Singing River Health System on Hook for a Cool $17.8 million in MOB litigation

Those wanting to catch up on Jackson County suing its own Hospital system can click here for vital background on a story you will only learn about here on Slabbed.
Folks the case has advanced and your tax money is being spent, copiously I’ll add behind closed doors. I have this from a well placed source:

Full docket text for document 191:
Partial Summary Judgment. Signed by D Neil Harris on 10/11/2019. (Whitfield, Carol)

The Court voided the sale/lease agreement – financing agreement between SRHS and SR MOB saying it was not fully spread upon the minutes at SRHS and the County.

The Court also ordered SRHS to pay SR MOB $17,800,000 before December 1, 2019, to avoid being unjustly enriched by SR MOB’s construction of the building. Of that money, $13,000,000 must go to pay off the deed of trust. The Court also decided to hold a hearing to determine the liability of every person/entity that was received public money pursuant to the now void sale/lease agreement.

Since then this case has advanced to the State Supreme Court on interlocutory appeal.

I again openly wonder on what metric does one government suing another merit a sealed case? This is your tax money Jackson County, at least you should have access to proceedings where a judge is dictating how it is spent.

Stay tuned folks.

2 thoughts on “Singing River Health System on Hook for a Cool $17.8 million in MOB litigation”

  1. Well we are talking about Jackson county. A place that has never opened up to the citizens due to the Jackson County Supervisors keeping stuff under a cloak of darkness for years with good buddies attitudes and spending behind citizens back and never beings held accountable for their actions. ☹️

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