Harbor Fest-Gate: Never a dull moment in the Bay

I understand Hizzoner and the City Comptroller were MIA at last night’s Bay City Council meeting, perhaps because the Office of the State Auditor has summoned the City Council to a meeting tomorrow, where the rumor mill holds the boom will be lowered on the Mayor and his history, habit and practice of ignoring the home rule statute. We’ll see.

Meantime Harbor Fest promoter Michael Rosato announced last month the dates of the 2016 Bay Harbor Fest, an annual festival that has been heavily promoted in the local media but which has massive problems the least of which was last year’s Greg Allman set, which was delayed several hours.  The bigger problems to holding this year’s event appear to be twofold:

  1. Rosato still owes the City money for last year’s event.
  2. Rosato evidently owes the festival’s vendors money from last year as those following along last night on Twitter witnessed:

Now given how Hizzoner handles the City’s finances, I can understand the attraction to the event’s promoter but the City doesn’t do itself any favors holding a money losing music festival. Stay tuned.

19 thoughts on “Harbor Fest-Gate: Never a dull moment in the Bay”

  1. They have left a line of people waiting on money. It has affected other events in how they secure vendors and services. The first question you get is do you have anything to do with Harbor Fest because they me money. He just uses different vendors each year.

  2. So, is it an accident that a citizen that Mike was scheduled at the 10 o’clock hour? A citizen asked that he be invited to speak at the meeting, like they invited & chastised Crusin’ the Coast. Where do they put him & Vacation Rentals … at the slam end of the agenda …. hhhmmm

  3. He should not be allowed to have any more functions in the City until he pays all of his financial obligations to the city and vendors. Actually, since the City should have an idea of costs to him, he should pay up front before any functions. Problem Solved !!

  4. Crooked Clinton or Crooked Lesbo- Crooked Clinton or Crooked Lesbo- Crooked Clinton or Crooked Lesbo?

    Which one is more crooked? Cast yo’ vote NOW. You can give reasons if desired’

    Me tinks I’m votin’ Crooked Lesbo done bees mo’ crooked cause even dem Clintons’ govment paid dere bills.

  5. The mayor said the auditor’s are incompetent, wow, what a delusional confused poor dumbass he is. I like the hiring freeze the council put in place last night, good job guys.

  6. Like John Wayne said in a movie……Life is hard but if you are stupid it gets real hard!

    He thumbed his nose at the Council, OSA, FBI. Now that is stupid. The only thing more stupid than that was taking Legal Advice from the City Attorney!

    1. What else he got left?

      A financial genius, unappreciated by his lessers, held back from making and remaking OS into the hottest thing since sliced bread…

  7. The mayor is not a bad guy, he just makes horrible decisions. Especially when hiring employees for the city. Convicted drug dealers for first responders, chiefs that can’t lead, building official who can’t spell, one who amazenly ‘ gotten fired from the county, a sibling over facility rental who lost her own house and the list goes on. The only smart move was getting a criminal attorney on payroll, he may come in handy. He thinks he is the stud duck on the Turkey truck and everyone else believes the bullshit he shovels out. I couldn’t get out fast enough.

  8. Haha you were a slow learner.

    The annual auditors were stupid now the OSA are fools. Non of these people know that Les n Raff make the rules and it is them that are noncompliant! It is a systemic problem. You elect, appoint, and hire incompetent people you will get a poor result.

    Wendy wants to discuss HB1523 and continues to vote for Les to continue his management style. It is apparent that she is working against the investigation. She needs to be hit in the pocket book. She does not understand that it is a State Vote. She needs to contact her state representatives if she feels that is what is important. City business certainly is not important to her!

  9. The people are going to throw him out on his but just as they did Tommy Longo. He has embarrassed his entire following, the Les lovers are hiding under the bed. The smarter employees are retiring or seeking employment elsewhere. The dunce’s are just looking around wondering how the Bay ever survived with out Les for so many year’s.

  10. As this unfolds Les is saying I’m not a criminal I’m just a F@ck UP! Lil Daddy Says Filingame had her Community Center play ground uncovered. Unlimited and unfounded overtime while the other minions did her job.

    I have faith in the system. All this is going to be exposed and Malfeasance is going to be proven beyond any reasonable doubt!

    Secret Hand Shakes and Kicks under table will end!

  11. I little bird told me Les was forced to start making regular payments to the city for the raises he gave without the city council approving them.

    1. Interesting you mentioned Hizzoner having to repay those illegal raises as I too heard that. There is an annual report produced by OSA that would disclose it.

  12. Well David I hope that is true. Maybe if it hits his pocketbook he will see the mistakes he has made.
    Now the council needs to hold their ground and make his bond pay for the Drug Forfeiture money and then he is OUT !!! I Can’t wait for that day to happen. Let it all explode in front of him and maybe he will finally get it. He may then see what he has done to destroy this wonderful city of BSL and its moral….

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