One thought on “The dog ate it, and worse….”

  1. Holy Ropin’ A Dope Dep Sellin’ Dope,Batman:

    Seems like all the La. parish police departments are having trouble keeping track of things in the evidence rooms. First it was St.Tammany deps sellin’ dope , now Jefferson missin’ money and dope . Can’t believe we haven’t heard from Orleans parish yet.

    The U.S. District DEA chief has been recently recalled to Wash. D.C……….. drug conviction cases will probably be compromised by drug dealer defense attorneys pleading police corruption …..

    We got Obama freein’ convicted drug dealers/ sellers from jails, dope being sold out of evidence rooms by those very frontline warriors fighting the DRUG WAR….

    How bouts we just legalize growin’ homegrown smokin’ dope ( two plants per family with a paid state license sticker just like yo’ fishin’ license), those who want to sell send a message by makin’ the penalty so great(10 years min. to 30yrs for heroin and meth), those that want to get higher and higher and OD on homemade Meth ( free license) have at it bros’……. and with the profit out of dope maybe the unemployed blacks may want to adopt a legal profession/work ethic, live to see 30 and care for their families like in the old days.

    With low priced home brewed dope there will be no demand for sales of artificial , toxic dope substitutes killin’ people, fewer dope pushers making less money but still puttin’ their lives on the line defending their territories, fewer DEA officers, fewer parish deps workin’ drug surveillance/ fewer arrests/prosecutions and fewer jails. Then spend the saved millions on drug rehabilitation centers and END THIS INSANE, WINLESS WAR ON DRUGS !

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