16 thoughts on “”

  1. Here’s some news/info/rumor some folks might be interested in:

    First, here are Jackson County’s delegates to the MS State GOP convention. Many of the names will be familiar:

    Delegates: Jeanne Luckey, Brian Sanderson, Denise Doyle, Joe Cloyd, Sandra McKiernon, Mark Cumbest, Ray Brown, Mary Martin, Josh Eldridge, Heath Hillman, Tony Lawrence, Haley Martin, Alwyn Luckey and Tommy McKiernon

    Alternates: Randy Doyle, Charles Busby, Brad Patano, Brice Wiggins, Troy Ross, Spencer Garrett, Vivian Dailey, Carol Ann Wilkerson, John Wiley Clark, Hank Zuber, Michael Watson, Jeremy England and Tommie Yanik.

    Noticeably missing from the list are people like Robbie Maxwell’s son Dane, who is/was Trump’s MS state director. Maybe he is part of another county’s group – Joe Cloyd is listed as a Harrison County member, but he is/was? a Jackson County resident and apparently, a Jackson County delegate. I haven’t seen a list of Harrison or Hancock delegates.

    Here’s some of the rumor part:

    A friend up north suggests that Trump and a lot of his people are not “forgive and forget” types when it comes to the state-level pols who they know, think or suspect helped the “Dump Trump” stuff in any way (or even simply sat on the sidelines), ala Joe Nosef and the rest of the bunch. I notice Palazzo endorsed Trump about 2 nanoseconds after Ted dropped out, as did Phil. From what I’ve heard, Trump will certainly take their endorsements and votes, but among other things, especially given his troubles in Florida, he isn’t fond of nouveau riche rednecks trying to ooze up to him when it means they can get into his pockets, but being out of pocket when things require them to step up.

    With Hilary, clearly it will be purely transactional, but she cannot afford to get too cozy or helpful with white redneck looters, esp. those who pass stupid shit like 1523 and cut tax-funded benefits to black folks, but allow tax dollar looting by a bunch of white boys so they can buy bigger boats and build bigger, tackier homes.

    In other words, be it the Donald OR the Hildebeast, lots of MS GOP crackers are likely to be strongly out of favor. When folks are looking at stark realities they often do very strange things. Look out.

    1. Maybe your friend read something like this?

      “Mr. Trump, who has put a lot of his own money into his campaign, had been asked about the prospect of welcoming support from super PACs heading forward into the general election.

      “I’m going to be making a decision over the next week. The question is, I do love self-funding. I don’t want anything for myself, but we do need money for the party. The party will come together,” he said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

      “I don’t think it’s imperative that the entire party come together,” he continued. “I don’t want everybody. I don’t even want certain people that were extraordinarily nasty. Let them go their own way.”

      “Let them wait eight years, or let them wait 16 years or whatever, because I think we’re going to have a great success against probably Hillary because the system is totally rigged against Bernie — I mean totally rigged against him,” he said.”

      1. My friend was not basing it on anything he read – his information was first-hand (no, not from the Donald, but from folks in the circle). That doesn’t make it absolutely reliable, and I’m a second-hand relay of it, but I’d say it is makes sense and is credible. I will say this: none of the above care one way or the other that it is being discussed, and I was not asked to discuss it (or refrain from discussing it, either).

    2. “nouveau riche rednecks” “white redneck looters” “bunch of white boys” “MS GOP crackers”—-my spider senses tell me there is a little racism and hatred involved in this rant! Personally, I am very offended by the use of such derogatory terms; heaven forbid someone make a comment regarding the other race making up almost a 50% majority in MS (poor Trent). Your theory might not be so offensive if there were actually a multitude of the people you are actually speaking of. I do believe the average redneck, white, cracker in MS is far from part of this good ole boy club; probably like 1% of the white population. However, I am interested in what black-only benefits you speak of being cut(“cut tax-funded benefits to black folks”). Last time I checked, tax-funded benefits were for everyone who are eligible, but, maybe I am wrong. Maybe these benefits should be set aside for people who pay taxes? Another tidbit for you, the majority of the people you are speaking of are a part of another good ole boy club, University of Mississippi, Ole Miss, Rebels, Black Bears, Landsharks, whatever…..how in the world do so many white, redneck crackers come out of that neo-liberal school that has removed all remembrances of white people, all references to Christ and even got rid of a mascot that is used by many other colleges nationwide…..hmmm, or maybe you should realize that the dividing line is $$$$$ versus $….

      1. You don’t have be black to recognize a redneck cracker when you see one. One might observe that you thinking that I am black shows your racism, not mine. As far as the tax cuts, take school funding: it screws over black kids in Jackson public schools a whole lot more than kids at Jackson Academy or down on the coast, it hurts Moss Point kids a lot more than OLV kids (or even Ocean Springs kids). And lastly, I really don’t care what “color” folks think my skin might be – I’m very comfortable in it.

        1. AH HA….you thinking I thought you were black is just as racist….slipper slope. I did not say anywhere in my post that you were black, brown or anything else, just making racist, offensive and derogatory comments….
          You are comparing a private schools to public and cutting school funding???? You will have to be a little more specific than that. Jackson Academy is not a “white only” school, sorry. If you have the $$ to send your kid there, then you can. If you think that your kid deserves to be at Jackson Academy, then go out and earn the $$ to send him/her there; don’t expect tax dollars to pay for it. It sounds like you are in favor of a school voucher system, which is definitely contradictory to your obvious political and social beliefs. Lastly, school systems receive some funding from property taxes, so, wouldn’t you expect more $$ in an area like ocean springs, versus Terry?? The public school system is already set up to favor minorities, so, your obvious failure to take advantage of the policies just shows your laziness or ignorance. For example, in Covington County, MS, they have a completely discriminatory policy (majority to minority transfer) that allows students who are a majority in one high school to be publicly funded (transportation, food, etc) to attend a school where he/she is the minority. This was shot down by the state, but continues on anyway. Black students are considered a majority at Mount Olive High School (even though black is a minority nationwide, still haven’t figured that out yet), so, the school system pays for black students in Mount Olive to be transported to Seminary High School (majority white) daily, to include transportation for sporting events. I could go on and on using other examples, but it is pointless….reparations has no limit.

          1. OK, whatever wild assumptions you want to rant. I am surprised you didn’t address what flavor of ice cream I “obviously” prefer or whether or not I “obviously” choose Coke over Pepsi.

  2. The Board of Supervisors in Jackson County needs to establish rules of order if they haven’t previously. If they have not, they need to resolve to subscribe to some system of rules and procedure, publish it, and learn it.

    It seems strange that a trustee of Signing River could also own a hospice which is a direct competitor to Singing River’s Hospice of Light as well as a pharmacy which competes with Singing River’s outpatient pharmacy.

  3. Only in Mississippi could this happen! They will conveniently claim they did not know the rules of the game. But is there anyone else qualified in Moss Point?

    1. Don’t for a moment think there aren’t highly-qualified candidates for doing such things all over the state and even more folks ready, willing and able to learn how to do it. Every county in MS fills all sorts of boards, commissions and councils year after year with folks who regularly prove their immense qualifications for the task and manages to send a host of folks on up to the state level. Then, the people of Mississippi come together and elect a whole bunch of folks who prove their state-level qualifications and thus far, the people of Mississippi are nearly 100% successful in electing such folks. Not surprising when you think about it: how hard is it to steal when almost no one is paying any attention?

  4. Today’s Streisand Effect fail of the day- Leicester City Star Christian Fuchs Threatens Observer

    “We’re not removing shit.”

    I think they call them overpaid and underskilled wankers over there.

    Meanwhile, below is the Observer’s response, in full, approved to send by the Observer’s lawyer, Robert Garson, who is not only Managing Partner of GS2Law, but a Brit himself.

    Dear Mr. Yates:

    It is no longer well known that British control of New York City didn’t end until the very last days of the Revolutionary War in 1783. Since then, however, we Americans no longer take orders from you, or from your entitled, swaggering clients. We congratulate Mr. Fuchs on his club’s amazing success this year. But we won’t be adding “intimidating a website into unpublishing protected speech” to his list of victories.

    We shall also be publishing a follow-up story noting that you’ve threatened our reporter with your jerkoff language: “We strongly urge you not to underestimate our clients resolve in pursuing this matter.” According to our lawyer, no American court will order any form of damages to be awarded by this surreptitious attempt at colonialism by lawfare. I shall be in London in a couple weeks, in case you need to alert the authorities.

    Meanwhile, you allude to the matter being so private that even the footballer’s children have not been told yet. While we congratulate the Fuchs children on being Observer readers, we cannot help but wonder if the real irritant here is that Mr. Fuchs’ employer and teammates found out about his purchase from reading the Observer.

    Sincerely, Ken Kurson

    As these British wankers wanted this story deleted from the internet, I recommend that everyone read the story and circulate the link widely before it is too late!


  5. Here’s more possibly interesting news: Dick Cheney and Bob Dole they they will support Trump as nominee, but Jeb and both Georges say no, along with Graham. Clearly, Dole and George the 1st are well out of day-to-day politics because of age and Graham doesn’t matter outside of S. Carolina (as his presidential campaign quickly proved), but the Bush boys and Cheney splitting up is telling.

    Here’s the rumor: Cheney and Dole have no more “nests to feather” and are GOPers to the core. The Bushes are understandably pissed at Trump for a whole host of things said during the campaign, and at the end of the day, don’t really need anything from Washington or pols in general. The Bushes (similar to Trump) never liked the southern redneck crowd (the Trents, Haileys, Rick Perrys, Sessions, Vitters, etc.) either, but “did bidness” with them because it was a political necessity of the time. The Bushes are basically washing their hands, at least publicly, of the whole situation. Many of the southern redneck crowd, including MS’s Byrant, Palazzo, Lott, etc., have either endorsed or at least “support” Trump, who, along with his family and close associates, thinks of them as a bunch of crooked racist anti-Semitic homophobic white trash rednecks who “have no class.” Hillary’s opinion is pretty similar, and her supporters in the region are the precise folks the rednecks oppose. I suspect that no matter which way the next POTUS, Senate and House elections go, the chances of a boon period from the Fed trough for MS, AL, LA or Carolinas GOP pols are diminishing daily.

    1. Sure there might be some friction between the Northern families and the Southern families, but this isn’t the first time. Keep in mind it is all about money; making our money their money. An invite for The Donald and Melania to the Redneck Yacht Club for a weekend of mud boggin drinking and eatin could be all that’s needed to put the tars back on.

      They could mix in some good campaign tips.

      Show him what a walking taco is so he doesn’t have to mess with them fruity type takeout taco bowls! At least you don’t have to warn him not to pour his beer into a glass b4 drinking it.

      1. With Trump, it isn’t all about money, it is about “status” – he’s a social-climbing snob and he doesn’t see southern rednecks as anything more than useful servants, certainly not worth any form of real inclusion. Sure, he cares about money, but because he thinks it makes him “more equal” with those “old money blue bloods” he desperately wants to be. As far as he and the Mrs. mud-bogging with the rednecks, etc., yeah, good luck with that. And he has no need to – with the Dem being either Clinton or Sanders, he doesn’t need to even acknowledge that MS is a state and he’ll take MS.

        The Bushes are sort of “old-ish” money with “blue-ish” blood – Kennebunkport-meets-Crawford – but are comfortable enough in their skin to not worry about it. They simply don’t like white trash rednecks (or social-climbing Trump types) and they have enough money. Oh, sure, more would be nice, but not if it means getting too cozy with Trumps or rednecks.

        Hillary is clearly a money-grubbing amoral creature, but like Trump, status and the feeling of “power” are even more important than any particular “deal” – deals are always there, but opportunities for “status boosts” are few and far between. For the Clintons, it is the Kennedy family, and Kennedys would always take _the appearance_ of helping the black folks out over dealing fully with southern rednecks. Oddly, the Jack-Ted-Bobby generation of Kennedys were about the same new-money-ish, 1-2 generations removed from shady money-making as Trump or his children.

        At the end of the day, there is very, very little that the Haleys, the Trents, the TaterStacys, etc. have to offer any of the possibles, but have high potential for all sorts of embarrassing f-ups, be it idiotic attempts at banning gay marriage, bathroom bullshit, no wedding cakes for lesbians or just being their own racist homophobic redneck white trash selves, skimming redneck glories like RVs and trips to Disney from their campaign funds.

  6. And yet another shoe drops for Jackson County:

    Some might find it interesting how a Jackson County dude – Harvey Milam – was able to get involved with a half-assed Panama law firm specializing in hanky-panky to attempt to hide a multi-million dollar insurance scam/bankruptcy, esp. considering his family history and own younger years suggested much different crimes, and little self-produced success, in his future.

    Here is a starting point for anyone interested: 601 F.3d 319 (5th. Cir.), 2010 WL 961613 – Milam’s attorneys are interesting, including Jeffrey Barber (now Jones, Walker was Watkins).

    Slabbed/Doug, you might want to give this one its own post/topic.

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