Why I personally don’t trust the national media to cover POTUS 2016 straight

Everyone has an opinion, even the Op-Ed folks at WaPo but I’ve never been much on media fawning, especially over politicians. It appears the folks over at the Intercept aren’t much on fawning over politicians either.

6 thoughts on “Why I personally don’t trust the national media to cover POTUS 2016 straight”

  1. Doug you are right bro’ and also don’t trust Internet search engines to provide unbiased views on the candidates for POTUS.

    Heard last night that several media experts are all alledging that in addition to Facebook being prejudice in favor of candidate Hillary that the Google search engine is also prejudiced in favor of Hillary.

    Mentioned in these reports is fact that if you enter ” Hillary indi” into Google you receive basically one lead reference of “Hillary in India “. Whereas if you enter same phases into Bing or Yahoo engines you get many leads of “Hillary indicted etc”.Course the CEO of Google, who is a democrat and Hillary supporter, claims Google algorithms are not rigged to be prejudiced in favor of Hillary by hiding negative stories against Hillary.It has been previously reported and questioned by the media why have Google reps been visitors to the White House hundreds of times in the Obama administration?

    I dare all Hillary supporters to type above mentioned phrases into each Internet search engines and judge first hand if Google is protecting negative stories against candidate Hillary from being viewed?

    1. After Sunday’s massive Pulse inhuman carnage by Radical Islamic terrorist, the pro-Clinton/Obama controlled MEDIA will be spinning the “gun” and LGBT “hate” causes and not asking the big question- why the Democrats’ leaders won’t say those infamous words, “Radical Islamic terrorists”.

      The repeative reason given by the Obama/Clinton spin doctors not to say those truthful words- ‘….. because we need the Muslim citizens and other nations like Saudi Arabia to work with us in the fight against ISIS ‘- and that theorem is proven to be un- patriotically, Pro-Muslim and total socialist, propaganda BS from the following reasoning:

      1. Did the terrorist’s father, who is from Afghanistan and who has posted on line statements in favor of the Taliban( absolutely frickin’ Radical Islamic terrorists), cooperate with authorities to prevent his son’s attack? The answer is hell no, and now he says he wants to know WHY his son did this ( like the father doesn’t know he inherited radical views from him). He and the shooters mother again did not tip off authorities. Just like the neighbors and Muslim mother of the San Bern,Caif. shooters did not call authorities that the terrorists were making bombs in the house. And did the San Bern or Orlando terrorists’ Mosque leaders call U.S. authorities and prevent the attacks? Hell no! Are Muslims marching in their streets condemning the Radical Islamic terrorists ? Did the shooters girl friend, who observed the Orlando shooter’s disgust and reaction when he saw two gays kiss in public, call authorities about his pro- Radical Islamic views/threats? These BS thoughts of Muslim cooperation is the biggest myth ever perpetrated on the American people by the Democrats !

      2. It is now fact that the national PC BS propaganda machine, opining that we should not think bad thoughts/prejudice against the Muslim religion and the radical “killing” of infidels under Sharia law in the Koran, was the very reason the national security company, GT4?, which had employed the Orlando shooter and holds security contracts from the U.S. Homeland Dept. to protect nuclear reactors, did not fire the Orlando shooter, i.e. because he was Muslim. Is there something wrong here with the U.S. Homeland Dept. granting contracts to companies who employ Muslims, especially those who have been interviewed by the FBI for suspicions of terrorist activity and recently traveled to Saudi Arabia two times ? Yet the company says they were afraid of the PC police to fire the Orlando Muslim shooter despite other employees leaving the company because of the shooter’s dangerous expressed thoughts/behavior.

      What happened in Orlando should be truthfully described very soon by the Republicans and other patriotic Americans for what it is- the illegal application of Sharia Law in America by Radical Islamic terrorists against the LGBT community, plain and simple.

      Will the LGBT community now revolt against their politico friendly Democratic party leaders who have enabled this massacre and others to happen? Hell no, and until the LGBT think independently on their feet and revolt against the lyin’ Democrats’ PC BS they will probably suffer unfortunately in future events where Sharia Law is applied against them by Radical Islamic terrorists.

  2. The big, compassion Orlando gay guy with the straw hat and wearing the American flag who helped so many victims has already bought into the Clinton/Obama BS propaganda and just stated to Fox news that it was not a Muslim Radical Islamic terror attack but pure “hatred” for the LGBT community.

    Wrong, think again gay sheeple it was the illegal implementation of Sharia Law ( which calls for death to all non-believers of Radical Islam including death to gays, lesbians, whores, thieves and other acts of immorality) by a Radical Islamic terrorist.

    This is a Holy War-and lifting of God’s veil of protection on America per rabbi/pastor Johnathan Cahn , the author of Spiritual book The Harbinger , and who gave the Spiritual speech of the millennium at a prayer breakfast in January 2013 at Obama’s inaugural.


    1. Its a tried and true PR maneuver framing a complex series of events in a simplistic, misleading way way in order to package and sell it to the public. It worked in Mississippi with the couching of a law that deprives people of their constitutional rights in terms of “religious freedom” and it may well work with the mass shooting in Orlando. We’ll see.

      ISIS did not have to plan and order this attack to bear some responsibility for it. All it takes is a message that resonates with a member of the lunatic fringe to incite someone to such horrific violence.

      As we’ve been reminded by elements of the media’s left wing time and again is there is little tolerance for homosexuality in the middle east where the punishments are draconian-medieval. Not long ago an accused homosexual was pushed off the top of a several story high building while tied to a chair. Its barbaric.

      The shooters dad is making crazy videos targeted to an Afghani audience that evidently included Anti-American rhetoric. I imagine the household was not a model of the type of tolerance most kids are taught these days in the US. Couple that with some mental health issues, the power of suggestion and massacres like the Pulse shooting happen. From the standpoint of the shooter, attacking American Citizens indulged his personal hatred of gays so much the better.

      What worries me is that is in the aftermath of these attacks there is invariably a push to take away more of our civil liberties in the name of security and I’m not taking about gun control as much as I am the mislabeled Patriot act.

      This is a terrible tragedy. To spin it to suit a political end (that observation includes Donald Trump) is beyond vile.


    There are many people in media who think Obama is still a Muslim. Since Hillary has caved and finally referred to the Orlando massacre as Radical Islamic terrorism, Obama a few days ago seriously challenged the media, the GOP, Trump, terrorism experts and everyone as to why and to what benefit is there for him to say those certain words. A question which needs to be asked is does he still think he must defend his past religion by avoiding even the slightest indication that there are thousands of radical. Orthodox Muslim that kill in the name of Islam and ISIS.

    This is the weirdest thing for a president of America to be afraid to use certain adjectives involving a religion which was the religion of his young life up to 1987-88 when he says he became a Christian at the altar and through Rev. Wright in Chicago.

    There are media internet articles which lend support to possibility that he never totally renounced his Muslim beliefs:


    Even Rev. Wright is not sure Obama totally denounced all Muslim beliefs:


    Since he wants to bring thousands of undocumented Syrian refugees , who are 99% Muslim which the Homeland Security, FBI and CIA all say there is no way to tell if any among them are hidden terrorists,to America and Hillary wants to multiply that number by five fold; maybe a news reporter needs to seriously ask Obama has he has ever totally renounced all his Muslim beliefs and if so when and before what Church leader.

  4. As Trump has said many times “the fix is in”.

    Clinton is interviewed on Saturday ( doesn’t government FBI agents get holiday) before a big national holiday then first day holiday has ended the decision not to procecute Hillary is announced the morning before Obama and Hillary appear on the campaign stage together.

    This poor country is under the control of the Washington establishment to the point that in a few years you will not be able to distinguish Russia from America. May God have Mercy on America.

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