Comments at about fatal Lamborghini crash allegedly reveal the name of the driver

There are facts and then there are what is known as journalistic facts. The former is true dat while the latter is often a contrived fantasy. That said I’ll give a tip of the hat to Emily Lane of for using a trick that Slabbed used to identify the NOLA JD Mystery John. In chronological order two links:

Lamborghini crash victim identified by Orleans Parish coroner ~ Emily Lane, May 5, 2016

No charges yet for Lamborghini’s driver in fatal crash on Tchoupitoulas ~ Emily Lane, May 11, 2016

On the first story commenter rosebud1 identified the driver in comments. The guy must be seriously politically connected because toxicology results come back far quicker than the NOPD is claiming and the local legal profession is beginning to agitate. Prodded by the story’s commenters to yesterday’s story, MS. Lane disclosed an hour or so ago that NOLA had reached out to a 30 year old named Jason Christopher Adams for comment on the persistent allegations he was the driver involved in the fatal crash. This is one of those situations where if the man wasn’t involved, while he certainly has the right to remain silent, he’d be a damn fool to do so. I recommend keeping an eye peeled on Emily Lane to see what they come up with at NOLA.

23 thoughts on “Comments at about fatal Lamborghini crash allegedly reveal the name of the driver”

    1. “..driving at a high rate of speed…..”

      Noticing photos the vehicle hit a curb and continued in an exact straight line indicates great inertia so comment of “driving at a high rate of speed” is an understatement by the NOPD and the two months for blood toxicology is a overstatement…. so taken together…..means the NOPD is probably in protection mode protecting a man/family with a plan to possibly protect his business with a continued income flow and time allowing for legal maneuvering for bankruptcy/asset protection….

      To own and experience driving such a vehicle is a privilege and pleasure but to race it on city streets to make egotistical impressions is pure stupidity and deserving of long imprisonment together with a sizable, civil liability death claim so said privileged driver will never again be able to drive another similar vehicle until his impressionist personality/testosterone levels have tanked.

      Judging from NOPD protection mode would not surprise me if driver falsely testifies that the deceased young lady told him to ‘floor it’ for her adrenaline satiation.

  1. The Elite Southern Realty website that was active on the web earlier today and mentioned in the NOLA comments as alledgely connected to driver is now”temporarily unavailable”.

    Wow, the attorneys for the unknown driver have huddled up for one week formulating a defense.Can’t wait to hear this Chappaquick story…… Run off the road by another motorist making an illegal violation……foot/accelerator got caught in floor mat……was being chased by a car with blacks threatening to shoot if he didn’t pulll over in an attempted car jacking ??? Then there is the recent discovered rare medical syndrome called “auto brewing” where a chronic overload of G.I. yeast produces alcohol which is absorbed and makes a non-drinking patient drunk with a high blood alcohol level.

    Maybe just maybe there are other women and/or men who knowing the driver’s past wreck less driving habits would come forward to comment on this information ….. but with no driver name this can’t happen can it NOPD and NOLA .org?

    This case is definitely on course to compete with the rediculous case of the Texas juvenile driver who killed 4 people and got probation because of the infamous ” parentally spoiled” syndrome defense.

    1. Comments <a href="posted at NOLA but which will probably be deleted reference an Elite Investment Group LLC which apparently at one time had names such as a Lambo driver and a certain uptown doctor also in the news lately associated with it.

      An interesting connection, folks, up until today the doc was an agent on Elite Investment Group LLC, along with the alleged driver of that Lambo that was involved in a fatal wreck last week. According to the LA Sec of State, there was a filing today that removed doc and replaced him with the alleged driver. Coincidence ?

      I didn’t succeed in verifying those claims, but turned up another entity with the same names. Compare the SOS filing from prior to sometime today with the current filing which was posted today at the SOS.

  2. The whole story is in the Advocate, ID’ing the driver (Adams), his attorney, his business, his political contribs, comments from his and her “sides,” etc. Apparently, her family knew him and knew it was him driving.

    1. 30 year old real estate investor driving a leased Lambo…

      ” Campbell said of Adams, whom she described as a native New Orleanian and self-made businessman.”

      Uh huh.

      I suppose it’s possible he’s self made. I just need to see a few more things explained before I buy that.

      1. Leasing (or buying) a Lamborghini and driving it around in New Orleans doesn’t sound like something “old New Orleans” would do; it sounds like a nouveau riche thing. I’m going to guess if he isn’t “self-made,” mommy and/or daddy are. Plus, we aren’t talking all THAT much money to lease a car, even a Lamborghini.

        1. It just looks like this guy has way too many connections for a 30 yo self made guy in RE.

          It’s RE for fuks sakes. How many ways are there to get yooge in RE like the Donald without capital, connections or both?

          1. In the NOLA area, real estate prices have been steadily increasing, esp. in the areas being “gentrified.” And NOLA pols are pretty cheap. It may not be the driver’s pull, it may be his lawyer’s. It wouldn’t take all that many house-flip/small commercial deals to afford a Lamborghini lease and then, a connected lawyer when you wrap it around your girlfriend at 100-plus MPH. True, you might go through all you just made doing it, but folks blowing it all quickly is pretty common among the “got rich quick” crowd, whatever the source of the money.

          2. rfp:

            Your expert insight caused you to state:
            “I just need to see a few more things”……..
            ‘has too many connections for 3o yr.old ….to be a self- made man’…..

            I’m sure before its all said and done Steven De Bosier, attorney for victim, will peal back the onion to the time before Adam became a so-called, self- made man.

            My insight:
            If he loaned/gave the NOLA coroner $15,000 for his campaign ( whose help he probably didn’t anticipate ever needing) what did he do for the other state/NOLA politicos he’s most likely to need in his exciting”elite” daily life ( like right NOW!) ?

            1. Yeah. It’s the apparent magnitude of political connections and donations that make me wonder just how self made this guy really is.

              This guy figured out RE and politics at the same time? Has time for a marriage, wife and kids too?


  3. Holy Adams Family Tree, Batman:

    Besides the love of Zooom Zooom the Lambo Adams and the race car driving,charity giving Adams seem to possess similar modus operandi of attempting to remove/shelter their names/identities from embarrassing, horrific situational experiences.

    However, once Telemachus-like, experienced genealogy investigators start working the NOLA /BR obituaries the area Adams’ family trees maybe stripped clean of their fruit for sinful journalistic consumption.

      1. I was pretty sure what I smelled, the smell of guanxi.

        Axis Ventures registered with the SOS on 2/20/2015.

        Now taking bets on either a juicy government contract or no visible means of support.

        vote below!

        1. Rfp:

          Before voting: Anytime there is tons of money being thrown around recklessly,political connections, protected blowhards and big real estate purchases/investments how about the possibility of diverted foreign money investments through American corporations and American CEOs.

          Think the Bushes and their super rich,privileged foreign Saudis friends but on a much smaller scale. Many Bid Laden related families lived/invested in the U.S. and were shipped out on military transports post 9/11 when there were no domestic/international flights flying.

          In defense of Doctor’s alleged charge of child pornography it is fact that some adult porn websites contain sometimes several under age pictures of females which is unknown when one clicks on an adult female porn site.However, if there are separate private pictures of underage children on one’s computer which were privately exchanged via web then that is another indefensible,separate criminal situation.

          Still waiting for a Telemachus – like obituary expert to see who the driver is related too in La. so we can understand why the driver immediately hid his identity and business relationships.

          1. Your first and second paragraphs would convert to a vote for “no visible means of support” rather than “juicy government contract” imo.

            What the cajun translation for guanxi?

            Pretty sure with the nature of the scrubbing and the common last name doing the geneological research the old fashioned way may be needed.

            1. why the driver immediately hid his identity and business relationships.

              Maybe the blog op will supply some info on how much business Axis Ventures LLC would need to be doing to carry two Huracans on the books. There used to be limits on what could be expensed…but BOBBY JINDAHL!!!!

            2. rfp:
              “What is cajun translation for guanxi” ?

              If your term “guanxi” is same as guano then the cajun translation is simple…..


              translation is “Hillary”

              1. Here’s an explanation of the chinese word guanxi. I’ve heard “social grease” and “business lube” as the two word explainer.

                Chinese Business Culture Guanxi, An Important Chinese Business Element

                “Guanxi” literally means “relationships”, stands for any type of relationship. In the Chinese business world, however, it is also understood as the network of relationships among various parties that cooperate together and support one another. The Chinese businessmen mentality is very much one of “You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.” In essence, this boils down to exchanging favors, which are expected to be done regularly and voluntarily. Therefore, it is an important concept to understand if one is to function effectively in Chinese society.

                The importance of “Guanxi”

                Regardless of business experiences in ones home country, in China it is the right “Guanxi” that makes all the difference in ensuring that business will be successful. By getting the right “Guanxi”, the organization minimizes the risks, frustrations, and disappointments when doing business in China. Often it is acquiring the right “Guanxi” with the relevant authorities that will determine the competitive standing of an organization in the long run in China. And moreover, the inevitable risks, barriers, and set-ups you’ll encounter in China will be minimized when you have the right “Guanxi” network working for you. That is why the correct “Guanxi” is so vital to any successful business strategy in China.

              2. Rfp:

                Ok, well the Cajun translation for “relationships” is still “Hillary” which is also synonymus with guano from a non- transparent cave.

                Takin’ bout relationships : Bill’s girl friend ,which his S.S agents calls his “Energizer Bunny” , received , as a 1/3 partner in an insulating company , a 2 MILLION grant from the Clit Foundation and an additional $700,000 grant from the Federal Government !

                Can’t wait till Energizer Bunny goes to Washington and Bill orders some premium , long smokin’ Cuba cigars and a gross of plastic raincoats for his White House staff bunnies to wear so DNA can’t land on their clothes.

                Yep , Bill will be stimulatin’ the country’s economy along with the WH’s staff gentalia and issuing many secret executive orders to Stanley Steamer to remove stains on Hillary’s Presidential Seal rug.

  4. Just wondering if Hillary doesn’t get indicted and beats Trump what will Bubba’s position be called by the press?

    First Man?- don’t think so. First Ex-Pres. Rapist? No, too harsh!?
    How bout First Philandering Man? Now dat rings true!

    Can visualize the Washington Post headlines now-“First Philandering Man Playing Doctor Wit Energizer Bunny”

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