6 thoughts on “I understand the latest fashions will be on display tonight at the Bay City Council meeting”

  1. Les will Veto it! He will only wear one if he can unbutton it to his navel. After all he is the” Casanova of Main Street “!

  2. Is this the slowest moving blood test result ever?
    Since there’s an executive session on the agenda for tonight, I’m sure that’s where it will be discussed. Why air your dirty laundry… see picture above. .. in public? Because he’s a public employee who can’t do his job sober.

  3. I don’t know if the Executive Session should apply if the actions of the employee happened while off the job and not directly job related. It says for litigation and personnel issues. This was not done while on the job. So they should be able to discuss in public..
    Doug?? can you assist on this one..
    He is the head of a department that has come under so much scrutiny. Maybe it is time to replace him. His title is Interim so they did not have to put a time limit on his ability to pass the State test to get certified. This position is very important for the development of our city. We have so many violations due to his incompetence. It has cost us $$ for attorney fees for Mr. Rafferty to defend us because of this. Michael Reeves has pages of buildings that are not compliant with the Building Code. Why do we still have an employee that is not right for the job?? Oh wait, that seems to be the case for most of the Departments. The clerk can’t get documents to the Council, Les Daughter can’t get the public buildings watched over properly. she either can’t get up early enough to open for events or leaves work early to pick up kids from school. I want to work for BSL. And the most important job of Mayor is being held by someone who has totally
    Broke the city financially.

  4. I am still wondering how the mayor got re-elected. There cannot be that many uninformed idiots in the Bay. On election day, while I was signing the book, I overheard a poll watcher ask one of the workers to look into an incident. Seems like someone wanted to vote, but a vote had already be cast in her name. How many times did this happen?

    1. There are more useful idiots/innocents than you’d think Spyderwoman but beyond that we have human psychology.

      On the Face of It: The Psychology of Electability

      Starting that fall, and through the following spring, Todorov showed pairs of portraits to roughly a thousand people, and asked them to rate the competence of each person. Unbeknownst to the test subjects, they were looking at candidates for the House and Senate in 2000, 2002, and 2004. In study after study, participants’ responses to the question of whether someone looked competent predicted actual election outcomes at a rate much higher than chance—from sixty-six to seventy-three per cent of the time. Even looking at the faces for as little as one second, Todorov found, yielded the exact same result: a snap judgment that generally identified the winners and losers. Todorov concluded that when we make what we think of as well-reasoned voting decisions, we are actually driven in part by our initial, instinctive reactions to candidates.

      But the psychology is really more complex:

      No, good looks don’t win elections

      This sounds simple but it isn’t. There needs to be someone to run that is both competent and electable. Here in the Bay the universe of candidates that meet that criteria is pretty small and does not include Hizzoner, who has certainly demonstrated electability but who also lacks the administrative core competencies the city needs. I am privately pushing someone for Mayor that has never been in government but who I think has both qualities the city needs right now.

  5. The electing populus in each of the two prior elections to put him in office have been roughly 7 to 10 per cent of the actual voting eligible population of BSL. Combine 2 cups of special-interest a half a cup of buddy buddy and three scoops of vote tampering…..wave your magic wand and puff! You too can become the grand leader of the big shell game.
    Don’t be mad at the idiots that were stupid enough to vote for him. Be mad at the ones who are too stupid to show up and vote at all. The next election will be completely driven by turnout.

    Hard as it is to believe ,there still a bunch people down at the aqua Dyke thinking that he is a great mayor. A movement should be made to get the nonvoting citizens registered and show up on election day. A movement to increase voter turnout is the only way to get the previous movement out of office.

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