Other Voices | Wednesdays Wars: Trump is Toast

Published on Apr 6, 2016

Donald Trump, the billionaire builder who says he “loves the Bible” is on track to spend more time with it. He certainly will not have to worry about being encumbered by the responsibilities of public office.

Trump told us that “we would win so much with him as President that we would get tired of winning”. He’s leading by example there, and becoming a loser.

Trump constructed his whole campaign on the shifting sands of his own magnificence. It worked for a while and then it didn’t. Donald Trump will not be the Republican nominee.

In a way, it’s too bad. It was a heck of a show while it lasted. He could have been the nominee if he hired a couple of people who knew what terms like “ground game” meant and were aware of the fact that different states had different rules for delegate selection. And maybe one person to whisper in his ear and remind him to keep his story straight on where he stood on things like abortion, NATO, and nuclear weapons.

Before Wisconsin, some betting sites had the probability of a Trump Nomination as high as 71%. Now, the number at Betfair is 54%.

That’s straight out crazy. My number is 5%. He is a one in twenty shot to get the Republican Nomination. And the only reason I give him any chance at all is because he’s got money and he’s unpredictable. Continue Reading………….

6 thoughts on “Other Voices | Wednesdays Wars: Trump is Toast”

  1. I’m not a Trump fan but he has been counted out the entire time. The media is so quick to swing with every election cycle. Wait until this week’s primaries when Trump dominates and all the talking heads will be saying how he is now unstoppable and has all the momentum.

    I think every candidate on both sides stink, with the possible exception of Kasich. And to show you how perceptions change, years ago he was considered a far right conservative. Now he’s middle of the road and unacceptable. Things are so radicalized it is taboo to even talk of compromise anymore. Stupid.

  2. To Tom Terrific and his Terrorist- Fearful Dog, the Mighty Manfred:

    You and Manfred better hope that they treat Trump fairly cause if not the GOP will implode resulting in another, but much worse, Clinton presidency.

    After reading Roger Stone/Saint John Hunt’s book “Jeb! and the Bush Crime Family” I also worry that if the GOP does allow Cruz or Trump to be their nominee they may force either to accept a certain vice president nominee, like a Jeb or Romney, and if the Trump ticket wins we may see another Reagan -like assassination attempt( which failed to get Bush 41′ to presidency) early in Trump’s 2017 presidential term. It is fact that Reagan did not want Bush for his V.P. and there are rumored Reagan quotes that detail the two days Reagan spent in D.C. with the powers that compelled him to take Bush as ‘.. the worse two days of Nancy’s and my life.’ Also, it is fact that John Hinckley Jr. was actually the son of John Hinckley Sr., who was family friends and long time oil exploration buddies/ financial backers of Bush 41′ in all his previous Congressional/presidential elections. This information appeared in the media for only one day then disappeared forever and only five hours after Reagan’s assassination attempt Bush 41′, as acting president, declared there was no conspiracy. “Jeb! and the Bush Crime Family”,pp. 205-219).

    And remember right after Robert Kennedy won the Calif. primary election he was assassinated as it was then clear he would be the Democratic Party nominee running, would probably win the 1968 election for President and would soon thereafter investigate those who were involved in assassination of his brother, JFK.

    1. ABC news ran a poll this morning which asked which candidate the respondents would never vote for under any circumstances. Of the entire field of candidates in both parties, only Bernie Sanders was not eliminated out of the chute by those that responded to the poll.

      I personally could not pull the lever for Ted Cruz or Hillary Clinton under any circumstances.

    2. Mr. Tight, Sir…

      Always good to hear from you. You always give me substantial material to work with.

      Concerning Trump, his basic problem centers around whether he was in it to win it in the first place.
      He didn’t bring in the kind of people you need to go the distance like my friend Obama did way back when we were young.

      Concerning the Bush family. I think Poppy was a decent guy and ran a reasonable foreign policy. The mistake Poppy made was he didn’t properly instruct his ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie, to make it
      absolutely clear to Saddam that if he moved on Kuwait we’d go to war. She didn’t and we did. As to GWB, he was putty in the hands of the neocons who hungered for another go against Iraq.

      Concerning RFK as the likely Nominee and ultimate winner in 1968…I wouldn’t be so sure. LBJ would have done anything (including making peace) to make sure Bobby wasn’t the nominee.

      Looking forward, if the Rs put up Cruz…I’m going door to door to beat him. I’ll take north of the Mason Dixon Line, you take south and we’ll have it covered.

  3. Tom and the Mighty Manfred:

    You guys feeling alright? You wrote “…poppy was a decent guy..”?

    You need to get Manfred a big bone, sit fireside and read to him “Jeb! and the Bush Crime Family” then turn him loose to seek, chew on and destroy the scrotal jewels of all living Bushes……

    I’m anxiously awaiting the release of the un-redacted text of the 28 pages of the 9/11 Commission Report which if it had been released initially should have caused the U.S. to immediately bomb Saudi Arabia instead of Iraq, where the Bush big shot friends all live. Of course Hussein had earlier put out a hit list on poppy sr. and poppy jr. and his Halliburton connected buddy, Cheney, had to made hundreds of millions in war profits.

    The 9/11 Commission Report was as bad as the Warren Commission and I and tens of millions of Americans are sick and tired of national, BS cover-ups – thus Trump with all his dyed hair, orange tan , personality warts but with his non-PC speech needs to be elected, protected and given chance to reverse the past 50 years of a LYIN’ Government.

    1. I’m not completely sure anything good can come out of this day after reading your sentence ending
      “of all living Bushes.”

      I will say that if I had the Trump piece to write again I’d up his percentage chance of being the nominee considerably…maybe 35%. Also, I think you and I can agree anybody but Ly’in Ted.

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