7 thoughts on “”

  1. Hopefully after this hot super bowl today, we will be hearing some interesting news this coming week. Some little birds are chirping again – has anyone heard any ties of Puhl-ass-o and Jamie Miller to the S. H. Anthony situation? I had not heard this information before. Anyone know any intel on this?
    And I am hearing some names again from the bird – dejavu – LS, JM, and even some MDA names!!! What the hey is going on folks???
    If what the bird is cheeping is true, the good times will really be rolling on the coast this Mardi Gras!!!!

    1. I can’t say that I have heard anything “out of the ordinary” regarding Miller since the DMR land purchases made headlines, his doings with “Da-Frontier-Boiz’ and the reckless firings that have occurred under his wholesome Christian dictatorship. I would not put anything past it. After all, Miller was some sort of “chief of staff” for BLO-ZO a few years back–Remember the drunk party and such that made the headlines.

      It looks like Millers’ boy will be visiting the coast this week for some sort of promotion ceremony at “the agency.” This should be some good PR for Miller and a treat for the public. I am sure the governor will flap his lips about the great job Miller is doing. He may even elaborate on how Miller has turned the DMR around and Pickering has brought the former DMR crooks to Justice.

      Anyone know if its open to the public?

      1. Uh-oh Eye – Maybe old Pul-ass-o feels lonesome fbmwor Mississippi??? What an embarrassment to our State! And what business does a Federal representative, like himself, have to do with State business anyway? I thought they were supposed to keep a strict line between State and Federal Agencies when it came to employees. Most of the employees that were hired at the DMR were sent there through Pul-ass-o via Fata$$. Hmmm – yet more unethical actions. But oops – I keep forgetting. He thinks he’s invisible – Also, it looks like the FEDS will be taking over the Coast oysters from the fishermen. Ole Phil has an interest in it, so just follow the $$$. It’s about time they put the million dollar DMR building in the Pass harbor to work. A lot of butt kissing got that monstrosity built. Too much money wasted – could have been spent a lot wiser. But I forgot again – Someone needed a new Range Rover – or BMW!

  2. Horny Problems in Pascagoula. Kicking over some rocks to see what’s under.

    Just the other day I was out for a walk. I heard the train horn and thought to myself something like “Hope Morris didn’t hear that!” Then I thought to myself why would he have such a problem with those trains? Because even before the SRHS financial fiascos were revealed, Morris seemed to have the proverbial hard on to do something about those horns. I know they are loud and no doubt many guests at the Hilton Garden Inn in Pascagoula appreciate such old fashioned sounds less than I do (see various online reviews/complaints for the details.) Then too, building the Jackson County Chamber building about 50 feet from the crossing and then complaining about the noise was a stroke of something.

    Then I thought to self something like: Maybe there is more to this horny problem?

    The first item was finding out that one of SRHS “investments” was the Pascagoula Senior Center. The second item was a proposed senior assisted living center right next door to the new senior center. There turned out to be government financing, an LLC, Morris Strickland, a new Pascagoula Redevelopment Authority, bids; need a timeline to help sort it out!

    I did my best but there might be a typo or a mistake. Post any corrections right here!

    1. March 15 2010
    “Darcie Crew, the city’s recreation director, talks about the center’s amenities last week in the building’s fitness center, which was made possible in part thanks to a partnership with Singing River Hospital Systems.” http://blog.gulflive.com/mississippui-press-news/2010/03/pascagoula_senior_center_complete_but_opening_awaits_parking_and_landscaping_work.html

    2. November 3, 2010
    RAGS Properties LLC formed.
    “Development and management of assisted living facility”
    “Registered Agent: M. Gentry Williams”
    “Manager One: M. Gentry Williams”
    “Contact Member: Roy C. Williams” See Mississippi Secretary Of State.

    3. April 5, 2011
    Pascagoula City Council meets.
    “A Resolution Establishing the Pascagoula Redevelopment Authority” Adopted unanimously and in effect from and after passage. Page 13 of minutes. http://cityofpascagoula.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Regular-Council-Meeting-4-5-11.pdf

    4. April 5, 2011
    City Council meeting continues. “Next for consideration was a proposal for Live Oak site redevelopment activities as presented by Jaci Turner, Program Manager. Arthur Knapp, developer, also briefed the Council on the proposed 80 unit assisted living facility. He advised the units”…”The proposed letter of support for this development is spread on the minutes as follows:”…

    “The City is interested in entering an agreement to sell the land needed to develop this project to RAGS LLC (sic apparently), and to work to support the development as much as possible.”…
    Minutes page 32 same link as #3.

    5. February 6, 2012
    Value Tech Realty Services Inc
    Pascagoula Assisted Living Market Study
    A Proposed, 80 bed Assisted Living and Alzheimer/Memory Care Facility Located at 1806 Live Oak Avenue
    There are a lots of details, but this one concerning “Noise” was interesting.
    “There are train tracks to the south of the site. A quiet zone is being established that will prohibit train horns from blowing in addition to landscaping to buffer. Thus, any noise concerns will be mitigated.” http://cityofpascagoula.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Pascagoula-Assisted-Living-Market-Study.pdf

    6. February 26, 2012
    Miss Press editorial “Assisted Living Helps Pascagoula”.

    “Morris Strickland, representing the RAGS group, said a government backed loan has been secured for the project and the option on the land is needed to proceed.”

    More tomorrow on the horny problems in Pascagoula as the timeline is completed.



  3. 6. February 26, 2012
    Miss Press editorial “Assisted living project helps Pascagoula (editorial)”.

    “An upscale assisted-living center proposed for Pascagoula appears to be the kind of public-private partnership the CityCouncil and the Pascagoula Redevelopment Authority should continue to pursue.

    Local development team RAGS LLC (sic apparently) and Memphis based”…

    “The developers originally were planning to build the facility on the old LaFont Inn site in U.S. 90, where they are building a Hilton Garden Inn and some restaurants.

    Those plans changed last spring, and the City Council approved the developers’ decision to pursue plans on the Live Oak Avenue site. Morris Strickland, representing the RAGS group, said a government backed loan has been secured for the project and the option on the land is needed to proceed.

    The next step is for the council to vote on a resolution March 6 to convey the property to the authority, which will negotiate a deal for the land with the developers.”

    7. March 5 2012
    Pascagoula Redevelopment Authority Solicits bids for “Live Oak Assisted Living Facility” as follows:
    “Posted Date: Mar 21, 2012”
    “Due Date: Apr 18, 2012” http://www.govcb.com/Pascagoula-Redevelopment-Authority-ADP13323629240000501.htm

    8. March 6, 2012
    Pascagoula City Council votes 4-3 to convey Live Oak Avenue property to Pascagoula Redevelopment Authority. As reported by Miss Press on March 7, 2012: “Pascagoula council conveys property to redevelopment authority for assisted living facility” http://blog.gulflive.com/mississippi-press-news/2012/03/pascagoula_council_conveys.html

    9. May 8, 2013
    Miss Press apparently first report on the horny problems in Pascagoula headline is “Pascagoula should hush noisy train horns, businessman Morris Strickland says ”

    “Pascagoula residents and businesses need relief from noisy and disruptive train horns, local businessman Morris Strickland said Tuesday night before asking city leaders to study the feasibility of quiet zones.” http://blog.gulflive.com/mississippi-press-news/2013/05/pascagoula_should_hush_noisy_t.html

    1. Excellent timeline of events, Mr. Ben Dover.

      One thing I’ve noticed over the years: in order to “secure” federal (aka HUD backed) funding for residential properties a developer must meet a certain noise threshold. This can be hard to do when you are building next to train tracks. Seems to me Mr. Morrison and krewe are trying to dupe the taxpayers into subsiding the extra funds necessary to meet the “noise” criteria or to build a case for an exception. Seems they have been somewhat successful in their endeavors so far. Very smooth move letting the taxpayers pay for a “feasability” study to justify government backed loans and/or developments. Oh the tangled web some weave.

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