Other Voices | Tom Callaghan: The Saudi Refinery Hit – A Slick Piece of Work

Posted on September 23, 2019

Talk about timing… ten days before the opening of the UN General Assembly. Talk about execution… fifty percent of the Saudi Oil Production gonesville with no dead bodies. Talk about putting super heavyweight Buffet Brothers Mike Pompeo and Crown Prince MBS in a funny spot… just sitting there looking at each other waiting for someone to bring food.

It had to be Iran, right? But Trump says Iran’s broke and falling apart. And Trump says he rebuilt our Military and the Saudis bought all sorts of stuff and we and they should have total surveillance on that spot and every square inch of Iran. So Trump could take pictures to the UN like Kennedy’s UN Ambassador did during the Cuban Missile Crisis? Sounds like military malpractice if they don’t have pictures.

I remember reading decades ago that our intelligence agencies could read a car license plate from outer space. And we don’t have proof? In the absence of proof, I believe Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif. He says the attack did not come from Iran nor did it come from Iraq with Iranian weaponry. Zarif has been around a long time. He’s US educated and very savvy. He’s valuable to Iran only as long as he has credibility.

Immediately after the hit on the refinery, Pompeo called it “an act of war.” Almost immediately after that, Trump cut Pompeo’s legs out from under him and Pompeo reverted to flower child… “let’s just give peace a chance.” I guess the big fella needs the job. Got to get some groceries. Meanwhile, Javad Zarif has been making the rounds answering questions. In response to questions about the likelihood of a war, Zarif has been consistent: Continue Reading……

2 thoughts on “Other Voices | Tom Callaghan: The Saudi Refinery Hit – A Slick Piece of Work”

    1. I’m saying the Trump Administration is not able to prove Iran hit the Saudis refinery. If they could prove
      that they would have.

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