47 thoughts on “Better to laugh than cry – A Sign of the times”

  1. Too accurate to describe! There should be additional signs up looking for the $13 utilty fee. Where did it go? Community Center money collected by lil Filingame daddy said! On and on and on!

  2. Too too much. Love the Poster, but really lets look for all of the money:
    Our initial payment monthly on our water bill–did not get paid to authority–GONE
    Debt service to pay the money not paid 13.00–GONE
    Police forfeiture money–GONE
    Rental fee to be paid in CASH collected by Daughter– Did it make it to City Hall?? No bookkeeping to verify what was collected–MAYBE GONE –Guess the Apple did not fall from the tree.
    Bad collecting and spending habits.
    When will it all stop ??

  3. ATOMIC WEDGEEEEEE…. Thats when those mean jocks hung guys like Les from the fence around the football field. Maybe the sign is the wedgeeee Les needs to wake up and get real.
    It would be funny seeing him hanging from his drawers off a fence post. Liar Liar pants on fire!!!!

    1. What’s with all the underwear references Poolman? Speedos, drawers, wedgees and several other comments on other posts from you that reference underwear or the like. Seems like this area of the anatomy is where your insightful & to the point comments arise. So to speak. Signs & drawings that look like a high school bully poster contest. I guess it’s good to have these things memorialized on the big www for all time, just in case you or any of your cronies want to run for public office again. You know, just as a reminder of how classy you’d represent, given the chance. Criticizing, political differences, accusations of wrongdoing, calling for investigations are one thing; but this childish stuff serves as proof positive of your simpleton mentality. Just when someone starts to think that you’re on to something the “independent auditors” or other outside officials prove you wrong (how many times!), and then to further confirm your motives here come signs, play money, references to ‘drawers’ and so on, proving to anyone with half a brain cell that you’re just up to stir crap, nothing more – or IS this fixation on drawers and wedgies something more?? Certainly it’s NOT ‘good government’ or ‘civic duty’…serious adults actually go about things a little differently. You do amuse me though, I must admit. Maybe you ought to consider not letting joeylanalonniemikeyrod use you like the tool you are, over and over and over again. Do you not see the pattern here? No, you don’t, but a lot of people do (and it’s fun conversation at your expense I must admit). Lol – their own personal puppet & parrot all rolled into one village idiot. In your defense though, I don’t think you’ve caught on to it – in fact, you’re actually kinda proud of it aren’t you?! Maybe you should go in drag one day to their lunch spot and sit a few tables back..you might be a teeney weenie (no pun intended) bit surprised at the conversation. Now, now…before you say “Oh, no way they’d do that” I want you to consider – oh shoot, never mind, I’m wasting my breath – I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know, now am I. Anyway I don’t want you to stop – honest! HOWEVER I would like to see some more original material – something that looks like you’ve put a little effort in it! I just don’t know what to think – one minute you really get under my skin, and the next minute I’m rooting for you! Ooh! My little Poolman and his speedo………Deena luvs ya either way!!

  4. I was thinking Mussolini. Lol took care of himself and his family and left the people paying bills hanging till they hung him!

  5. D. Looks as if she/he has a crush on poolman! I will bet he she listens to him on Fridays and calls in. I will bet she he wants Jeff to give her him a wedgie! Lol this will probably hit a nerve but I beleive the fire chief wants a wedgie from poolman too. Hell they may all be the same person! lol

    1. Oh my goodness, no nerves to hit here ‘enough already’. I confess I’m not one of the 2 dozen people who listen in on the local radio if that’s what u talkin bout. Lol… you people can’t take a little funnin’ can ya. As much as I want to I can’t speak for the fire chief (a little bit of a fixation there too I think, but whatever fires ya up go for it I say!) or the police chief, indian chief, big chief, master chief or any other chief but I gotta confess me, myself & I don’t have a lot of crush feelings happenin for the poolman -with or without his trusty speedo. Hard as I try I can’t get that particular disturbing image outta my brain, know what I mean?? But it does make for good conversation! I DO enjoy his attempts at crashin the party, it’s just the company he keeps that makes a bad smell and spoils the fun – sometimes. I’m hopin to get another chance to see him do the ‘moon’ to somebody on a public street, but even tho it’s mardi gras I realize it’s kinda cold for that. Maybe in spring! And I’ll admit that I worry a bit about the repeat wedgie references ’round here…it just don’t seem natural, BUT whatever blows you! I mean, whatever blows your skirt up that is. Or your jockey shorts. Whichever. Now then, don’t be a tool – be a parade! Have a big happy mardi gras! I know I am!

      1. Flip somebody the BIRD, no question…. use my name to call somebody out and not hide behind an IP address YEP…. MOON somebody, thats against the law and trashy, only in your wildest dream would you see my AZZ. Now my life is 45 seconds shorter, thanks .

        1. Oh Jeff losing 45 seconds is a small price to pay to see you get so in a lather! A lather! My oh my. And, you’re welcome. Glad I could help. I already knew that flipping someone the bird is in your repertoire, I’ve had the pleasure of seeing the act on more than one occasion (like I said, if class were glass you’d be a mirror son!). Not to change the subject but I’ve tried to evaluate my love / hate feelings for you (as recognized here on slabbed no less!). I’ve pondered my feelings about the underwear issues, your surfer-boy good looks and of course, your money. Ultimately I’ve decided it is your relentless pursuit of truth, justice and the American way that drives and stimulates my responses. Not bad if I do say so myself. I just think that you folks here were getting in a rut and I wanted to liven up the conversation a bit. Here’s to hoping it works! With any luck you and I will cross paths again and have another cocktail, soon I hope!! I don’t get why you say I’m hiding behind an IP address, as though you don’t know we’ve met, more than once. C’mon, my name is right here (kinda a TBT thing, ya know?). And you just can cut it out about my wildest dreams…don’t be a tease!

      1. Maybe employee insurance or police fuel credit will pick up the tab? Something is rotten in Denmark and methinks it is the “leadership”. Stop blaming, just own it and fix it. This is beyond clerical error territory. You wanted our votes – now earn back our trust.

  6. If you read the article in the Sea Coast Echo and looked at the names attached you will understand why they stand as they do aligned with the administrations wrong doings. They all get something from him.

    Husband works at the mayors pleasure. Les goes he goes. His department had major violations.

    One wants tax payer support for a nonprofit and routinly criticizes councilmen that don’t share her passion. Wanna be politician but very unpopular.

    Two wants a doggy park at the tax payer expense. They want to run the animal police and dictate their ideals on others!

    One gets free rent in the depot building to advertise his business!

    All want the tax payer sponsored but unfunded trolley for either their personal or professional gain! Again they do not put their own but want the tax payer to cover it.

    One wanted to be on the harbor commission so badly but Les could not lobby one vote! He was extremely bitter when they reduced the number of commissioners after a resignation and he still couldn’t get in. Eventually he got in by default!

    One just sniffs behind the Mardi Gras man

    One was jilted by a councilman and is on the system.

    1. Won’t let the cat out the bag but I’ll just say ‘jilted’ could be your middle name – no worries, I won’t out you here. And speaking of sniffing….ahhhh, come now! Just don’t default on your promise babe, remember ‘money for nothing’? Don’t say you don’t know!

      1. Go Figure:

        Reading your February 13th post then reading d.cuevas’s February 14th reply he implies he/she knows who you are and if that’s true —–

        How would he /she know your true identity unless, unless— could he/she be the one and only, THE WORM ?

        THE WORM, who has been trying to bore into Slabbed’s website to discover commenter identities,” has turned…..” into a cocoon, has undergone metamorphosis and emerged as a flying apesh*t moth commenter who wants to flutter around throwing BS off his wings , occupy web space and eat holes in the truthful comments?

        If this is true somebody get the frickin’ RAID spray and kill this parasite! NOW, before he lays eggs and other wormy commenters invade the SlabbedNation.

  7. Go Figure…….u left out another common link. They will all have a Bernie Sanders sign in their yard. None of them have been very successful so they want to redistribute wealth and amenities to themselves to make it better for themselves!

  8. I attended a pre-election debate where Poolman was the only person that stated that the city was in terrible financial trouble while the current mayor denied it emphatically. Only a few months later we all found out that we were behind on our Solid Waste bill and the Hancock County Utility Authority Sewer bill. Who was smart then, the liar or the Poolman?

    1. The best part of this was the Sun Herald lobbied for Les to be re-elected in their editorial but now are investigating and finding out the dark side of it. To their credit they have not succumbed to Les’s threats and propaganda to change the reporting back to promoting his lies and and mis-guidance.

      Kudo’s Sun Herald and Wes Muller

  9. In the Mayor/Council form of government the Mayor conducts the daily operation
    Of the city and is charged by statute with executing business according to city ordinances and state law.
    Additionally he and the city clerk present bills for payment to the council twice a month at their official meeting.
    The council pays the bills based on the information provided by the Mayor and City Clerk.
    It is the legal responsibility of the Mayor and Clerk to provide complete and accurate information to the Council to assure the legal remittance of all claims.
    Failure on the part of the Mayor and Clerk to perform their legal responsibilities on behalf of the taxpayers can result in their bonds being revoked. It is never the responsibility of the citizens to make good on the mismanagement of their tax dollars by their elected officials.
    These statements are not rumors or opinions. They are state law.

  10. State and Federal Law are only suggestions for theMayor. The city attorney and city clerks were supposed to be the legal guidance for the council but instead we’re just yes men and women to promote the mayors malfeasance! Bad legal and financial advice were given so routinly we now have every major investigative branch of government crawling through city hall.

  11. I hope every type of investigative authority goes through City hall and not let Les throw his employees under the bus. He and Rafferty are the major problems along with 4 of the council members. Tuesday should be interesting on what they do with Les veto. Maybe Les and Rafferty need to go.
    Understand council was supposed to make a motion about the Attorney position. Joey back peddled, wonder what that was all about? Hope we don’t have another one going over to the Dark Side. I heard Rafferty does not have a legitimate contract…..

  12. In fact not having a contract is probably why he was not commissioned to carry out the mandamus. Not getting him further involved without better legal guidance would just perpetuate the ongoing problem. There are many issues that will take time and guidance to protect their moving forward. We all want swift justice but knee jerk reactions can undermine the process. This situation has become combative and each piece of the puzzle must be put in place carefully.

  13. Can You Hear Me Now,
    I agree that every part of the puzzle must be put in place carefully. That means, of course, that the Council must not even consider the taxpayers sacrificing one penny out of any city account to pay back the missing DOJ funds. That is the piece of this puzzle that will never fit.
    The folks did not do this, and should not have to remedy it. Hell, they didn’t even know it was happening to them.
    I am not an accountant, don’t claim to be one. Not an attorney, don’t claim to be one. But I know some very talented people in both professions, and can’t find one that would send the bill to the taxpayers as a solution to this problem.
    That 7 to 0 vote by Council to revoke the bonds of those in the administration who handled this money on a day to day basis had better be upheld to override the Mayor’s veto.
    It is now time for this Council to stand up for the citizens who are the real victims in this ongoing fiasco.
    This Council will choose Tuesday evening to either be part of the solution or become part of the problem they have been confronting for the last 3 years.
    I would not advise them to jump ship now because sooner than later the seas may be getting very rough.

  14. I dont see anyone jumping ship. this is a legal process. We are pissed and want action but they have hired and have gotten agencies to investigate and are under their tutelage at this time. They need to get a legal contract in place that prohibits this type of legal problem moving forward. It takes time. I will be the first to chastise them when I see them jumping but unfortunately this thing works 2 weeks at a time.

  15. Lockemuptight,
    “The worm has turned” is a Shakesperean phrase that means someone is going to experience a turn of fortune!!

    1. Holy To Be or Not to Be A Worm Batman,

      Lana thinks “the worm has turned….” phrase means a turn of good fortune . I’m of the opine it means even the ‘meekest worm will seek revenge’ as per Wiki dictionary:


      Since you used the phase you decide if dere bees a lowly crawling worm who done morphed into a frickin’ BS flyin’ moth commenter here in da’ SlabbedNation out for revenge on other commenters for truths they have exposed.


      1. Back in Shakespeare’s day a worm was not a worm or insect.

        “The Worm Has Turned
        Nancy Sherer

        When Shakespeare used that simple phrase, “The worm has turned,” he knew his audience would understand its meaning and origin. A widely used expression even today, it indicates a reversal of fortune, but few who use it know why.

        “Worm” is a common term for ‘dragon.’ In fairy tale terms, the flying dragon spewing fire would ravage fields and villages. To be in the dragon’s path resulted in inescapable destruction. What a relief if it changed directions.

        The phrase persists through time and changing cultures because it describes a more ancient and universal force: the annual cycle of the sun. As time cycles through the seasons, the Dragon circles through the Zodiac. After summer solstice, when long summer days dry the earth, the Dragon ravages the land bringing drought and pestilence. As the seasons change, the worm turns.


  16. Lockemuptight,
    If you read my post again, you will see that I did not say that the phrase “the worm has turned” means a change of “good” fortune.
    I said the phrase means someone is going to experience a change in fortune.
    Very different. But at this juncture in Bay St. Louis’ financial history, I think it would be safe to say we can used the past tense.
    That turn of fortune is now well underway!

  17. Lots of folks were commenting after the February 16 meeting of the BSL City Council meeting, that things were calmer and moved right along. The fireworks that were expected, because an “intent to veto” letter was sent out last week by the BSL Mayor, did not occur. The vetoes target two motions made by the Council on February 2, 2016: 1. To transfer $300,010.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Department of Justice fund and 2. To file a claim against the bonds of the Mayor and 2 former financial officers for the replacement of those funds. (By the way those 2 motions were passed 7-0 by the Council.) The Minutes from the February 2 meeting were not completed in time to get them signed by the Council and sent to the Mayor for him to have anything to veto, yet, but I’m pretty sure, since the meeting was recessed ’til Monday, February 22, at 5:30 pm that fireworks are on the agenda. There was more though, our new Comptroller, Cissy, shared a couple of interesting points. 1. Our Fuelman bill, though there was a payment on the docket last night, will still not be caught up with this payment, and 2. We still have $213,000.00 in outstanding bills. She also stated that though payments to the Bond Refinanced Account have been caught up through December of last year, we do not have enough money in the utility account, at this time, to catch it up and meet our other obligations. Finally, someone who is willing to tell us the truth. We stand on sinking sand, I’m afraid.

  18. Truth hurts but now we know. Too late to fix it. Peter and Paul are broke! I would suggest to stop payment on the mayor and council until the books can be reconciled and financials are in order. As well, temporary layoffs are imminent. Unfortunately Piss Poor Planning makes for Piss Poor Results! Les and council live on the 3 P’s.

  19. I’m still waiting on the Les Legionnaires to put the rumors to rest. They should have had ample time to get the inside scoop. Fuel Man Payments caught up yet? Police with new leased cars and no gasoline go hand in hand with the Administrations Management Style! Those people are really drinking the cool aide while waiting on Les to give them hand outs! I believe the milk cow has already left the barn! They all looked mean and threatening with their Bernie Sanders scowls Tuesday! HAHAHAHA They are really funny! Ole I will Sue You Coleman is charming!

    1. Dumped On:

      “I believe the milk cow has left the barn….”

      Holy Lesbo and the Beanstalk, Batman;

      Lesbo stupidly sold the milk cow for da’ bean seeds, planted the seeds, grew a frickin’ beanstalk ,climbed it illegally and stole the goose that laid golden eggs … but the goose laid hundreds of thousands of golden eggs that really belonged to others and now the goose only lays BS eggs that stink….

      BOOM. BOOM , BOOM …… here cometh down da’ Giant to done gets da’ goose, gets back da’ golden eggs back and wring Lesbo’s lying neck !

      1. Some guy has a plan! I think! Must have a Plan! How else can he be the HMFIC? Just you wait and see, Evrything gonna be all right! Matters of fact BSL gonna be rich and not broke!!! ANyone else heard a rumor? Coming soon to BSL!!- filing patents to turn the tourist’s unicorn farts into alternate energy clean fuel? Gonna get some Good Old Uncle Sugar Gubmint subsidies, it’s the next KIOR and right here in BSL! Partnership with them folks that broughts you Kemper clean Coal! If they can’t do it better who can? Gonna Be YOOGE!!! Build the plant just outsidda downtown-property up like a hot air balloon!!! Thems unicorn farts don’t stink! Extrey gubmint subsidies and profits for to convert all thems unused sewer pipes to transport the liquid gold!!! The property tax revenues gonna be Yooge too! And them Fart processors spendings thems paychecks downtown!!! All them Trolleys gonna need a second trolley to pulls behind to gets them all home safe when the bars close!! Sidewalks gonna be 40 feet wide to handles all the bargoers! Hope and change you can believe in! BSL taxpayers gonna OWN Fuelman and the popo gona ride in Lambos with 28s before it all done!!!~ Them Lambos ain’t gonna be halfassed leased Lambos neither! Lambo and Ferrari gonna build their new stealership where that dolphin zoo wuz gonna bee! Heard it all last night just before last call for alcohol!!! Maybe got a few little details not 110% correct, but you KNOW BSL gonna be YOOGEly famous when the fat lady sings. Catch all the deets in the next edition of the local paper!! What it called? The Beach Side News jUrinal? Gotsta run! I gots to get some hairofthedog hangover medicine! And get the next hot rumor from the barflies!

        1. rfp:

          We’s talks and writes alike …….we tinks da’ shames way …….we must done bees genetically related…..we bees bros in the SlabbedNation… Together we’s bees trying to make America Great Agin.

          Who yo’ father bees?

          Me father was da’ infamous Sheriff Deadbolt who done used to locks up bad peoples, boats mens and womens, up in da’ twentieth century in Evangeline Parish.

          Do rfp stand fo’ ‘reports fo’ people’ ? I always enjoys yo’ commentary so keep ups da’ good work.

  20. So each month we pay our $13…. Each month according to the note signed by the mayor and Raf, the money needs to be placed into an account at Hancock Bank…. AND ONCE AGAIN ITS NOT THERE…. Funny I sent a complaint to Jackson many months ago the first time we found out about the MISSING fund. At some point the Auditors office is going to have some responsibility for not acting on complaints.

  21. Maybe we should all not add the 13.00 to the bill and bring it directly to Hancock Bank to put in a reserve account. Since lyin les is not paying we should make sure our payments are being allocated to the proper authority????
    The council needs to do something, and soon.

  22. The police cars are using fuel, from the city barn, that is not legal to use on the road. It does not have road tax in it. It is for utility and off road use. If you have a wreck and red dyed fuel leaks you will be fined by the police. Due to nonpayment of the fuel man card the police who e force this law are forced to violate that same law. How much more degradation of authority and deteriation of the rule of law must we endure from this administration?

  23. The police cars are using fuel, from the city barn, that is not legal to use on the road. It does not have road tax in it. It is for utility and off road use.

    ^^^ Hard to believe this could be true… well, it shouldn’t be true anyway.

    Doing something like this is always major league stupid. The IRS has some free advice on how and why not to do this. For the slow to comprehend, that’s the FEDERAL IRS. Here is what they have to say about using off road diesel in on road vehicles. I’m pretty sure they have similar advice for using off road gasoline in on road vehicles.


    Every pump is required to be properly labeled, filling a highway use vehicle from an off road use pump is a $1,000 fine + back taxes for each occurrence if I remember correctly.

    This should be an easy thing to investigate. Either it has happened, or it has not.

    Doing something like this is would be about as smart as pissing on a downed power line.

  24. Gus is part of the problem! Can’t separate dignity or professional! JR n Raff are on their last leg! Bid rigging is bad! Gus may meet Dolomite! Lots of baggage ! They all need to go down and probably will one way or another! Not a moral or ethical bone in their body! Greed gets everyone corrupt! Raff led a small mind JR down primrose! Yea John your prople may need to meet with my people! Dirt Bag! Les is yalls moral leader! LOL that makes it all worth while!

  25. Holly Batman n raff n john! Done got caught wit dare pants down and watchn each other! who has skid marks in dare pants? I believes dey wear dare Jammie’s on backward
    Jammie’s on backwards waits on les to come home to show dem they way dat sissy boys do it! Oh well maybe dey will quit n go home!

  26. The description of the condition of the Finance Office by the new Comptroller to the Council was damning tonight at the Bay Council meeting.
    A couple who never attends meetings said on the way out, “these people don’t know what they are doing!!!” Ah, yeah!! I would say that is a very astute observation.

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