Arrest Reports and Mugshots are not State Secrets in Biloxi even if it involves the D’Iberville City Prosecutor

What you folks see on Slabbed is a small fraction of the muck we are leaked on a regular basis such as the following arrest report of Fred “Dub” Hornsby back in 2017 after he was involved in a ruckus with his girlfriend. Slabbed has had this jewel for almost a year:

Hornsby Arrest Report by Slabbed on Scribd

D’Iberville won’t release mugshots or police report on arrest of councilman, wife ~ Margaret Baker

After Councilman Robby Ellis and his wife, Chelse, were arrested Saturday on domestic violence simple assault charges, the Sun Herald filed a records request to obtain the police incident report, arrest records and mugshots, along with the court documents.

However, the city denied access to the booking photos and the arresting officer’s full narrative.

Police Chief Wayne Payne said, “everything goes through the (city) attorney,” before any information is released.

In D’Iberville, W. Fred Hornsby III serves as both city attorney and prosecutor.

Why would Hornsby block the release of public information available everywhere else in the state? Perhaps it was his experience in Biloxi but it is appears more likely to be favorable treatment given the politically connected alleged perpetrators. And without the viewpoint of the police report for the public to see, you end up with an PR blitz from the alleged perpetrators massaging the message: Continue reading “Arrest Reports and Mugshots are not State Secrets in Biloxi even if it involves the D’Iberville City Prosecutor”