Other Voices | Tom Callaghan: Kick Them When They’re Down

Posted on September 13, 2019

JULIAN CASTRO blew out his image as an Altar Boy who spends most of his time helping crippled children cross the street by kneecapping a slightly confused Joe Biden and proceeding to fundraise off the encounter. In the era of “never apologize, kick them when they’re down” politics Castro may have hit on something. He took a shot at the King. Now he’s got to follow through and take him out…or become a footnote in history.

KAMALA HARRIS scares the crap out of debate moderators. They will not apply debate time limits to her as she announces, with theatrical gravitas, “this is important” and proceeds to assume the role of “aggrieved black woman.” Hey, good for her…if she can get away with it. The only one willing to get in Kamala’s face so far has been my girl TULSI GABBARD. The “politically correct” press has punished Gabbard by refusing to recognize she exists.

BETO O’ROURKE got game. I like the way he carries himself and relates to his colleagues and questioners. He’s a gentleman and he’s got good instincts. His weaknesses are he’s a bit disorganized and impulsive. He made a great point about outlawing and confiscating assault weapons. If he had done a little more preparation and homework he could have nailed the point down on the absolute legality of such an action. In a sentence, the government always has the right to do what is necessary for the country to survive… anyone remember the Draft?

JOE BIDEN has lost a lot off his fastball. Continue Reading…..