If you’re a US citizen and not concerned yet………

Then the next question that would come to mind is whether or not there is a pulse.  What good does is there in having a Constitution if the powers that be repeatedly ignore it?

United States of Secrets Part Two: Privacy Lost ~ Frontline

As I watched, certain memories of days moderating Slabbed gone by washed over me. Ignatius certainly has a clue but the implications raised by the Frontline series lead to some places that I still do not feel comfortable writing about despite the fact I have no national security exposures that I am aware.  I will say that sometime in  early 2012 I came to a conclusion that I time stamped with song, as is my wont.

Be careful out there for Obama is as bad as George Bush when it comes to disregard of our basic civil liberties and worse when it comes to crushing whistle blowers.

11 thoughts on “If you’re a US citizen and not concerned yet………”

  1. Sad to say, Doug, but in today’s age, the “reichwingers” and PolPotProgressives are joined at the hip singing “hosannas” to the State and its police power attributes. Libertarians and those very few modern day “liberals” are genuinely the only ones tryign to swep back the tides. And yes, our Twelve Caesers would likely gladden the heart of what the boobosie consider “dictators.”

  2. If you are a citizen of Mississippi then you should be gravely concerned about this:


    The story from the Sun Herald website today indicated that a followup article will be made in tomorrows online paper. The auditors office behavior should be a huge red flag to the tax payers of Mississippi. The story indicates that the Pickering Clan was held in contempt of court. If they went to that extent to protect these precious records, what else have they done that’s shady with the DMR investigation? Cook up bogus offenses, influence the justice system, or perhaps force people to plea to crimes they never committed for political gain? If something else did happen, will we every know? Hmmmmm……

    In due time, the public will be enlightened.

  3. This corruption goes all the way to the top of the leadership of Mississippi. Who held the auditor position before the current personnel? Why are the guilty negotiating with the prosecutors office? They should have been sentenced and locked up by now. Has this corruption permeated all aspects of our justice system? It certainly seems the delaying tactics will be generous to the guilty. I wait to see what the federal judge rules on the sentences for these guilty persons.

    1. I think it’s clear you don’t know the Mississippi justice system. How about we have them cook up bogus charges against you, essentially force you to plead guilty and call it justice served.

      What you are actually seeing is just what the voters of Mississippi asked for. A radical regime dominated by southern republicans who put their political image in front of what’s good for society.

      1. Eye-Spy which charges to you consider to be bogus and against who. It appears to me the state charges against the 5 ex-DMR employees seem in most part to be questionable. You always have and make good points. Please elaborate.

        1. Perkins and Larsen…………..its nothing more than a total team effort that is politically driven.

          1. I read again what they are charged with and it seems with so many obvious potential violations of the law these charges are so small, even if they did occur. I ask why ignore the boat(s) scam, the Harbor Landing scam, the Reynolds Front Beach property purchase and all of the other inflated real estate deals that are so obvious? I did not even mention all that went on during the oil spill cleanup. Who is being protected? Be assured certain people are. Pursuing Perkins and Larsen is nothing more than a distraction. People like Stacey Pickering should be run out of office or indicted for the obvious obstruction he has participated in.

  4. The Obama team is commenting and lying out their PATHOLOGIC LYING asses that they did not negotiate with a terrorist (Susan Rice stated they negotiated with the country of Kutar which she pronounced as Cutter) which outright lie reminds everyone of her previous Benghazi lies but also of Bill Clinton’s similar BS statement of ‘ well that depends on the definition of what “is” is’.

    If you are an American and especially a true military veteran you better start thinking of voting your ass and your friends’ asses for the next President who does not walk into the Rose garden with a father, bearing a Taliban beard and praising Allah in Afghan language to the Nation, of an outright Army deserter whose attempted rescue resulted in the immediate death of 6 other soldiers ; and finally a President who does not release the Taliban Dream Team, from Cuba and ultimately back to Afghan soil to kill more peaceful Afghans and US soldiers, for one lousy deserter who days before his planned walking off with only his compass stated to his parents he hated America .

    With such little regard for the thousand of volunteer soldiers and their parents who gave their lives and limbs to accomplish Afghan success, the President’s un-American action without and in violation of Congressional approval ( a recently passed law) I’m sure will set back volunteer military recruiting to such a state that a military draft in the next 5 years is a given.

    And I’m not talking about voting for another fu*king Bush brother but a true American who cherishes the military men and women who serve and protect our country instead of military deserters.

    May God bless this country because we are in serious shape and in need of a true American leader.

    1. This Administration has no shame !

      Besides intentionally breaking a new Taliban scandal story to provide immediate cover for the ongoing VA scandal, the stupid appearing Obama Team I’m sure will have a backdoor surprise strategy coming from the deserter, who once coached will change his story from his first BS story that he was captured up by the Taliban while on patrol, and will eventually rant against the Republicans and especially Bush as war mongers. And then he and his Taliban- bearded father can praise Allah, the appeasing Democrats and polish Obama’s ass for bringing his deserting/ treasonous ass back to his wonderful homeland he previously twittered he hates – how about just before the Congressional elections, would that be good timing?

      Meanwhile right up to the Congressional elections there will be one white on black racist story after another to keep the Afro-Americans block vote solid while repetitive criminal, KNOCK-OUT black on white, including beatin’ the hell out of young disabled victims, like the one that just recently took place on the Northshore, go unreported on national news media.

      Oh, and why were the members of the deserter’s platoon made to sign no comment clauses right after the deserter deserted with only his compass and personal items like a diary ,etc.? Sounds similar to the ploy of the State Dept. led by Hillary refusing to disclose the names of the survivors of the Benghazi incident so said individuals couldn’t be interviewed.

      Chicago hardball BS politics makes NOLA and all Southern good ole’ boy politics appear juvenile.

      1. Lock, even as cynical as I am about sheeple goostepping to the welfare/warfare State beat, can’t see the sheeple buying the warmongering charge exclusively against the repukes. After all, the sheeple DID recently rise up in opposition to the democrap desire for war in Syria which was was advocated by the Nobel Prize winner. You recall that, right?

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