Speaking of people that need to submit resignations…..

And here is today’s local news roundup.  We start with the legendary boozing constable, Tony Thomassie, who is harmless enough, except for the boozing while on tower and long rumored badge selling:

Embattled constable sues Jefferson Parish court for not using his services ~ Chad Calder

Next up things are not looking too good for the home team:

Bankruptcy trustee seeks sale of Brennan’s name, assets ~ Jaquetta White

Turns out that like Slabbed, Gordon Russell, John Simerman and company rake their muck the old fashioned way:

Reporters: FBI agents didn’t provide information of Telly Hankton’s probe ~ Manuel Torres

So this was, in reality, a fishing expedition for a reporter’s sources.  Gordon and John actually visited the FBI over on Leon C. Simon and signed into the official log documenting they were there, a truly cloak and dagger action if I ever saw one.   These guys do not need me to tell them how to best meet with the FBI but all the Hankton defense team did was reinforce a lesson with me on never meeting with the FBI at the FBI HQ on Leon C. Simon because you have to sign a log when you enter the building.  I’m glad to see the G men did not do anything stupid like two certain former US Attorneys.

Moving right along from the victory lap department, we have this on Team Ray Nagin:

Prosecutors torch Ray Nagin’s request for sentencing delay ~ Robert McClendon

Victory lap? Yup:

Lastly, and perhaps most likely to tank the effort for delay, Coman says Jenkins has already blown a deadline for him to lodge objections to the report.

According to procedural rules, the defense had two weeks to file his response, and that deadline passed a week ago without a peep from Jenkins, Coman points out. “Given Nagin’s failure to file any objections to date, the government urges the court to not accept any objections filed after the deadline” Coman says in his response.

I close with the following from the feel good department:

Long Beach cadet gets his ‘goat’ at West Point graduation ~ Kate Magandy

Mayeaux continues a long tradition of SSC alums successfully graduating from one of the Service Academies. Best of Luck to Lt. Mayeaux.

One thought on “Speaking of people that need to submit resignations…..”

  1. “I’m glad to see the G men did not do anything stupid like two certain former US Attorneys”

    You mean that infamous comic duo, Sal Perricone & Jim Mann, who toddled down to the FBI building’s sign-in log with their little bottle of White-Out in a vain attempt to conceal their illicit meeting with Mark Titus & Dominick Fazzio? 🙂 See comment from alafbi here ( http://www.nola.com/crime/index.ssf/2013/03/river_birchs_4-year_probe_whic.html ):

    “If the blogs/rumors are substantiated re Jim Mann altering sign-in sheets at US Attorney’s office, coupled with the providing false information to the federal judges, I would surmise this reaches a level where criminal indictments are returned. Obstruction of justice committed by DOJ officials should be (and usually is) taken seriously by DOJ.”

    How I wish WWL-870 had maintained its interview with Buddy Lemann on the subject, because Lemann’s flair for story-telling is matchless. It used to live here ( http://www.wwl.com/pages/15752356.php? ), and I preserved an excerpt:

    “Lehman says a hearing was set for today at 2:30 in which a magistrate judge was going to order federal investigators to allow defense experts to examine a recording device used by one of the targets of the investigation.

    According to Lehmann, federal investigators gave businessman Mark Titus a digital recorder hidden in an ink pen to capture conversations with Mark Fazzio, another target of the River Birch Probe.

    Lehmann describes the use of the device:

    ‘The date was June 3rd, 2011. At that point in time, the federal government, the federal agents, and Letten’s prosecutors…both (Jim) Mann and (Sal) Perricone in particular…they were investigating Mark Titus. They were trying to get him to bring his brother-in-law, Dominick Fazzio, into the federal government to meet with the U.S. Attorney’s office, to try to get him to agree to cooperate against his employer Fred Heebe'” ( http://www.wwl.com/pages/15752356.php? ),

    and the second meeting of that day was the one that prompted the White-Out, because he the USAO had been forbidden to meet with Fazzio regarding River Birch unless his attorney was present. Meeting was conducted, Perricone & Jim Mann swore otherwise, and government STILL didn’t drop River Birch investigation until Judge Chasez ordered them to hand over that recorder to the defense for forensic examination.

    Ah, memories! So when will Mr. Polite begin to clean house? The odor of Lysol is in the air, but we’ve yet to see the crew in the hazmat suits start tossing the bums out onto Camp Street. 🙂 [6/4/2014 11:10 AM]


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