14 thoughts on “Special Meeting of the Bay St Louis City Council on Tap for This Evening”

  1. What last ditch tactics will Les and Raff have tonight to save their fiefdom? Bring your popcorn!

  2. It seems the Mayor did not receive appropriate notice of the meeting because the Council Clerk forgot to put the notice on the Council Chamber door when she left on Friday afternoon. She did send an email out to all of Council, Mayor, and attorney Saturday morning. However, the State Open Meetings Law requires the notice on the door of the building in which the public body meets. Actually the email reaches more citizens than walk through the Council Chamber, but the law is the law. The email is just a courtesy from the clerk to interested citizens.
    It is a glimmer of hope though that we have discovered a law the Mayor doesn’t mind obeying. If the Council can just get him to follow the laws that dictate how to spend the public’s money, they will have cleared a huge hurdle. My guess is he’ll continue to pick and choose which statutes are convenient to him!
    Stay tuned for the meeting date. It has only been postponed, not cancelled.

    1. Turns out my son’s timing was impeccable after all. :mrgreen:

      Just a hunch but I wonder if there has been some kind of Come to Jesus moment at City Hall. We’ll see.

  3. As I said what last ditch effort will they come up with. I suspect that Raff has posed his questions to get an opinion he wants I as many variables as he can which he has done time and again. Although, he tries to act in the best interest of the citizens. He is a fraud of justice and needs to stay in the criminal defense mode wher he is best suited. Why does the city need a “Can you prove it” attorney? That is for the guilty not us regular citizens that expect fair and honest results! Raff n Les high five when they screw us! If this is not correct I will retract it!

  4. Do you think les is going to let Raff slide away without struggle? Hell no he will not give up his tax payer funded defense. Since he (Raff) was put on salary his performance has been deplorable. Ask any council person with the exception of Wendy. He now only works on His and Les’s agenda. Even Bobby C. Has to agree. The whole Raff and Les deal is exposed. He has to go. They can’t make a legitimate argument. Lil Les Daddy Said has abused an mismanaged rental property till we have to out source it. Everyone who has been associated with them is tainted. But being good southern people we can say….Bless their Hearts? Haha they made themselves a joke. We just gave them enough rope!

  5. What is wrong with that Secretary? She knows every meeting, especially a special one, is important and should make sure the proper paperwork is either hand delivered or emailed as per the guidelines she has to follow.
    This is not a game, people make special provisions to attend the meeting and not expect to be turned away. Absolutely no regard for other people.

  6. Outraged,
    There is nothing wrong with the Clerk. She made a mistake. I can relate to it because I make them all the time.
    There was no malice involved.
    What she did or forgot to do when she left work pales in comparison to what goes on across the street!
    Knowing her she feels worse about it than anyone.
    Let’s stay focused on the real issues.

  7. OSA being called back in!!!!
    Somebody is going to have to start paying for their own legal fees it looks like.

    1. That some one is Lesley Filingame. He may have cronies in that legal need. I would suspect he does. He can no longer manage the City. He has lost Moral authority by his and the counsellors motto ” They Can’t Prove It”! That’s what you get from a rogue regime! Saddam Huessein, Mussolini, and many others they have a common trait! The Truth is not in them!

  8. You have:
    Crooked Hilliary
    Lying les
    Fore Skin Rafferty: He has made it clear that he feels that who ever has the biggest penis wins in a small town. He is now down to the fore skin!

    He (Big Raff pulled pig pork barrel Sandwich) tried to prosecute a friend of mine for 6 months in jail for what he called a disruption of a council meeting! He is a hot air bag! He was over cooked tonight and should not be allowed in another meeting! Should have been shown the door. I believe that was his last hurrah!

    The Regime is fragmented! They can no longer suppress their enemies! It is called being exposed! He can go back to representing “twisted Sister” against the main stream of society!

    Put a fork in his fat ass…..he is over done!

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