The Sea Coast Echo Tackles Immigration, Spreads Disinformation from Hate Group

If Facebook is good for one thing that would be the dissemination of fake news, such as the viral fake news story about the Pope endorsing Trump in 2016, which was written by teenagers in Macedonia before being lapped up by millions of Trump supporters in the U.S. as the gospel truth.

Where you don’t expect to see it is in the local paper but sure enough last week the Sea Coast Echo ran, “Report: Illegal immigration costs taxpayers $116 billion annually; Californians, Texans, Floridians pay the most” which was a collaborative effort between a anti immigration organization founded by a white supremacist that has been classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center called the Federation for American Immigration Reform and a right wing propaganda outlet now known as Center Square aka the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity.

The links in the above paragraph took me all of 10 seconds to find using google. The next one took me 3 seconds:

4 myths about how immigrants affect the U.S. economy ~ PBS Newshour

Myth #1: Immigrants take more from the U.S. government than they contribute

Fact: Immigrants contribute more in tax revenue than they take in government benefits

A 2017 report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine found immigration “has an overall positive impact on the long-run economic growth in the U.S.”

I figure the reason the Nation’s dysfunctional immigration system has not been reformed despite two attempts over the past 12 years is because there is so much misinformation out there that people accept as the gospel truth, including the whopper that the immigrants that come here are mooches and freeloaders when such is not the case.

The Echo does a fine job reporting on local issues. Maybe they should stick to that and leave the national topics alone.

Keith Marquar Lawsuit against Bay St Louis, Mayor Mike Favre and Former Councilman Falgout on Life Support

Early this month Judge Ozerden issued a ruling in the Marquar lawsuit against Bay St Louis, Mayor Mike Favre and Lonnie Falgout which dismissed the Marquar claims against Mike Favre and Lonnie Falgout in their official capacities as well as the punitive damages claims against the City. Since the denials to the motion to dismiss appear predicated on Marquar filing an amended complaint, to which more 12(b)6 Motions to Dismiss will certainly filed the case looks to be staying in its earliest stages for some time to come.

Marquar v Falgout Et Al Doc 35 by Slabbed on Scribd

The Time Away was Refreshing

We didn’t plan to take a three week break folks it just kinda happened that way. It was nice to get away.

Now the primaries are over the folks in Louisiana will have their elections and my inbox is already filling up with political paraphernalia from there – here is an example:

Reader submitted photo
Reader submitted photo

Somewhere buried deep in Slabbed’s archives would be the inspiration for the above which is why I reckon we got an advance copy.

Meantime Senate District 50 came down to one vote and upon recount one vote again. Scott DeLano now is taking his electoral challenge to the Courthouse. Once the dust settles my advice is for DeLano to get with Waveland Alderman Charlie Piazza to get some perspective.

State Senator Tommy Gollott Formally Endorses Scott DeLano

State Senator Tommy Gollott Announces Endorsement of Scott DeLano
Republican Candidate for Senate District 50

Biloxi, MS- Longtime Senator Tommy Gollott announces his endorsement of Scott DeLano, who is running for the seat being vacated by the Senator. Senator Gollott has represented the coast in the State Legislature for 52 years and announced earlier this year that he will not seek re-election.

Senator Gollott’s announcement:

“During my 52-year tenure in the State Capitol, I’ve worked with a number of legislators. I firmly believe that Scott DeLano would represent the 50th District well and has our community’s best interest at heart. I feel that he has what it takes to support the Mississippi Gulf Coast in Jackson. That said, I am honored to endorse the candidacy of Scott DeLano for State Senator and ask that you vote for him on August 6, 2019.”

Scott DeLano was elected to the MS House of Representatives in 2009. During his term in office, he has served as Chairman of Constitution, Chairman of Technology and Sub-Committee Chairman of Appropriations.