Reader mailbag: Has the Sun Herald lost its mind?

The answer to that question from my perspective is no. They’re in the business of selling papers and to the extent people have read the Scott and Trinity Walker PR series and are talking about it I’d say they are fulfilling the core mission of a news media organization. Still there is a level of anger that is also undeniable. What follows from the reader mailbag is very representative:

Please do a follow up post about the latest Sun Herald article re: Trinity Walker being in survival mode. What is the Sun Herald thinking? ~ F. from the coast

Do I have some thoughts on this? Absolutely and I expressed them here. Since Trinity shared her tale of woe a parody Facebook group has popped up in the Scott and Trinity Walker fan club. A snippet from the about page:

Scott has been a very successful politician and businessman. He essentially made Trent Lott who he is today, and previously ran the Bush 42 White House-like in his sleep. He should have been the Mayor of Ocean Springs, because he deserves it. If it weren’t for the “former Governor” stopping his progress, he would be getting even more press! What up Haley!

Trinity is pretty much a role model for all moms. She can change lightbulbs and do all sorts of helpful household stuff. Her career has sky rocketed since the DMR days. When she is not managing the general surgery and cardiothoracics divisions at the hospital, she is a fashionista blogging on all the latest fashion trends and wedding planning ideas. Nobody has tried to stop her, so she totally rocks!

As for me this whole PR push brings back up memories of the entire Bill Walker – DMR meltdown along with a few newer ones but that deserves its own post. In the meantime since y’all want to comment on the latest installment of As the Walkers Turn feel free to express your thoughts in comments.

26 thoughts on “Reader mailbag: Has the Sun Herald lost its mind?”

  1. Readers, Just read the online comments under the Sunday article about Trinity & Scott Walker. Neither will win any awards by the general public by the negative responses. The Sun Herald must be trying to compete with ‘The National Enquirer’ or one of the other rag newspapers by their article. It was difficult to read without laughing and then getting nauseated at how terrible it must be to change a light bulb and balance a check book. How sad! Military wives who read this drivel certainly do not appreciate The Sun Herald’s putting this family on a pedestal.

  2. I hope the Sun Herald recognizes that it has captured the public’s attention with its coverage of Warriorlike Walkers (tm yet to applied for). I’m not so sure that’s the right term to use though. Changing lightbulbs and writing checks doesn’t seem like a balttle to me. W W W W WATERLOGGED! “Waterlogged Walkers”? Oh Yeah. Beachfront,bulkheads, DMR, boats sunk and so on.

    Several more episodes which have added to the the mystique of the Waterlogged Walkers* (tm also yet to be applied for) could be dredged up from the Sun Herald archives and be reprinted so that the public can remember the earlier thrills and spills.

    I always thought that the miracle of the missing title leading to the dismissal of a DUI charge helped cement his reputation for always being able to ‘pull something out of somewhere’ ** That article is still available on the Sun Herald website. The DUI trial of Scott Walker has been dismissed because of a “faulty affadavit” after it was pointed out in court that the deputy clerk who signed it did not add her title after her signature. Like Gomer Pyle used to say- Shazam!

    *Waterlogged=marshy,mucky,muddy,swampy- as in the environmentally desirable 14009 Bay Sweep Circle rookery and wildife refuge. Waterlogged does not refer in any way to the D’Iberville Dollars for Dolphins debacle. Waterlogged also does not refer in any way to Cobb’s Catfish Ponds, the dirt from which was sold to a certain local school district.

    ** It’s still Easter Sunday for another hour. Use your imagination.

  3. Is Justin Mitchell new to this game? Is the Sun Herald platforming for the Walkers? Where is Anita Lee?
    I suggest that the Sun Herald send a REAL journalist to interview slick people like the Walkers. Although Mr. Mitchell’s article was interesting; to say the least it was like a fairy tale (which I am sure is the desired effect) and lacked TRUE substance and information imo. So Sun Herald – please send out the clowns and send in the real journalists when you decide to run fluff like this. Please follow up with a piece on Trinity Walker’s family and all of their political connections.

    As for this note about Scott Walker making Trent Lott all he is???? What a big fat joke. Everyone on this Coast knows who supported Lott in the beginning and I promise you = it wasn’t Snotty Toddy.

  4. You all are lucky to be able to read the Sun Herald. The E edition has been nearly non functional since last Tuesday. Third rate reporters and fifth rate IT department. Low wages, low quality.

    1. Totally agree, after all that’s where the donut eater came from. The weather gal finally got her break. Her great qualification was blogging a Christian info site. Lord knows Jamie and the new DMR can’t get enough of that.

  5. Hark The Sun Herald Sings for “Sly” Walker, Batman;

    And we all thought Hillary has some BS but” Sly” Walker’s BS is out-of -this- world, intergalactic and if CNN picks up this SH brown- nose job they will both be nominated for individual ESPs.

    One thing the coast populace can do is pull a Trump/Fox news and STOP BUYING THE SUN HERALD BS PAPER until they get the message that idolizing political corruption has no future for them but disaster ( i.e. this is what ultimately happened with the east coast controlled, liberal Times-Picayune endorsing area politicos with corruption backgrounds).

    As far as “Sly’s” friends commenting in SH bout how Walker ‘…..(he) ran Bush 42 White house” ( Bush was 43rd and people need to read Roger Stone’s “Jeb ! and the Bush Crime Family” to understand the undisputed, generation after generation, Skull and Bones corruption in the Bush family tree and their powerful family’s participation in our shadow government).

    If it wasn’t for the Trump outsider, surprise factor the Bush oligarchy and shadow government would be pushing Jeb down the throats of Republican voters just like Romney was…..and currently chokin’ Romney’s raunchy ,hypocritical, shadow power government true colors are in full, nationwide spring bloom.

  6. All the BS , FB cult lovin’ fans of “Sly”Walker and his fashionista wife should know exactly who the real “Trinity” is in Ocean Springs, Mississippi.

    From my recent catechism via SlabbedNation the” Trinity” is the FATHER Walker, the Father’s sacrificial ( i.e. pronounced “sack- of- facial- sh*t”) SON, “Sly” Walker and the UNHOLY SPIRIT of GOP Crony Capitalism.

    And this unholy Trinity, all believers therein ( i.e.” Lesbo and the Lackie 5″) and their martyred Sun Herald reporters need to be ex-communicated from the Gulf Coast ASAP and sent directly to the DMR pogey compost pile for 10,000 years. Can I get an AMEN!

  7. I agree with Mr. Handshoe. The Sun Herald has produced some low quality print that has many folks stirred up but many more buying their newspapers. We know what the newspapers strategy is. Now we need to figure out what is the PR strategy of Scott and Trinity Walker. We have heard about the book. Is all of this being done to create a persona that makes them appear more haughty than they actually are for story telling purposes? Has Scott, the local king of narcissism, decided that his image is so damaged that he does not give a damn anymore and he thinks his tell all book will give him plenty of company at the bottom of the social barrel? They must be working a plan of some sort. Of course normal hard working people will scratch their heads and think these Walkers are really terrible for living such a lie. They brag about the $800+ Christian Louboutin shoes while they have $11,635 in delinquent property taxes due.They just spent Easter vacationing at a very expensive resort and posting every move on Facebook but have not made the first restitution payment on the $210,100 tab owed to the people. Of course Scott Walker is in no hurry to get the restitution total paid in full because he was supposed to be insolvent and plead poverty to the judge at sentencing. The court determined that Walker did not have the ability to pay interest so the interest requirement was waived along with any proposed fines. No court or prosecution cost were required to be paid by Walker either. His lavish lifestyle sure does not make sense based on his sworn testimony. Only thing you can figure is that Trinity did one hell of a job running those businesses while Scott was locked up. Maybe the Walkers or someone can tell the public what active businesses Scott Walker even owned when he reported to prison. I know they have some type of strategy and are working the plan no matter how repulsive we may think it is. They deserve to be perceived just the way they are perceived.

    1. Biloxi Blues: “but many more buying more newspapers. We know what the newspaper strategy is.”

      The counter to such strategy is simple and effective if every subscriber of SH will call the subscription manager and tell him you are dropping your subscription for one reason and one reason only- the story about “Sly” Walker and his Fashionista wife. That will burn a hole in SH’s profit pocket and can assure you that no more PC, narcissistic stories will appear.

      1. After having given this some thought I now think that the Sun Herald has performed a valuable public service with their recent coverage of the Walker family.

        What would have happened if any slabbed commenter had posted the exact same content here (or at a few other blogs) either labeled as parody or posing as serious content (aka something like concern trolling)? This would have been all time top ten comment content imo.

        The only reason this couldn’t have appeared on the blogs is that no commenter would have been able to keep a straight face long enough to get the quotes the Sun Herald did.

        Any reader of the Sun Herald articles who thought the SH made the Wanker family look good was already a lost cause imo.

        1. I don’t fault the Sun Herald though I am a bit surprised no one has yet considered that every action taken by Scott and Trinity since he left the pokey were both premeditated and not in a clueless sense. Scott was some sort of local political goto Guru yet he didn’t know he couldn’t operate a B&B out of his house in an area zoned R1?

          Maybe Scott and Trinity wanted to play the part of heel while wearing those expensive designer shoes that Mommy and Daddy bought them.

          This is the theory through which I view the latest Walker family spectacle where Scott gets out of jail playing the part of the Yale Santa Claus with his guns blazing.

  8. What a shame the Walkers are redefining what a hero is and being a single mother when we have true heroes like our soldiers that defend us everyday and single mothers that struggle to feed their children. Trinity needs a strong dose of reality not white wine. And as for Scott’s ditched vehicle, the OS police knew exactly what they were doing. After all all you have to do is place yourself in that position and guess what they would have done. No second guessing there. Yes, the Walker connection went really deep. Got to run, filters to change and such.

  9. After reading all of the recent Walker stories and comments I wanted to offer some free advice to Scott and Trinity. First, neither of these naive individuals have a clue about real life and their parents are to blame in most part for this. They both need to change that burnt out imaginary bulb in their heads that is supposed to come on and help engage the brain . They also need to replace the filter we all have that is provided to help keep us from saying dumb,dumb,dumb things like the statements they both made in the interviews featured in the Sun Herald. Second,instead of worrying about all of the expensive cloths and exotic foreign cars they both should be worried about the environment they are creating for the two children they are responsible for. I also hope they stop dressing these to BOYS like the children of the some British Royal Family. Being a Walker is bad enough.Forcing them to wear those Oscar de la Renta feminine outfits will only get them beat up at every recess when they get to school. Third,Scott Walker is on probation for the next three years. The conditions of this probation must be complied with. One condition is”The defendant shall abstain from the use of alcohol and illegal drugs”. I know he must have already violated this probation condition because people do not act like he has acted since being released from prison unless they are under the influence of something. He should stop before his probation officer drug tests him which is also allowable under the Special Conditions of Supervision he has agreed to.I will be back a little later with a few more suggestions a little later.

  10. Back with more. 4)Scott Walker is again reminded he is on probation.He along with his partners in crime Kirk Ladner and Steve Seymour are plaintiffs in the Federal Court case #1:14cv381-KS-JC6.The defendants are Jimmy Williamson and Michael Pohl,two very seasoned Texas attorneys. Walker and gang claim the attorneys have not paid them $8 million per the agreement for soliciting individuals and businesses to file claims against BP for damages from the Gulf oil spill and giving more than 9,000 referrals to the Texas lawyers. Only problem is this practice is illegal. A lawyer cannot pay a referral fee or give anything of value to a non-lawyer referring clients and you will not be successful suing another party for money you were not paid for an illegal act. Not only that this case is in front of US District Judge Keith Starrett. Scott Walker has admitted he conspired with others to commit what is considered an illegal act and they even devised a way around the law to accept payment. His participation could be considered a violation of the conditions of his supervised release. This is more than just a civil lawsuit because criminal laws have been broken.Walker is possibly at risk of being indicted for his participation. I am told the Texas attorneys are no fools and already have a plan B in the works. Scott Walker should walk away from this matter ASAP.Precision Marketing Group could be just another path back to prison.

  11. 5) Scott and Trinity Walker should become humble and invisible.They should shutdown the Facebook pages they each have. They should immediately stop promoting the 435 wedding venue idea because this will only make the neighbors despise them more.All of the bad press already makes this part of town look like a neighborhood of like kinds living in mansions. The people who live there are sick of the Walkers and want them silenced and the Walkers should give them what they deserve. 6) The Walkers should stop going on expensive vacations and bragging to anyone who will listen via social media about how fabulous they were on these various trips. They should take the money saved and pay their damn taxes along with other obligations they have to the government. I hope they read and heed what the people think and say. Even St. Pauls wants to close the doors to these two sinners. Thats all I got to say about that,for now anyway

  12. The SH and Justin Mitchell are taking a beating over this. Perhaps Mitchell is a budding Dominic Dunne, who once haunted the halls of the Kahala Hilton trying to get an audience with the exiled Imelda Marcos.

    The SH is doing its duty by documenting the hysterical nature of those who seek to influence our public policy and spending. Imelda of East Beach has revealed herself to be a vapid, vacuous, vainglorious, spotlight seeker. While she seeks the spotlight, her husband and cronies are actively seeking rent. *

    Let them continue to document their actions. As John Lowe mentions, there are likely to be consequences.

    There are some questions raised by the article: what are these businesses with payroll? If they are going concerns, why is it that Mississippi Marcos has taken employment in Hattiesburg?
    He admits to working in “government relations.” It’s hard to imagine a company that wants that bad press.

    As for renting the home: serious people do not rent the primary family AirBNB style. Especially not in the circles Scott & Trinity would like to move. This is a young family with children. Not an elderly widow deciding to rent out the beach house.

    As to taxes: as others have pointed out the Walkers are in arrears. If there is any mortgage, the lender will likely want to remedy that prior to August. The tax records reveal another detail; there is no assessed land value. Might anyone know why?

    *Rent seeking: The practice of an individual, company, or government attempting to make a profit without making a product, producing wealth, or otherwise contributing to society.

    1. Not enough information to answer. You need to know how many of them have entered the Witless Protection Program before you can start counting.

  13. I just got a reminder to follow up on the Hilton Garden Inn jobs reports.

    Previously I posted some additional links concerning the CDBG reports and loan agreement.
    First additional comment and second additional comment.

    How can the following be reconciled?

    1. PASCAGOULA, Mississippi– Morris Strickland addressed the Pascagoula City Council on Tuesday evening to cover information about the Mississippi Tax Increment Financing Act based on his former project, the LaFont Inn….Strickland stood before the council and spoke about financials, job creation, and amenities the Hilton Garden Inn has brought to Pascagoula, but questions if his loyalty has been taken for granted by the city.

    “It cost about $20 million to build that hotel,” Strickland said. “We employ about 60 employees, “

    2. The latest Federal Disaster Recovery Grant Report -period ending December 31, 2015 see page 278.

    It reports a total of 21 jobs have been created by the CDBG project.

    Beneficiaries Performance Measures
    . # of Permanent Jobs Created
    . This Report Period Cumulative Actual Total / Expected
    . Low Mod Total Low Mod Total
    . 0 0 0 16/19 3/20 21/77

    Is it 21 jobs?
    Or is it “about 60 employees”?
    Is it both?
    What explains this apparent discrepancy?

    Is there one way to count jobs to get CDBG money and another way to count jobs to get TIF money? Which method of counting should a person use when appearing before the Pascagoula City Council?

    In any case, the CDBG jobs report referenced above apparently was prepared with the help of the City Of Pascagoula. See page 457 of the September 30,2014 report for details on the job reporting process. Page 457 also references some sort of MDA review of the job creation.

    Among the obvious questions:

    1. How any jobs have actually been created, and what is the counting method used?

    2. Does the City of Pascagoula expect the agreed upon number of 77 jobs will be met by June 2016?

    3. If the City of Pascagoula does not expect the agreed upon 77 jobs will be created as agreed, will the clawback in the agreement be applied? See Council Agenda of November 5, 2013 both consent agenda item X on page 3, and pages 175 to 183.

    4. If the City does not expect substantial compliance with the job creation target, will this have any effect on the current request before the city?

  14. One additional jobs creation data point to reconcile.

    WLOX reported the following on March 27, 2016:


    Before the hotel opened for business, the City of Pascagoula spent $2.5 million building roads, putting in drainage, landscaping and installing lighting around the property. Even a beautiful fountain was installed.

    That money came in the form of a HUD grant administered by the Mississippi Development Authority. Part of the agreement was the creation of at least 77 jobs, a requirement that has been met.

    Let me be the first to admit that perhaps there is nothing to see here after all.

    1. RFP,

      Do you believe that the development created 17 full-time jobs in two weeks? Strickland says 60 to the city council, Williams tells WLOX 77.

      I noticed that Joe Huffman is counting Hardee’s as part of the development. But it appears that parcel was sold prior to the CDBG funds being awarded, but need to review the timeline.

      The EB-5 investors also had job creation requirements to get their visas, but totally separate formula.

      Many thanks.

      1. Do you believe that the development created 17 full-time jobs in two weeks? Strickland says 60 to the city council, Williams tells WLOX 77.

        If they did, I’d call that a smart move. Sometimes you have to spend money to make money. Almost anything is possible.

        I have no idea how to explain these apparent discrepancies.

        I don’t now if the Hardee’s is a part of this CDBG “job creation” or not. Maybe we as a nation are to the point where everyone but the taxpayers need a subsidy to do anything and everything.

        It could be that I am confused and it’s all on the up and up. Possibly I just do not understand how things are done now.

        It seems that the obvious questions need to be asked and answered on the record by the City Council before their next vote to increase the taxpayer dole.

        Just the other day I got some new fishing lures. One to lose and one to use. Can’t wait to try this out. Wonder what I’d catch if I tried one in the fancy fountain?

  15. rfp, Thanks for posting this info about the Hilton Garden Inn for all to read. When Morris Strickland appeared in front of the Pascagoula city council a few weeks back,one thing he said puzzled me. “We had had ship christenings at the hotel” Strickland said. Of course all know the hotel location is not on the waterfront so this would be impossible. Now we know the only real christening he participated in was for a sinking ship named the Hilton Garden Inn. I took the time to read signed Memorandum of Agreement Amendment #1 between WWT Enterprises,LLC(the Company) and the City of Pascagoula(the Recipient) this morning. The only conclusion you can come away with is that this deal turned south for several reasons.The responsibilities of the WWT Enterprises,LLC(the Company) are very clear and the consequences for failure to comply is also crystal clear. The Company,which is now the Hilton Garden Inn, agreed to inject at least $32,000,000. into construction and related equipment. The company has not. The company was to create a reduced number of jobs (77) but a certain day of June 2016. By all accounts they have not. Just those 2 issues should stop the city from even considering giving more money to this private deal through the issuance of TIF bonds. Also the city attorney should be exploring when the claw back legal actions, per the provisions of the binding agreement, should begin or he should recuse himself if he does not feel comfortable pursuing the taxpayer’s money. Being in a private business is full of risks.There is upside potential and downside possibilities. The taxpayer should not be the backstop for a business that has not lived up to the owner’s projections. The Hilton Garden Inn cannot be given the TIF money based on the agreement and the City of Pascagoula cannot issue the TIF bonds based on this same agreement. The taxpaying citizens need to contact the Mayor, all of the city councilmen and the city manager about this matter. This tax money does not belong to Strickland and Williams like they pretend it does. All citizens need to demand that the Company be told “HELL NO ” and further demand that the correct portion of the money already given to the Company be returned per the agreement dated April 20,2011.

    1. Glad to be of service.

      The only additional “be sure to dot the i and cross the t” caution I would add is that I referenced the City Of Pascagoula Agenda rather than approved minutes. As was stated in the earlier comment when this was first posted here:

      Additional information on the WWT CDBG agreement and amendment in the Pascagoula city council agenda of November 5 2013. See Consent agenda item X on page 3, and pages 175 to 183.

      I will let someone else check the minutes to see whether this amendment passed as written or was amended in any way. I see that there was either a drafting or proofreading error such that the jobs to be created and the reimbursement clause for not creating enough jobs do not reference each other. Does anyone know if this is similar to what happens when the deputy clerk who signs an affidavit forgets to put her title after her signature and some lucky guy gets to do the “faulty affidavit” DUI skate?

      At least it’s only taxpayer money this time.

      I would encourage someone to do the follow up and locate the approved minutes and post the relevant content here with the links.

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