Thursday Links: LSU Porno plays second fiddle to Duke plus financial masochism

A porn star from LSU named Morgan?  It just seems to fit, at least to me. Since being outed Morgan has kept a low profile.  A wildly famous newbie porn star from Duke named Miriam that has evidently been on National TeeVee several times since being outed around the same time as Morgan?  I found the profile of Belle Knox aka Miriam Weeks compelling:

The Blue Devil in Miss Belle Knox: Meet Duke Porn Star Miriam Weeks ~ Alex Morris

The finance boards are fairly brutal places in the cyber landscape and yes taking layoffs and being grateful for not being chopped while some stuffed suit collects major performance bonuses for wielding the axe is correctly called financial masochism, a term some folks consider a tad harsh. That said there are a few folks out there sporting sack:

A carpenter has the making of a folk hero ~ Bill McClellan, St Louis Post-DIspatch

Bonus link from 2012:

Fat bonuses tip scales, dump skeleton staffs

4 thoughts on “Thursday Links: LSU Porno plays second fiddle to Duke plus financial masochism”

  1. Call me old fashion or mature but I like my porn on the steamy streets of New Orleans in a taxi cab. I am still calling for Jenn louder than Forrest Gump on the Plaza in D.C. “JENNY…JENNY…JENNY” oh yes I can here me now or him I mean. Keep the college girls and give me a seasoned lady lawyer trading for cab fare any day.

    1. We need to visit on Jenn again. As a story Jenn and the Cabbie was just as big as Belle Knox in terms of making outlets like the New York Daily News and the Daily Mail overseas.

      There were a surprising number of reader comments overall that dissed the Cabbie. From my non scientific aggregation of public commentary most men, put in the same place of the Cabbie, would have happily obliged Jenn’s lustful automotive desires without a second thought.

  2. Holy Rock-Hard Cabbies Batman,

    Gotta’ bees rock- harden disciplined, have great foreskin foresight and bees on da’ lookout fo’ “quickie” evil to be a cabbie in Natully Nawlins or you be done found ” stiffer” den a board and/or possibly deed in yo’ cab from a “two second, as in give me two seconds”- “blow” to da’ heed, bro.

  3. Who can figure out Duke? They feature modern day lynchings by misconduct laden Disabled Attorneys who wouldn’t know the Bill of Rights if it whipped in their face, then you have a girl having to work herself to cover Duke’s payroll (got to love the Duke University junta “advising” her, like a drug dealer “advising” an user, to take out life long servitude agreements aka “student loans.)

    Oh, yes, least I forget, Melissa Hairy Perry left Tulane for Duke, right? at least got rid of one bottom feeding attorney known to sue his non-profit housing clients!

    I recall a LSU prof Burl Noggle from Duke, somehow can’t imagine Noggle and modern day Duke.

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