The streets here in the Bay turn mean and bitchy…….

If I got a nickle for the number of times someone has threatened to sue me over something I wrote here on Slabbed, I be summering at my chalet in the Blue Ridge Mountains soaking in the hot tub. To be clear I have not received any sue threats but I understand other people here in the Bay have, and over public information like municipal administrative salaries no less. This boorish behavior is ill advised on about 50 different levels.

I’ve mentioned it before, there is a 500 pound gorilla that is sitting in the room every time Mayor Fillingame claims he has “cut to the bone” or maybe better stated, there are a bunch of 75 pound gorillas that together weigh 500 pounds in the room. To this point, most folks have been trying to tackle this subject in a friendly manner, not dropping names for the most part. That changed yesterday here in comments.

Calling this what it really is, the City of Bay St Louis has a friends and family program and the Utility Fund is largely paying for it.  And if Hancock Bank thinks the people of this town should see utility rate increases so the Mayor’s buddies and family can collect a fat paycheck for much of nothing, they have rocks in their head. Sending Mr Bond Trustee to the City Council meeting acting the part of jackass did not change the resolve of the City Council to make things right and that is very encouraging folks. My best advice to Hancock Bank is to stay the heck outta cIty politics and stop interfering with a City Council trying to do the job for which they were elected.

This evening at 6:30 in the City Council Chambers, Councilman Doug Seal is holding a town hall meeting for Ward 1 residents. I hope it will be well attended. I will be there.

Stay tuned.

11 thoughts on “The streets here in the Bay turn mean and bitchy…….”

  1. I hope I wake up from this nightmare pretty soon. This morning on the front page of the Sun Herald District 4 Supervisor in Hancock County, Steve Seymour, has written, along with his wife, a letter to Judge Starret, pleading for leiniency for convicted public theif, Scott Walker of the DMR scandal.
    This will look good next summer on Steve’s resume when he runs for Public Service Commission.
    I don’t think so!

  2. Doug, in my usual ruminations on the subject of debt, I took it as given that bond counsel as the mouthpiece of a lender usually show up in a principled position to remind a borrower of the obligations assumed in an indenture. Remarkably, in spite of the political history of the United States which began disfavouring debt (Jefferson v. Hamilton, etc.) most constitutions and several US Jester opinions place such indebtedness upon a level reserved for other sanctified subjects, which I need not list here.

    However, in your case you have seen bond counsel and a bond used as a sword, to whipsaw the reluctant serfs into divesting even more loot to the political nomenklatura. Unfortuantely at this time in our country’s legal/political history, the serfs have the short end of the stick.

  3. Well, I guess the Bay St. Louis Wives Club is just going to have to come in and defend their spouses.
    First Mrs. Seal, who is employed at the bank where the city’s bonds are held, is showing up at meeting and on Facebook airing her displeasures with the current state of city business.
    Mrs. Kolf is now on Facebook saying how rude and unprofessional Councilman Boudin was last Tues. at the meeting when he called her husband a liar, and then no one came to her husband’s rescue.
    The last time I looked at her husband, he was an adult male. Can he not defend himself? Or are his actions indefensible? Granted, he keeps books for Mr. “I decided not to make the records public yet” Filligame. See the Sea Coast Echo of today. But, at some point in time, David is going to have to stand up for himself, which is difficult to do when your in the pin with all the others and sliding through the slop has become more than you can navigate.
    The answer to all of these issues is if these damn people would just “tell the truth.” Are some of the Council rough around the edges? Yes, but when you have stalled someone for weeks on information they are entitled to and responsible for, then take on the chin when they take a swipe at you.

  4. The Mayor, Council and public employees are working for the taxpayers.
    They should at all times tell “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truths so help you god”
    Apparently the mayor and several council plus Kolf does not live by this standard.
    I wonder what set of rules they follow ?
    People of bay St. Louis should attend the next meeting to see if Mr. Kolf will give Mr. Boudin the information he requested. Mr boudin has every right to request any documents he wants.
    Wonder what they are hiding now??

  5. Perhaps a citizen should request the records of Mr.Kolf’s “correspondence” with the State Tax Commission through a Public Records Request. That is pretty cut and dried. State law states that if the entity (city in this case) does not have a written policy as to how they will comply with the Public Records Law, they have to turn the records over in 24 hours. If they do have a policy, it has to include that they reply to the requestor in 7 days. If the answer is “no” you can’t have the records, the city is required to give it in writing and it has to comply with what records are exempt from public viewing or possession. If the answer is yes, they have a maximum of 14 days to comply or can be fined $100 for each violation.
    It is not that complicated.

  6. Perhaps the Council should get their own affairs in order too. They have not been very “transparent” themselves. The July 16, 2013 City Council meeting minutes are the MOST RECENT minutes posted on the City of Bay St. Louis’ website:

    Considering the fact that most people do not have the ability to go to ALL City Council workshops/meetings, it is important that citizens have timely access to the meeting minutes as well as workshop/meeting agendas so they can stay informed and/or make plans to attend. Citizens should not have to rely on media outlets or make phone calls/send an emails to find out when a meeting is scheduled and to get agenda details. Citizens should not have to REQUEST city council meeting minutes or other important documents (city budget/docket) either. This information should be regularly updated and easily accessible on the city’s website.

    The City Council should set an example for administration to follow when it comes to timely access to information and absolute transparency.

  7. I totally agree Coastal Gal. You can get on the Council secretary’s list for all meetings, agendas, work shops ,etc. by emailing: [email protected], and asked to be added to the list. You won’t have to go to the website or wait for the administration to update the website. You will automatically get all the information including notice of meetings and minutes within days of them being adopted. The Council is very punctual and transparent with their business.

  8. Checked on that MS Jane is suppose to update the website. For the minutes and agendas-true facts

  9. You don’t have to wait on the website. Just giver her your email address, and you’ll get everything as soon as it happens and before if it a meeting. She’s a great asset to the city.

  10. Thank you for the comments and advice, Haddanuff. Much appreciated. And thanks for checking to see who is responsible for updating the council page on the city’s website, Facts. Ms. Jane used to do a great job posting things in the past. Would be nice to see the city’s website up-to-date again (all departments).

    Ms. Jane is a very nice lady and has always been accommodating. However, one shouldn’t have to “be in the know” in order to get put on an “email list” to receive information that should be readily available and accessible to the entire public on the city’s website. If I had not posted a comment on this blog, I would have never known that Ms. Jane has an email list that she mails meeting notices and minutes out to on a regular basis. Great info to have, but not the most “open” and “transparent” way to provide information to the general public.

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