“If they would only work with me….”: A Bay St Louis Financial Disaster Update

As I read the latest round of Mayoral Vetoes of City Council actions and minutes, Mayor Fillingame stated reasons for the veto caused me to do a double take and say to myself “Couldn’t this have been handled with a phone call?”. Of note is the City Council’s action directing the Mayor to open a bank account for the City owned community center was vetoed as ambiguous, my guess being that Hizzoner was the only person in the room that didn’t understand the Council directive.

The reason the council took this action is that there appears to be shortages of recognized revenues related to the rental of the facility to the public, a task handled by Hizzoner’s daughter, who makes way more annually than most of the Bay Fire Department employees that so courageously lay down their lives for public safety many times each year. Beyond under recognition of revenue, allegation have been made that cash deposits were paid and not refunded. The lack of internal controls in this area has been well documented in bad audit report after bad audit report.

These vetoes represent what the special interest group Les Lovers United terms “working together”, where the Mayor makes all the decisions and the City Council acts the part of rubber stamp, even for the bad decisions that skirt the limits of the law. In any event click below to obtain the full three page pdf of Hizzoner’s latest vetoes and decide for yourself:

Source Bay St Louis Government | Click to Obtain 3 page PDF
Source Bay St Louis Government | Click to Obtain 3 page PDF

Finally the rumor mill is swirling and this latest set of vetoes from Hizzoner confirms in my mind at least one the rumors. I’m thinking the next City Council meeting will be worth attending and luckily for the public it comes after April 18 so it will likely be broadcast live on Periscope.

17 thoughts on ““If they would only work with me….”: A Bay St Louis Financial Disaster Update”

  1. Les n Rafferty have run their scam to the end. All this is cannon fodder. They know they are done. They are just clingons now. Translation……dingleberries!

  2. That is awesome dumped on! I call em ass wipes! That wipes off the dingleberries! They are so hilarious! Done over good bye to the les lovers coalition!

  3. Massive EB-5 “Ponzi like” scheme revealed in Vermont.

    VT, feds allege ‘massive’ fraud at Jay Peak Inc.

    Stenger and Quiros are accused in civil actions by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission of perpetrating a “Ponzi-like” scheme

    By the way, this was allegedly a MASSIVE fraud.

    Under the federal EB-5 program, foreign nationals who invest $500,000 in a project in a economically struggling region of the country can receive residency if the project creates a specified number of jobs. Stenger raised about $400 million for projects at Jay Peak and Q Burke ski resorts and in Newport from some 800 investors in countries from Brazil to South Africa to Vietnam.

    Pancake palaces, ski resorts in Vermont, hotels, motels, Burger Kings and yogurt carts. How did we ever get anything done before there was an EB-5 program? What happens to the unlucky investors? Do they get their green cards anyway? I mean, do they even care about the money?

    1. You could almost see this coming as the next wave of Ponzi type shell games.All good questions rfp. You would think there is something in place to proof a deal as being legit and not just another scam.With all of the unrest in the world today, many will pay $500,000. to gain entry to the USA. I did not see the mention of a casino or Hilton Garden Inn. Maybe those two local projects utilizing money received from the EB-5 are good solid business deals that have or will spend a lot more than actually needed so more foreign nationals can participate.With all of the tax breaks,government grants,bonds,equity partners and EB-5 money, no investment is necessary by the owners. In fact I bet they get their money back on the front end. Know what I mean Vern?

    2. b

      An apparently unique aspect to the Vermont Eb-5 ponzi was that the EB-5 “licensing” operation was run by state agencies. “Experience the Vermont Difference!” Not that investors should rely on regulators to do their jobs. Note the url of the following link. “vermont.gov” The Vermont EB-5 Regional Center: Experience the Vermont Difference!

      Established in 1997, the Vermont EB5 Regional Center is a USCIS Designated Regional Center. The regional center is run by Vermont Agency of Commerce & Community Development (ACCD); in partnership, with the Vermont Department of Financial Regulation (DFR) (collectively “Vermont Regional Center” or “VRC”).

      VRC’s mission statement is unambiguous – enhance the Vermont business climate by facilitating, promoting and creating commercial and business opportunities within Vermont to contribute to the economic viability of and benefit the growth of the State. This is in marked contrast to other for-profit regional centers.

      As a state run, statewide EB-5 regional center, Vermont offers businesses unique advantages including but not limited to the following:

      VRC provides the oversight and infrastructure required by USCIS allowing businesses located in Vermont, or seeking to locate in Vermont, to access the EB-5 program without added cost or administrative burden.
      Businesses who are approved for an EB5 project under the Vermont EB5 Regional Center benefit from the added credibility that a state run EB5 regional center provides.
      Investors are ensured that Vermont EB5 Regional Center projects are monitored by an independent and qualified regulatory authority – DFR.
      In addition, nearly the entire state qualifies under the EB-5 regional center program, which grants investors the same visa green card benefit as the standard EB-5 program, but requires only half the minimum investment and has lesser job creation requirements.

      Why EB-5 Investors Choose Vermont?

      State Oversight — VRC monitors all Vermont EB-5 projects for compliance with USCIS EB-5 regulations and policy guidance. This partnership reaffirms Vermont’s dedication to first-rate regulation and exceptional oversight in all aspects of financial services.
      Reviews — State officials visit the EB-5 projects on a quarterly basis to monitor not only the progress of development, but also to provide any kind of help and support that an EB-5 project may need to further implement the visa program.
      Pre-approval of Projects — VRC officials must review and pre-approve each and every EB-5 Project to utilize the Vermont State Regional Center designation. Upon approval of each EB-5 project, VRC requires the business to enter into a “Memorandum of Understanding” with the State which imposes strict covenants and obligations upon the business.
      Credibility — VRC has a long record of success and takes a long view for multiple successful projects, rather than seeking a single lucrative project. Moreover, Vermont’s EB-5 programs create jobs right where the policy makers want them, not in a gerrymandered geography linking high and low unemployment areas, but right where the jobs are needed.

      It will be easy for plaintiffs to find most of the state employees for service of filings.

      Unfortunately, it appears that the state of Vermont was in bed with crooks. There is nothing to see when the Governor travels overseas as part of the dog and pony show for potential investors. Governor, you don’t actually have to speak to be on the pitch team.

      As is usual, here is an old picture with the alleged perps and some of their various friends in high places.

      Good thing Governor Shumlin had already decided not to run for re election this year.

      1. Rfp:

        You commented “Established in 1997 the Eb5 ……”

        Was this the corrupt brain fart of the corrupt Clintons’ administration to collect crony capitalism money from foreign investors much in the same way they post- presidency collected billions into the Clinton Foundation and millions upon millions in speech fees?

        When Trump calls Hillary “Crooked Clinton ” now we know that he will pull out all stops in stating all non-PC truths to attack the Clintons and knowing this the Clintons I can assure you will tone down their sexism , ethnic and income tax attacks against Trump or they will be bloodied.

        The Clintons are truly Francis and Claire on the House of Cards for sure.

        1. Eb-5 = Booshed again with Democratic majorities in House and Senate.

          About the EB-5 Visa
          Visa Description

          USCIS administers the EB-5 program, created by Congress in 1990 to stimulate the U.S. economy through job creation and capital investment by foreign investors. Under a pilot program enacted in 1992, and regularly reauthorized since then, investors may also qualify for EB-5 visas by investing through regional centers designated by USCIS based on proposals for promoting economic growth.

          Check out the graph of visas granted see page 7. http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/research/files/reports/2014/02/05%20eb5/eb5_report.pdf

          The first surge ended in 1998 when the program was suspended due to suspicions of fraud! Now the most recent surge? Suspicions of fraud?

          1. rfp:

            Another reason for you to read “Jeb ! the Bush Crime Family” at your nearest city library.

            I’m hoping the Congress opens up those 28 pages of the 9/11 Commission Report that the Bushes don’t want opened because they had big time connections to the Saudis (flying out relatives of Biden Laden on U.S. military jets after 9/11 when the airlines were shut down) and probably the reason old man H.W. initially invaded Kuwait.

            If Trump is not the nominee Cruz will be assigned Kasich delegate votes and Cruz will be forced to take V.P. Kasich, the GOP candidate they are putting millions into his campaign, but then look for a quick repeat of the Reagan attempted assassination and Kasich will be our democratically elected illegit Prez.

            Cruz better wake up and be Trump’s V.P. so we can finish the work of defeating the GOP power brokers who would not be greatly unhappy if the Clintons get back to the White House to steal more china and furniture.

  4. Maybe they should hire a Private Company to Manage their properties. This way the money is fully accounted for. The Company would have to give reports to the Mayor/Council monthly on their collections and activities. The money would be accounted for, which is the most important thing right now. This would also satisfy the Justice Department when it comes to financial accountability.
    That company can then give a Check to the City once a Month upon collections. The Mayor can put the money into the General Fund, but at least the city would know that someone has collected the rental fees and not getting them in cash. Every penny has to be accounted for and probably the fees paid to the Private Company would be a lot less than what Les’ Daughter is paid. No payroll taxes, health benefits, vacations, picking up children from school…. Maybe she can go out on the streets with Jimmy Loicano and help pick up litter. HA HA HA HA I think we would all like to see her work that hard and early in the morning, Since Doug has mentioned she is getting paid more than our First Responders who are much more valuable as an employee than she will ever be.
    Privatizing seems to be the most responsible thing the Council should do. But Wait, Why would the Mayor support something that would be in the best interest of the City?? He probably would veto it like all of the other items the Council vote on for the City.

  5. Privatizing is very much being discussed for the rental properties, grass cutting and I believe possibly the building Department.

  6. I would also suspect the ambiguity he is talking about is where he will get money to deposit in the account. I’m sure that he has already tapped that along with the deposits. Same reason he has delayed the last annual audit.

  7. Privatizing may be the best for the City. This May finally give the Council the authority they need and take the power away from Napoleon. His troops better start retreating and let him get slaughtered alone.

  8. He will throw his supporters out front to sacrifice! He face the Mussolini Effect! Him and his family proverbially hung by their heels at city hall

  9. Are we ever going to have a Howard Beale moment when someone finally stands up & says “I’m mad as hell & I can’t take it anymore”? Or are we just going to go on year after year …

  10. well Cajuncutie that is up to the public. They continually support Les after all of the reports by auditors and DOJ. I would say that John Q Public is to blame also. They totally have their heads in the sand.
    I have witnessed this first hand. The Alliance stands up and complains, the auditors are not happy, the DOJ is not happy and the Council is not happy.
    Why don’t you organize another group to make a stand and say those exact words. It is only getting worse at City Hall. Les absolutely needs to be stopped, but the Council is not doing enough to make it happen. I really thought with new members things would change. Some have, but not enough. For the mayor to put locks on cabinets, where is the council on this? I think they are all a bunch of wimps…. Things are worse than ever with the new members. So So disappointed with the whole city. The inmates are running the asylum.

    1. Holy Sing Along With Lyin’ Lesbo Time Batman;

      Lyin’Lesbo’s latest solo single entitled “If They Would Only Work With Me”. written to entice his Lackie 5 band members back to their singing group to sing ago with him, was released recently.

      Rumor has it the Lackie 5 is writing a single of their own entitled, “Cause We Don’t Want To Go To Jail Lesbo “.

  11. Like a septic tank… 90% shit and 10% filler….. Joey should get it…. If not, maybe he’s hoping for a landfill permit from Les and Donnie!!!! Is that why he won’t get rid of Don?????

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