Footloose and Fancy Free: Scott Walker out of Halfway House, heads straight for TeeVee

And that is where we start:

Scott Walker Released from Halfway House ~ WXXV

You had to be watching the 9PM newscast to see the interview, which I missed. Luckily for everyone, a few lifers were watching and I’m hoping they can fill in more blanks in comments. Speaking of blanks here is a clue as to how Walker will be occupying himself go forward by diving into the wedding industry:

435 East Beach Drive
four thirty five is located in beautiful Ocean Springs, Mississippi. It is a privately owned and operated venue created by Scott and Trinity Walker. The atmosphere is sheer elegance with the gulf as your backdrop; it is truly unique. They take great pride assuring you your wedding day will be exquisite. four thirty five looks forward to helping you achieve the wedding you’ve always dreamt of.

The Walkers need to book some events pronto because another reader pointed out to me last night that property taxes are now delinquent on the parcel.

Screen Capture of 435 East Beach 2015 Property Tax Status 3-22-16
Screen Capture of 435 East Beach 2015 Property Tax Status 3-22-16

Based on the feedback I received last night virtually real time from different readers my guess is public interest in Scott Walker remains elevated. To the extent there is no such thing as bad publicity, Walker, the TeeVee cameras he loves so well and the public all come out as winners now that he is a completely free man. Stay tuned.

36 thoughts on “Footloose and Fancy Free: Scott Walker out of Halfway House, heads straight for TeeVee”

  1. When one reads the article in today’s Sun Herald, it is all someone else’s fault Scott Walker spent time in prison. Does he think the general public believes him any more than the judge and/or jury did?

    1. His basic problem is which Scott Walker would he have us believe, the one that appeared before Judge Starrett taking responsibility for his crimes or the one that went immediately to the media after getting out of prison claiming he was innocent?

      His need for public attention is insatiable. He found the right spouse to compliment that need.

      One thing that is true dat IMHO is Judy Steckler was neck deep in that shithouse CIAP transaction where Daddy used public funds to bail Scott out of his bad land investments.

      1. Judy Steckler made a deal with Bill and Tina to buy Scott’s property because Judy tripped the ocean blue and eye spyied some Green Herons. That was the real reason. Not that Tina bought her parents property with CIAP money and Bill wanted a similar deal for his son’s property but was slightly smarter in that he funneled it through the Land Trust believeing the public would be fooled. And now Scott Walker wants us to believe we got a deal because he was about to get the full Monty on his ballon payment on the property and somehow because he took a loss on the ballon payment, not the full loan, we as tax payers should be great full. The only thing I’m grateful for is Karen Nelson and Anita Lee and their zeal for the truth, otherwise we would still be getting SH love fest stories.

  2. ” Four hundred seventy five days is a long time to be away from the Gulf Coast…” – Ole’ BS space cadet, Sly Walker, doesn’t miss a beat at emitting brown- nosing material from his self-righteous, sh*t eating smile to polish his public turd image…..

    Sly: The public though thinks different and feels yo’ corrupt butt should have missed the Gulf Coast for at least 1,000 days plus…

    Question is can Sly Walker run for another intergalactic public office again or is he going to be reliant on crony capitalistic appointments by other earthly scumbags to continue his feast at the public pig trough?

    Sly: May yo’ BS powered rocketship run out of fuel over the DMR’s menhaden compost pile….

  3. jeremy eisler says:
    March 22, 2016 at 9:26 am

    With regard to Mr. Walker’s plans a potentially pertinent question for both him and prospective customers is whether the property is zoned commercial. Currently there are no businesses on E. Beach, only high end residences. Not sure how Mr. Walker’s well-to-do neighbors will feel about weddings, receptions and the inevitable traffic and noise which accompanies them.

    Found this already posted <a href=""here at slabbed here and it says what I was going to-so I’ll put this where people will see it.

  4. rfp:

    Are you kidding….Sly Walker and his space cadet wife with her “Bumble Bees” sun glasses can do all things…… that mere mortals can’t……..

    Besides what’s wrong with some happy intergalactic wedding sounds, Chewbacca mating wit neighborhood bitches,R2D2 wandering drunk over lawns and pissing on neighbors scrubs?……..

  5. I have on good authority that the city is investigating as we speak. The neighbors were not asked or given any say-so in this matter and unless Walker ceases this endeavor, legal action will ensue.

    1. The city is investigating on how much money they can make on the deal. Remember Alderman Greg Denyer and his daughter made a living off the DMR and the Walkers. The other neighbor is Joe Cloyd and he is likely using Tidelands funds to pay for the food served at breakfast another DMR paycheck. Wonder if Trinity and Joe are hosting “fishing trips” on that DMR paid Boston Whaler like Bill did on the Califorina. Yep, Jamie and Bill still have much in common.

  6. Holy Sly Walker and Trinity Over Troubled Waters, Batman;

    Rfp and others are just jealous dem don’t have a holy, angelic wife by da’ name of Trinity, who bees willin’ to sacrifice her sacred home to dem happy elite, crony peoples wanting a holy marriage wit’ an outer dis’ world, Gulf Coast view as scenic backdrop…………………..

    and just fo’ a few mo’ illegal dollars $$$$$$$$$ an angelic,” Return of the Jedi” wedding can all happen on dere’ improperly zoned, but outer dis’ world, intergalactic property naturally protected by The Force …….and

    may da’ Force bees wit’ dem or dey mays bees returnin’ to intergalactic purgatory for several light years.

  7. Well, we knew this was coming. The book I mean. “Walkering Tall-With a Bad Back” to be published by Harper Collins at 195 Broadway New York,NY 10007. This should be a great read if you enjoy pulp fiction. Is Scott Walker mentally unstable or what? He claims to be innocent in the scheme to defraud the city of D’Iberville and still believes the lot he arranged to sell, with the help of his father, to the taxpayers was a one of a kind pristine green heron habitat. He is a camera+attention hound who does not know when to quit. His claim to the judge at sentencing that he was insolvent and could not pay any money should be considered perjury, based on the fact that he still resides in the same waterfront home. Who paid the expenses on this while he languished in the federal prison? He sure made Judge Starrett look like a damn fool. Now he claims to have a secret consultant job in HBurg. Did Frontier open an office up there? Interesting thought. I have a feeling by the time all of his neighbors in that toney part of Ocean Springs find out he and his wife are now wedding planners, a rich mob will be assembling for a march on city hall. I have been involved in rebuilding and resurrecting the images of individuals with business interests. Scott Walker and our ex-mayor Pete Halat are two people I believe are way beyond repair. At least Halat had the decency to go home quietly when released from detention. Scott Walker will never accept the fact that he is perceived as a criminal who got off way too easy. He is now trying hard to convince the public that he is also a habitual liar.

  8. Maybe the Slabbed Nation can help us out. What was Scott Walker’s role in the development of the Pascagoula Hilton Garden Inn?

    Robbie Maxwell and Walker bought a plane together with Roy Williams in the same month Pascagoula applies for a $3 million CDBG grant to do the infrastructure work on the Hilton site.

    Nine months later Walker is trying to build a Hilton Garden Inn out near Stennis and a Newk’s next to the Pascagoula Hilton. He is bragging about his new business with Gentry Williams, Mississippi Laundry Services.

    1. I’d take a closer look at that CDBG grant. By the way, the final amount was reduced to a paltry $2,556,722.69 .

      Hit the link. Perhaps the citizens of Pascagoula should be aware that an employment report is apparently required for CDBG funding and ensure that council has the employment report in hand. The council probably should verify that the specified number of jobs have been created before issuing any additional corporate welfare checks. Certainly if the agreed upon number of jobs haven’t been delivered that should require some discussion. Did anyone even remember to file that report?

      I’ve got a question for you.

      1. There was a post titled Strickland Depo Prep: Part I. It had this: ” February 19, 2004 Eagle Plaza acquired property, using firm Colingo Williams” Is there any way to determine who from the firm Colingo Williams got paid on this? That might answer another question or two.

      1. Many thanks for the link. Will correct and update our info tomorrow.

        Looks like they have until June to have 77 FTEs for job creation. Strickland told the city council they employ 60 – no word on the ft/pt status of those.

        Daryl Dryden prepared the deed and usually handles real estate closings. Morris Strickland swore under oath that he never met Roy Williams until after he was appointed to the SRHS board.

        1. Daryl Dryden prepared the deed and usually handles real estate closings. Morris Strickland swore under oath that he never met Roy Williams until after he was appointed to the SRHS board

          The second I knew and the first I wondered about.

          Follow up to the CDBG link. Additional reports. Looks like they could have used the Newks Scott Walker hoped to build on this site. Maybe the DEQ/DMR/CIAP/LTCMP/SRHS/JCOG well ran dry too soon.

          No jobs report but has a description of who is responsible for documentation, compliance and review of the job creation statistics. See page 457 here.

          No jobs report in the report for December 31, 2014.

          The march 31, 2015 has the report on job creation for the first time. 21 total jobs of which 19 are low to moderate income jobs.
          See page 439 here.

          The most recent report for December 31, 2015 shows the same 21 total jobs of which 19 are low to moderate income.
          See page 278 here.

          Look like the divisor for public subsidy per job “created” is 21.

          How many green cards per job “created”?

          Attention slabbed readers: Put another arrow in your quiver.

          1. I forgot to post this.

            Additional information on the WWT CDBG agreement and amendment in the Pascagoula city council agenda of November 5 2013. See Consent agenda item X on page 3, and pages 175 to 183.

            I will let someone else check the minutes to see whether this amendment passed as written or was amended in any way. I see that there was either a drafting or proofreading error such that the jobs to be created and the reimbursement clause for not creating enough jobs do not reference each other. Does anyone know if this is similar to what happens when the deputy clerk who signs an affidavit forgets to put her title after her signature and some lucky guy gets to do the “faulty affidavit” DUI skate?

            At least it’s only taxpayer money this time.

  9. I had the “privilege” of seeing this on WXXV last night. Needless to say, I am totally convinced that Scottie hasn’t learned his lesson. During this short interview I strongly felt he thought it was he cause of others. Especially when he commented about a “former Governor.” Needless to say, I believe I also remember him speaking of some type of employment related to government in some shape or form. Big surprise considering his whole livelihood has been based on corporate government welfare.

  10. News flash The donut eater is now taking phone calls from the public since LSU didn’t make the NCAA tournament. The big screen in her office was been burning hot with excitement only to have quick terminal results for the Tigers. Now she can answer the hard working fishermen when they ask where all those federal disaster dollars went. Or better yet what the DMR is doing with the 2 million they are retaining as a management fee. New carpet, new furniture, new logo rugs, new paint the 6th floor looks more like King David’s palace than a public service agency. Go back and read your bible Mr. Jamie you been a refresher class on what happen to David’s great palace. And it was done in short order just as your palace will be.

  11. Oh me, oh my- what a tangled web we weave. Now we all know that old Fat@$$ was the ring leader of all of the government welfare trough suckers with Bushie boy’s backing; but who is Snotty referring to when he names a mayor and two attorneys???? Anyone know?
    There were/are many at the DMR who did not get what they deserved because Fat@$$ and the rat auditor pulled federal connections with the DOJ imho. Billy the boy’s brother in law, Joe Zeigler, got off Scott free(no pun intended), and he was a top player. Jan Boyd still works for the DMR and his child was on the McKay birthday party boat. Explain that miscarriage of justice. The Bryds were paid large wages for ?? Corky Perret and wife were on the payroll for mega bucks for several years according to the documents. Daddy Walker’s girl friend, Sue, was paid fir her ‘services’ for quite a while. Several years I believe the documentation listed. Joe Zeigler’s wife was paid for her “services”. This is all documented information; nothing new, so why are all of these people still walking free? Bet that documentation was whisked away too, just like the documents from Judge Schloegel’s court.
    Why hasn’t the DOJ looked into this? Or why are they looking the other way? Inquiring minds want to know. All they have to do is talk to the right people to get the information. How about it Matt Lott? Can you share some of these answers with us? Or were you ordered to keep your mouth shut too?
    The DMR needs to be cleaned out and the rubble fired. How about it legislators? Do your jobs!!! Make a clean sweep! And by the way-how did the doughnut eater ever get the job she has??? What is her claim to fame? BTW, I hear Krispy Creme needs a doughnut taste tester!

    1. Charlene:

      Question : Is Matt Lott related to Mississippi ‘s ex-Congressman and now influential lobbyist in D.C ?

      1. Don’t know what the connection is there Lock. I do know that someone is blocking at the DOJ for old Boss Hogg and his mafia.

        1. Charlene:
          Trent Lott’s only son is named Tyler -don’t know if Tyler could have had any sons.

          Did run across a current non-PC comment attributed to Trent, who may have issued the very first non-PC comment bout the U.S.-Mexican border:
          ‘They’re at least as smart as goats . Now one of the ways I keep those goats in the fence is I electrified them. Once they got popped a couple of times they quit trying to jump it’.

          With common sense non-PC thoughts like Trent’s I hope The Donald calls Trent to be his V.P.. Poor Trent was the first Republican Congressman to be black-balled by the PC GOP because of Trent’s favorable comments at Strom Thurmond’s 100th birthday party.

          Personally with the comments by Univision anchor, Ramos, the National Guard should stablish a de-militarized zone, with vibration ground probes which surround Area 51, and similar signs in Spanish telling violators they could be shot crossing the fence.

          1. Tyler is actually Trent Lott’s daughter. Lott hanged himself and no one from team Bush would cut him down. It was their payback from Lott’s 1988 endorsement of Jack Kemp over Bush 41.

            Who is the Matt Lott being discussed? A DMR employee or crony?

            1. Matt Lott was a the major Fed player in the DMR investigation. I personally was told that he was very focused and intent on doing the right thing. Further, he dedicated himself to indict the wrongdoers and seeing that they were punnished; however, after all of his intense investigation and work, higher ups put a block on him (imho through the Bushes and Fata$$), and his hands were tied. Haven’t heard much on him lately and don’t even know if he is still employed by the Feds.
              Bush killed us when he took away Trent Lott and Gene Taylor. They were the only consistant fighters for the Coast that we have ever had. They both are greatly missed.

              1. Might you be conflating federal agent Matt Campbell and Chris Lott of the the state auditor’s office?

                If not, I’m imagining Matt Lott to be wearing a seersucker suit and tooling around town in a Crown Vic.

              2. I’m sorry if I crossed up any names and did not mean to mislead. Since I am not up close and personal on this, I am going by what was verbally told to me, and the name I remembered was Matt Lott. So the two names you suggested may be possible. Do you know if either of them worked the DMR investigation? If so, that would be the young man that I was referring to.

  12. It is pretty amazing what our military and law enforcement can do these days. Many of our protected structures are not even protected using a fence. Sophisticated cameras are strategically placed and can monitors thousands of acres at once for any signs of movement; alarms are sounded and an attachment of security forces are there within minutes…..very simple, old technology. Heck, there is enough abandoned security equipment left a decommissioned government sites to monitor the border and then some…..we have the means to accomplish this; just not the desire at the moment!

  13. I think you all have gotten off the topic of Scott & Trinity Walker advertising to rent their home without the proper permits. As far as I am concerned, Scott is a cry baby that never grew up but along the way, stole and lied so much; he believed his lies. How much did he get away with that the average ‘Joe’ would still be in prison? So now he will complain that people are against him because he just did not know he needed a permit. Will Ocean Springs believe him and give him a permit? With as much negative publicity as the Walkers’ have given to the city, I personally hope they decline his permit.

    1. Not a chance. Crooked Mayor and crooked Alderman Greg Denyer. These two combined with Troy Ross and Trinity is guarantee to get her permit. The angle will be the tax payers will benefit. They are always one step ahead. All in the family.

  14. I hate to disagree with you Point Park but I think the landowners on the beach in Ocean Springs will not allow this miscarriage of the city’s rules and regulations the Walkers think they can overturn. They pay big dollars for a home, high dollars in insurance and mega bucks in taxes. Why shouldn’t they have a say on what is happening in their neighborhood?

  15. Only the land owners within 500 feet – at least that’s rhe way the rules supposedly reads. On the right is Joe Cloyd, the golden golden chest at the DMR keeps him in that house. I just can’t see him turning on his brother in crime and fellow Republican operative Scott Walker. The Governor would have Jamie cut him off. Doctor feel good and fellow Republican is on the left. Don’t see that happening. And as I said the Mayor needs those tax dollars to plant spring flowers. Alderman Greg Denyer owes the DMR and the Harris family a HUGE debt. Yep. My money is still on Trinity.

  16. Their recent PR campaign may not be producing the desired results.

    So far it rates about a 1.5 on a scale of 1 to 10.

    I reserve the right to review my rating after seeing the Sunday installment of Poor Poor Pitiful Me.

    Warren Zevon:

    I’m the innocent bystander
    Somehow I got stuck
    between the rock
    and a hard place
    and I’m down on my luck
    Yes I’m down on my luck
    Well I’m down on my luck

    Warren Zevon – Lawyers, Guns and Money

  17. Point Park, You may be correct. But I cannot see the remainder of the beach front community giving their blessings on this rental deal. What will keep others from doing the same?

  18. John, you might look a little farther down the road. The DMR owns that house. I just can’t see the DMR turning on their x-employee Trinity. Heck they might want to host the reception their and Joe and Adam can funnel a contract for the food. But there is the friends of the harbor group. Connie took them on and lost big time. Cost the tax payers of Ocean Springs big bucks. Wonder what they group’s opinion will be. Could be a tipping point. Connie might think twice before taking on a well organized and well funded group like them.

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