What I learned so far, half way to home…….

Based on the social media reaction there was a lot of interest about the reason for my relative absence from Slabbed.

Exercise, eating right and weight loss builds its own momentum. Healthy weight loss doesn’t entail a surgical procedure and without diet and exercise, people that undergo a surgical weight loss procedure fool only themselves in the long run.

Speaking of diet and exercise, they work together and are most effective as a path to wellness that way. And by diet, that does not mean giving up any foods you like, at least for the diet to be sustainable. Rather it means eating in moderation and keeping your calories, food macros and nutrition in line on a daily basis. That is where exercise comes in because the more you exercise the more calories one can consume on things like Ben and Jerry’s (or booze). Speaking of macros, the combinations that work best varies from person to person. I personally shoot for 35% carbs, 30 to 35% fat and 30 to 35% protein to maximize weight loss.

Cheating can be a good thing as an occasional 3 to 4 thousand calorie meal from a place like Cotton Blues in Hattiesburg (complete with a piece of their award winning cheesecake), Sully’s or Dempsey’s in the Kiln resets your body’s internal furnace (for lack of better words). Even better saving weight watchers points for a weekend margarita (for those that do weight watchers) or eating the broiled red fish with crab meat au gratin sauce at Dempsey’s (and otherwise staying within your macros) is not cheating.

Finally, of the three macros, protein is your best friend. Continue reading “What I learned so far, half way to home…….”

Other Voices | Tom Callaghan: Hey Joe

Posted on January 22, 2020

After a Day of Impeachment Hearings, Trump looks like he’s winning. Plus, the Conventional Wisdom about you is that you’re a gaffe machine and a “consolation prize” nominee.

Do yourself and the Democratic Party a favor and go on FOX in the next few days and subject yourself to everything they’ve got. Suggest you go on with Chris Wallace who is tough and fair. Answer everything they want to throw at you about Ukraine and anything else. While you’re on, let the Country know that if you are the Nominee of the Democratic Party you will serve one term only. You should also consider bringing your son, Hunter, on with you. Screw the “conventional wisdom.” Answer every question they have.

Do it well and it will significantly help your chances of being the Democratic Nominee. Secondly it will virtually force the Republicans to call John Bolton as a witnesses and throw the slick McConnell Plan of no witnesses in the Impeachment Proceeding into disarray.

Continue Reading……..

Parchman Prison on Fire While the Politicians Diddle……

Recent news of a portion of Parchman Prison literally being set ablaze amid reports of out of control gang violence, along with a revisit to last year’s legislative session it is painfully obvious this State’s elected officials are among the most useless creatures to grace this planet with the lone exception of lining their own campaign coffers (and pockets) with special interest money, which they are expert.

Prison brass warned of dangerous conditions a year ago, but lawmakers did not act ~ Kayleigh Skinner and Adam Ganucheau

In the same January 2019 hearing, Manisa Ragsdale, a lieutenant with the corrections department, told the committee that employees’ working conditions were outright dangerous.

“One of the main concerns that I see happening every day is low staffing,” Ragsdale said. “If we were to have a major incident to happen, there is no one there to respond to the incidents.”

Ragsdale continued: “People are having to come in early just so they can have adequate staff to run the shift for one day. It’s kind of dangerous. If you have something to happen you don’t have anyone to respond. If I’m in a major crisis, who is going to come and see about me?”

We’re damn lucky in South Mississippi because we have the best run regional facility in the entire state, thanks to a seasoned Prison Warden and local Sheriff. That facility is the exception in Mississippi not the rule. Continue reading “Parchman Prison on Fire While the Politicians Diddle……”

Other Voices | Tom Callaghan: How Could it Come to This?

Posted on January 5, 2020

A scared little boy in a man’s body looking to kill to avoid looking weak. A Jewish Billionaire in a wheelchair egging the little boy on. “Don’t look weak”. An American press petrified at being called out for dealing in anti-Semitic tropes unwilling to mention the Jewish Billionaire’s name.

The little boy is our President. He’s Trump. The Jewish Billionaire in the wheelchair in his suite, in the Las Vegas Sands Hotel, is Sheldon Adelson, the most powerful private citizen in Israel and the United States, that nobody knows because our cowardly press is scared of its own shadow.

Adelson is on the record saying that the way to deal with Iran is to drop a nuke in their desert and “tell them the next one is in downtown Teheran.” He said that in 2013 at Yeshiva University before a mostly Jewish audience that sat in stunned silence for a couple of seconds then burst into enthusiastic applause. Not a single person stood up and said “you’re a freaking idiot.”

How does Adelson have such power? He has absolute certainty in the righteousness of his position…kill anyone who threatens or may some day threaten Israel, plus the willingness to back candidates in Israel or the USA in amounts nobody else is willing to match. Soros? Koch Brothers? Mercers? Stop it; you’re making me laugh! Those clowns give millions; Sheldon will go 100 times that. Continue Reading………