3 thoughts on “I’m afraid you will find no “whole cloth” here”

  1. I am at a loss Doug. What is all of this about??

    It appears to me that the MS Senate might be mad with the DMR? Mr. Frierson put in an appropriation for the DMR for the House of representatives; BUT it looks like Tate Reeve’s Senate doesn’t agree with what Mr. Miller asked for. Uh-oh!!! Somebody got some ‘splaining to do Lucy!!!! Any insight on this Doug?? It is HB1545 for DMR appropriation for FY2016. Wish we were flies so that we could sit in on the committee hearings.

  2. “Doing Faithjustice: An Introduction To Catholic Social Thought’, Fred Kammer, S.J. (Paulist Press 1991) p.15: “Atlanta’s changes stood in contrast for me with the tradition-bound conservatism of New Orleans, which had preferred to be a queen of the Old South rather than a molder of the New.” This is about our right/duty to freedom of Speech under the First Amendment. Pre-Katrina, I filed a first amendment retaliation complaint in federal court pro se which, when construed liberally & worth more than $1, was and remains a fair housing complaint. Now that I hold the political advantage, the little Cox girl assuaged my brief swinge of Machiavillian conscience (pay-back is such a bitch): “If you have cake, we should eat it.” While trying to follow a consistent ethic of life, under a Pax Christi vow of nonviolence, I find myself between Cornel West’s ‘Black Prophetic Fire’ & the pragmatism of Jim Singleton who is now at NORA (New Orleans Redevelopment Authority). So much for representative petitioner Danny Abel’s ideology argument at the Slabbed nation.

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