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  1. OK – it appears that Fat-a$$ needs to rob some more taxpayer monies. He is chosen by Philly to do a Coast memorial (which I know won’t be cheap). Everyone needs to go give their opinions and I can’t believe they have the nerve to even show their faces here on the coast!
    The same group of hanger ons are there in the photos that enabled that fat-a$$. This Coast is NOTHING like it was before Katrina. It does not reflect the coastal flavor. It reflects the Washington DC flavor and the monies were squandered and wasted on unneeded items. I for one, think it would have better served the people to build bathrooms at the ground level instead of building them up in the air and installing elevators in all of these buildings. Who the hell does Fat-a$$ know that manufactures elevators?

    If he and Philly don’t get the idea from the remarks left under the article, that the Coast has nothing for them, they will never get it. I say, Traitors go home!!! Go pander for the power companies and your other special interest groups and leave us alone!!! And to think that Phil was once a good State Auditor, and now he has sullied his good name imo.

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