5 thoughts on “Something is clearly still wrong with the ecosystem”

  1. It couldn’t be from too much or too little rain. It couldn’t be from the cycle of planting clutch material. It couldn’t be from natural predators, or temperature, or any other cause because those causes have no money. Low oyster counts “just have” to be from BP. How about some scientist, even a hack scientist putting forth a peer reviewed study linking oil or corexant to oyster populations. Would any actual evidence be too much to ask for a news piece? Then again, I don’t blame the news, or the dirty politicians, or BP, or anyone else except the mentally lazy people that are overwhelming our country like a nutria rat that would believe “its BP’s fault” just because some poor oysterman says it is.

    1. You mean like the mentally lazy people who don’t even know how to spell Corexit?

    2. Raul – methinks you are in mind of the”morris bart school of liability”: if it has a name on it ..blame it, sue it, and extort settlement! Of course poor oyster harvest is BP’s fault.. along with poor shrimping, ugly whores at grand isle tarpon rodeo, pilot whale beachings, and the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald!

  2. It all from oyster dredgers. Throughout MS waters and waters in adjacent states, its consistently the dredging reefs that are in poor shape. Tonging reefs directly adjacent to these sites are flourishing with life. I would deduce that its not BP’s fault, its the method of take that are destroying our harvesting reefs.

  3. Dis’ erster report goes along wit personal and field reports of very few mature speckle trouts, no shrimps around and Al Scrummuza not seeing any big fiddler crabs on da’ Biloxi beaches to catch and boil.

    Its BP all da’ way around brothers. What da’ hell could it done bees- Mary Landrieu skinning dipping in Lake Ponchatrain in da’ 60’s wit her old man. Vitter washing out his diapers in 1990’s or Jindal’s elephant crapping on does big sand berms during his berm inspection tour?

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