Bad News Friday Time Stamp

Lest someone in the media is actually holding this until the Tuesday scheduled release:

Here is the down low as these latest cuts appear to be above and beyond those publicized last August.

Here is the down low folks:

  1. Shell is closing their Major Projects office in New Orleans. Rolling over those operations to Houston, Texas.
  2. 30% Shell staff cut starting in 2 weeks to be finalized by June 1st. Following that, major Shell staff shifts to Houston office.
  3. There will still be some operations remaining in NOLA including Pipeline, and Brownfield work. Go forward all megaprojects including deepwater will be done out of Houston.
  4. Shell contract + staff was close to 3,000 total in One Shell Square 2 years ago. After this round of cuts and transfers, much less than a thousand jobs will remain.

Hat tip to anonymous impacted.