high paying donors. And don’t forget the Attorney Gererals pervert and Ashley Madison member Sean Morrion leading the charge. I gave even been told that Jamie Miller met with Scott Walker this week to discuss a contract for services on Deer Island. Yes that’s right Your beloved Director met with Scott Walker on the 6th floor in the fancy Art Deco offices. Scott got to wipe his feet on the $2,000 rug and admire the artwork as he waited with Joe Cloyd for his contract. Still trying to figure out how the new transparent DMR is any different than the old Bill Walker DMR. Jamie Miller is a Pallazzoo operative and always will be. The voters put thus Cake eater in office and they bear full responsibility for all his and Millers actions.

  10. The picture we see when we connect the “dots.” Our news media should be investigating and revealing the whole truth. For starters – where’s Trudy Fisher now and where’s all the contractual monies she managed – who were the receipients? And, let’s not forget that the sex-slave operation in the building owned by SRHS trustee Morris Strickland was reportedly under surveillance for 2 years before it was ever “busted.” Why did they wait 2 years? Where’s the “client” list of who came and went? Do you own a building and not know what kind of business is operating out of it? Where’s Tina Shumate and all the rest of those implicated in the previous MDMR corruption – are they back working on contract? Where’s John Dowdy, Chris Lott, Jim Hood and the rest of those that were found in contempt of court for attempting to hide MDMR public records? Why has no one been charged in connection with the missing DOJ and utility monies in BSL? Why did Judge Guirola ignore evidence of wire/mail fraud in the SRHS matter? Why weren’t the judge and parties who met illegally in the SRHS matter held accountable? Questions, questions, questions – but nobody’s asking.

  11. RFP great work! But a true shame in the public legacy that Miller will leave behind. Running his big fat Rupblican lying mouth about truth honesty and transparency. And then engaging in secrete meetings with Mike Cure and Harold Strong and the rest of the seafood mafia to divert public resources into private hands. Creating this fake Governors Oyster Mafia Council and appoint these mob bosses on it to get their personal recommendations to benefit themselves. Richard Gollots kin is married to Mike Cures kin all a conflict of interest. The new Commissioner going out with Joe Cloyd on the DMR sponsored Boston Whaler red snapper Walker style fishing trips. Let someone from the public ask him this question and see if he denies it because we will just publish the pictures. Jamie hides all the Joe Cloyd Adam Dial and Josh Gregory contract on the fake transparency site illegally. Both him and DUFUS HOSEman should be investigated by the FBI for what they are doing on Deer Island. Fake drone fights to repeatedly map what has already been mapped. DUFUS HOSEman is rewriting the preserves rules with the prevert Ashley Morrison attorney from Hoods corrupt office with the pervert from the coastal zone office and will be enforced by the perverts in the marine patrol office. All we need is some perverts from the fishery folks to join in they are too busy colluding with the idiot from Alabama to give away all the public oysters to the Mississippi Mafia. Walton has a contract from the DMR a contract from the state of Alabama and a contract from MS AL Seagrant. All this to oversee the pillaging of the public oysters for private use. Sound familiar? Dale Diaz has retired from DMR and collects a retirement check, he also is hired like Bill Walton under contract for almost $80,000 and gets a big fat check from the Gulf Council for giving us 9 days to fish for red snapper. That makes him one of the highest paid DMR employees ever well other than Greg Denyer who he modeled his thieving careere after. So if the DMR is squeezing the grants out of all the operating money at the direction of the Marine Patrol wrap me around a tree Patrick Lavine aunt Barbara Lavine and DMR is operating in a 2.5 million dollar deficit I’ll give you morons a Lillie operating advice your incompetent CFO can’t. Stop back door giving contract to the Governors favorite donors like Joe Non Profit Cloyd, Adam Can’t Read Dial and Josh Toothless Gregory. Stop purchasing cheat inflated Art Deco art at high prices to satisfy your friend Spraggins retired military friends. Stop purchasing expensive rugs to satisfy your church members businesses. Stop hiring your church members. These people know only how to eat marine resources. Otherwise they couldn’t identify a marine resources if it bit them in the ass. And stop buying all that damn food for your 6th floor staff. That Twinkiee Factory follies could take the stairs and benefit us all. Stop spending beyond your means rather than manilipat the grant system to accommodate your lavish Washington lifestyle. Stop creating burdensome rules and regulations to impress the Jackson idiots but inflect pain and suffering on the innocent DMR employees. They are not your slaves to do with as you wish. Rather they are there to be respected and appreciated. Do that and your leaks might just stop.

    1. PP. I couldn’t help but smile after reading this post. It would be so funny if it wasn’t all true. You need to appeal to the Legislators. They could stop this foolishness but choose to look the other way. I sure hope some indictments come down their way.

  12. Yep that comment about making someone up in Stone County upset is really starting to make a lot of sense. As far as DMR Paid for cellular telephones let me tell you what Jamie Miller Did. He went to Cellular a South and ordered text logs for the employees that have State Cell Phones. Once he seen my number on them I bet he got a little disappointed and betrayed. So he informed all the employees to stop conversing with me. Well guess what Jamie, what are you gonna do about the commercial fisherman and recreational fisherman that still call me every single day almost, to ask for guidance or advice about how you are destroying their Marine Resources??? How about that poor guy back in 2011 that witnessed DMR personal Stealing Crabs from his traps in order to test them for the Oil Spill?? How about you give me a call or be a true leader and tell me what it is that is really bothering you?? We all reap what we see!!!

  13. Mr. Grant –
    Is it legal for Jamie Millier to look at your telephone logs without a court order? And two, why hasn’t someone come forward and told the truth about who stole the crabs and have them prosecuted tot he fullest extent of the law. Does this have anything to do with the crab department head? Who was the head of the crab department at that time. If those were falsely tested crabs, then it could affect a lot of the people of this State’s health!!!
    It appears to me that the only employees who are being promoted or are keeping their jobs there are the ones that are doing crooked things right along with what the 5-man oversight board and the people that follow Jamie Miller. Would you consider that a true statement?? In my opinion, Federal and State leaders are covering up and allowing this to continue to happen. Wonder if they have met Donald Trump yet?? He is no Ted Cruz and won’t play games with them.

    1. No it’s not the logs he was looking at at State Paid for cell phones that employees use for work. Since all these plans are unlimited the employees use them for their personal benefit as well its not like that cost the state anymore money. So Jamie Miller can look at DMR cell phone records all he wants, he’s the director of the DMR. Whether something is illegal or not means nothing to our politically corrupt elected officials. Believe me, everything that everyone’s heard is just the tip of the iceberg. A book will be wrote ” Scamming Magnolias”

      1. You have very Ms. Mona been going on for years. That’s my point I was asked recently to do unusually highly questionable acts by one person and one person only. I took up for myself, and that’s risky when you’re a time-limited employee, with no MS personnel board protection.

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