Keith Marquar Lawsuit against Bay St Louis, Mayor Mike Favre and Former Councilman Falgout on Life Support

Early this month Judge Ozerden issued a ruling in the Marquar lawsuit against Bay St Louis, Mayor Mike Favre and Lonnie Falgout which dismissed the Marquar claims against Mike Favre and Lonnie Falgout in their official capacities as well as the punitive damages claims against the City. Since the denials to the motion to dismiss appear predicated on Marquar filing an amended complaint, to which more 12(b)6 Motions to Dismiss will certainly filed the case looks to be staying in its earliest stages for some time to come.

Marquar v Falgout Et Al Doc 35 by Slabbed on Scribd

The Time Away was Refreshing

We didn’t plan to take a three week break folks it just kinda happened that way. It was nice to get away.

Now the primaries are over the folks in Louisiana will have their elections and my inbox is already filling up with political paraphernalia from there – here is an example:

Reader submitted photo
Reader submitted photo

Somewhere buried deep in Slabbed’s archives would be the inspiration for the above which is why I reckon we got an advance copy.

Meantime Senate District 50 came down to one vote and upon recount one vote again. Scott DeLano now is taking his electoral challenge to the Courthouse. Once the dust settles my advice is for DeLano to get with Waveland Alderman Charlie Piazza to get some perspective.