Week in Review: Shadrick Visits with the FBI, Issues a Press Release

There are a few different ways to look at the stealing of welfare money going on up in Jackson but the question I’ve had since almost the beginning still haunts me: Why did the State Auditor cut out the US Attorney’s office in this matter. Shadrick issuing the press release after the fact advertising the meeting with the FBI was a nice clue that eau de landfill smell we’re sensing is not a mirage. Add in former pro wrestler Ted Dibiase and his son and all the ingredients for a first class political clusterf*ck are present. This topic is certainly on my radar.

One thought on last weeks news that Judge Zainey helped the NOLA Archdiocese massage the message

If I were one of the Plaintiff victims of the sexual abuse it would sure seem to me like the entire power structure was stacked against any of the victims getting justice after being buggered by Catholic clergy. Just a thought but the Boston Globe broke this story back in 2002 and here we are 18 years later still unraveling the official cover-up. Maybe instead of helping a male dominated organization that spent decades protecting pedophiles spin what they did Judge Zainey and the Bensons would have engaged in more productive pursuits insisting changes be made to make the Church relevant in the 21st century which today it is not.

Comment bump: Former Jefferson Parish Councilman Chris Roberts Dead

Hey Doug, Chris Roberts has passed……from an apparent suicide . Please say prayer his children and other family members. ~ Tom Heaney

Like everyone else I saw this piece of news first thing this morning. Like former Harrison County Sup William Martin, Roberts took his own life rather than answer to Federal criminal charges.

Its the season for Heartbreak ~ Nowdy 10/20/19