In case you were wondering where @PastorTonySpell stood on his pretrial release order

Social media does make the world much smaller. We were out yesterday morning highlighting some topical news and punditry. By yesterday evening twitter sent the notification. I personally haven’t really chimed in on this particular local news story besides highlighting the news coverage but I’ll admit to a certain amount of reticence as locking up Ministers of the Gospel carries profound constitutional implications, especially when some home cooking is involved. In any event, what I think is Pastor Spell’s Twitter account in his own words:

Other Voices | Tom Callaghan: Gotta Go With Joe

Posted on April 28, 2020

I’m not jumping up and down about Biden. He doesn’t do that for many people. I’m not looking to send him a check. I sent a couple to Tulsi, but that’s another story. If Joe was speaking to a group across the street (and mass meetings were allowed) I wouldn’t go. I’m afraid if I went I’d get exasperated and yell “spit it out Joe you’re driving us freaking crazy!”

You see, Joe can’t talk worth squat. I hate to say that but any other word is worse. The single most impressive thing I heard Joe say in the 483 Democratic Debates was “I see I’m out of time.” Which he said at least three times. To which the very secular politically correct audience responded “if there was a god we’d express gratitude but not in a way that would offend anyone.”

But, I gotta go with Joe because….because of the other guy…..the Drink the Lysol Guy (boy did that stock get a bounce) with his Prayer Breakfast Buddy Mike Pence. I wonder how many times a day Mike Pence says “I’m just proud as punch.” I bet its part of his phone message.

The other guy changes everything. We’re on notice. We can’t pretend we don’t know what he’s capable of. This is one of those moments Benjamin Franklin foretold when he walked out of Constitutional Hall, Philadelphia, 1787 and a woman shouted out to him “Dr.Franklin, what have you given us?” His response, “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

Continue Reading…….

Just a reminder folks…..

That the same guy that has been scapegoating Hispanic ditch diggers and waiters for our Country’s problems for the past three years also advocated injecting Lysol as a cure for Covid-19. Turns out this is the end result of someone that spends too much time in the West Wing watching Fox News and taking medical advice from crackpots. I could be wrong but we are on track for Republican incompetence killing more people than all the abortionists and illegal immigrants combined.

Donald Trump SLAPP sues over commercial which uses his own words.

Stick a fork in the blowhard as this latest wasting of scarce Court resources on a Devin Nunes style frivolous SLAPP suit smacks of desperation.

If I were that station owner not only would I counter sue, I’d include the lawyer and his partners that put their names on such a stinker as Trumpy’s co-defendants.

Other Voices | Tom Callaghan: The Trump Effect

Posted on April 2, 2020

From Mike the pillow man, to Barr the jowl man, to the collection of unknowns and lesser knowns spaced out, literally and figuratively, in the White House Press Room it was just a matter of time before Trump would have them stoned on Trumpspeak.

We’re talking about playing Three Card Monte in a room with funhouse mirrors against the President Emeritus of Trump University. Your card is never there. Just like life, its not fair.

By most standards, Trump had a couple of disastrous days. On March 31 he announced that we could lose “as many as 240,000 people” from the Coronavirus. (Our Viet Nam losses times four.)

In a bizarre attempt to soften the blow, Trump went on to say “if it wasn’t for what we’re doing people would be dying all over the place.” BOING! That was one of those “aside from that Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play” moments. Completely disorienting. That’s Trump. It’s like trying to nail jello to the wall. The little boy in the man’s body got us again.

Remind me again how Joe Biden is going to beat this guy.

On April 1, the country suffered 1049 deaths from the virus, on THAT day. More, by 1045, than we lost in Benghazi. Trump appeared for his regular briefing with none of the medical personnel that are customarily with him. In their place, were assorted uniformed military officers and the Secretary of Defense. A complete bait and switch. They went on about interdicting drugs and Trump spoke about his Wall, John Kerry and how “Trump was Number One on Facebook.” To their credit, CNN and MSNBC cut away from coverage of the diversionary show. Continue Reading…..