Other Voices | Tom Callaghan: Hey Joe

Posted on January 22, 2020

After a Day of Impeachment Hearings, Trump looks like he’s winning. Plus, the Conventional Wisdom about you is that you’re a gaffe machine and a “consolation prize” nominee.

Do yourself and the Democratic Party a favor and go on FOX in the next few days and subject yourself to everything they’ve got. Suggest you go on with Chris Wallace who is tough and fair. Answer everything they want to throw at you about Ukraine and anything else. While you’re on, let the Country know that if you are the Nominee of the Democratic Party you will serve one term only. You should also consider bringing your son, Hunter, on with you. Screw the “conventional wisdom.” Answer every question they have.

Do it well and it will significantly help your chances of being the Democratic Nominee. Secondly it will virtually force the Republicans to call John Bolton as a witnesses and throw the slick McConnell Plan of no witnesses in the Impeachment Proceeding into disarray.

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