Joe needs a special dog…….

Those of you reading this from Hancock County may know a young man that Jennifer and I have had the pleasure of knowing for the past seven years or so in Joe Reeder. Joe is a high quality young man whose freshman year at Mississippi State was cut short by the recurrence of epilepsy. Joe tells his own story best:

I have epilepsy that started with a seizure when I was 12 years old on my way to school. They were focal seizures for a couple years. I had a two year gap, free from seizures from ages 14-16. However, as I grew older, my seizures got worse and worse. I started having seizures (grand mal) preceded by a few seconds of warning. But for the past year and a half, there have been no warnings.

With a broken shoulder from football and my worsening epilepsy, I dropped out of college and went back to living with my parents. I got surgery on one of my shoulders, and soon broke that shoulder again during a seizure, tearing ligaments in the other shoulder. I am not able to find work with my condition and cannot drive until I gain a half a year seizure-free. I received a surgical seizure implant (VNS) on September 10th this year and since then has been two months seizure-free.

I personally couldn’t imagine a worse fate for a 19 year old than being home bound instead of at college but that is Joe’s life right now. When he started his go fund me yesterday I heard about it quickly from my son who also knows Joe.

Service Dogs for epilepsy are not cheap and Joe is trying to raise $4,000 to get one. When I donate to such causes I always do so anonymously. Jennifer and I are in the list of Joe’s donors (anonymously for $100) and I would encourage everyone reading this to give what they can so Joe can regain a measure of independence and advance into life as a responsible, independent adult. Knowing this young man I’ll add this kind of investment will benefit society many times over down the road.

3 thoughts on “Joe needs a special dog…….”

  1. CWB you made the second half of 2019 as bright as the first half. Tonight I’ll have a shot of some 18 year old scotch and enjoy the evening.

    Merci beaucoup!!!

  2. I as veterinarian would encourage Joe to go on a national search for non profit groups who train service dogs. I took a tour up in New Jersey of such a group’s facility 8-10 years ago who trained Goldens for all kinds of service duties Can’t remember the organization’s name but will ask my in-laws in New Jersey if they can come up with the name.

    This non-profit group was all volunteers and funded by voluntary contributors which reduced the costs of such a canine and its training to near nothing. I’m not a fan of U.S. German Shepards because of temperament issues unless they are from Belgian or Germany bloodlines.

    Will get back and update comment with any information on this New Jersey group.

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