Teachers at St Clare were bullies?

Naw, that was just Hyperbole although firing up Sister Patricia back in the day was invariably a bad idea.

“His being born with a birth defect did lead to continual bullying from peers, teachers, adults and others he met in his life.”

There was one time I got popped in the head by Brother Robert for too much pre-mass chatter but he never singled anyone out based on race, color, creed or disability because he popped Judge Haas’ son in the head the very next month for the same offense. I never saw Mike get popped but I could have missed it.

Yeah, hyperbole. I hate this has happened for all involved.

One thought on “Teachers at St Clare were bullies?”

  1. Next chapter:

    Mike Maggio gets maximum 10-year sentence for taking bribe as judge

    Mike Maggio, 54, the defrocked circuit judge who pleaded guilty to taking a bribe to reduce a verdict in a nursing home negligence case, was sentenced to 10 years in prison today, the maximum.

    The government had also asked for a a restitution order of $4.2 million. The judge imposed no financial penalty.

    U.S. District Judge Brian Miller said he wanted to impose the maximum because of the harm a dirty judge does to the system. “I put drug dealers in prison for five, ten, twenty years for standing on a corner selling crack cocaine,” he said. “What’s worse: A drug dealer on the corner or a dirty judge? A dirty judge is far more harmful to society than a dope dealer.” Corruption in the judicial system especially erodes public trust in the system, he said, because “a judge is the system.”

    Links to recent filings which detail the crimes he was charged with (any guesses as to whether all crimes were discovered, investigated and charged if appropriate?) and other details : Government seeks 10-year sentence for former Judge Mike Maggio in bribery case Posted By Max Brantley on Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 2:51 PM

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