Understanding Basic Math: Southern District PSC Candidate Sugar Stallings’ Campaign Finance Reports Do Not Add Up

Sugar Stallings holds herself out a qualified to be Southern District PSC Commissioner but a casual perusal of her campaign finance reports leaves the impression she would have a hard time passing third grade math:

On her May 10, 2019 report Ms. Stallings lists $1,500 in receipts and $1,1000 in disbursements leaving a campaign cash balance of $500.

On Her June 10, 2019 report Ms. Stallings lists $285.62 in receipts and disbursements leaving a campaign cash balance of $500. (Beginning cash of $500 plus June receipts less June disbursements) Ms. Stallings claimed to have $214.38, which is $500 less $285.62)

On her July 10, 2019 Stallings lists $761.44 of receipts and $1,000 in disbursements with ending cash at $261.44, which is correct based upon a $500 beginning cash balance plus receipts less disbursements. On the July report Ms. Stallings sole disbursement is to her husband repaying a $1,000 campaign loan. Looking at the receipts section it appears Stallings is including expenses she paid personally as contributions, which is correct. But they are also expenses too despite not being listed as such on her campaign finance report. It begs the question of exactly where Stallings got the money to repay a $1,000 loan to her hubby if all but $300 of her June-July receipts were expenses that she paid personally.

Here are Stallings campaign finance reports through July 10, 2019: Continue reading “Understanding Basic Math: Southern District PSC Candidate Sugar Stallings’ Campaign Finance Reports Do Not Add Up”

Understanding Mississipppi Senate District 50: Follow the Money

This is the second of a series of posts on the upcoming primary elections. Slabbed starts with District 50 covering the northern and eastern parts of Harrison County including part of Biloxi and D’Iberville. This particular race is striking because it too has seen a fair amount of mudslinging. This is former State Senator Tommy Gollott’s old seat. The race features former Representative Scott DeLano  and Biloxi City Councilwoman Dixie Newman.

Ms. Newman, besides being young is reminiscent of Kenner Mayor Mike Yenni in another way as both share a name change before entering public service. Critics of both contend the new nom de guerres originated with political considerations in mind. The name change, which is pretty well known in Biloxi, has not thus far hindered Ms. Newman’s political ascent.

This post required a bit more legwork than others in the series because of a hiccup Ms. Newman had with her May finance report where she initially listed a $50,000 contribution from Jackson Metro area businessman Chris Gouras. She amended the May report to show the money as a loan from herself to her campaign. Slabbed contacted the Newman Campaign about the amendment. The campaign produced the loan documents for Slabbed which showed that Ms. Newman borrowed the money, lending it to her own campaign.

Two things that stood out to me in this race is how evenly matched the two major candidates are in terms of fundraising, including the loan Ms. Newman to her campaign. A distinguishing quality between the reports would be that DeLano uses a third party to type his while Ms. Newman’s are handwritten, with July’s report ostensibly missing page three of the campaign receipts.  Both are currently running TV ads. DeLano’s July report lists a contribution from outgoing State Senator Tommy Gollott but to my knowledge the Senator has not otherwise publicly endorsed DeLano.

Slabbed will keep this post stuck to the front page so supporters of either candidate can make their case. First up is Dixie Newman: Continue reading “Understanding Mississipppi Senate District 50: Follow the Money”

Understanding Mississipppi Senate District 46: Follow the Money

This is the first of a series of posts on the upcoming primary elections. Slabbed starts with District 46 covering Hancock and Western Harrison Counties. This particular race is striking because it has been muck filled with all manner of candidate inhumanity to candidate. Worth noting is incumbent Phillip Moran through July has a major money advantage over his GOP challenger Blaine Lafontaine.

Slabbed will keep this post stuck to the front page so supporters of either candidate can make their case. First up is Phillip Moran: Continue reading “Understanding Mississipppi Senate District 46: Follow the Money”

Mosquito Control: Its on!!

In a few hours at today’s Board of Supervisor meeting Mosquito Control is back on the agenda (beginning at pdf page 235). Rank has its privileges including being able to have a state agency back date your license:

Pages From 2019-07-15 Board of Supervisors – Full Agenda-1123 by Slabbed on Scribd

The meeting live stream can be found here.

Nothing better than using the local Fire station for some recreational sex

Margaret Baker over at the Sun Herald broke the news of the latest lawsuit filed against Moss Point Mayor Mario King yesterday. From the sound of it King must be hell on wheels. He’s evidently been that way for quite some time as this blast from the past shows:

Besides those I am told King has an arrest record in another City on the coast but I have not had a chance to chase that one down.

And then two weeks ago Tyler Carter at the Mississippi Press had King spitting and fighting in Biloxi: Continue reading “Nothing better than using the local Fire station for some recreational sex”

A Con Artist is Running for Southern District PSC: We know her as Sugar Stallings

Sugar Stallings via  WLOX File Photo
Sugar Stallings via
WLOX File Photo
What started as a tip that a local radio personality/political candidate was pretending to be a lawyer has morphed into something more and that started when Slabbed obtained Southern District PSC candidate Demetria M “Sugar” Stallings resume from the Biloxi City Council minutes when former Biloxi Mayor AJ Holloway appointed Stallings to the Historical Preservation Commission:

Sugar Stallings CV by on Scribd

It was with that detailed information that Slabbed started doing some sleuthing with the University of Baltimore and the University of Maryland but the initial searches turned up dry. Summer Selby-Drew stopped in with a tip which we were already wise, namely that Stallings may not be her original last name and Sugar is a nickname. Having already run a public records search we knew that Stallings was known in Maryland as Demetria M. Brown. The Baltimore Sun circa 2006 made that bit of sleuthing easy: Continue reading “A Con Artist is Running for Southern District PSC: We know her as Sugar Stallings”

Other Voices | Tom Callaghan: Its Getting Weird Out There

Posted on July 8, 2019

Twenty Democrats debate four hours and nobody blurts out “I love Israel more than life itself.” Love Ya, Dems!

FOX TV Host, Tucker Carlson, calls National Security Advisor John Bolton a “bureaucratic tapeworm.” Love Ya, Tucker!

FOX TV Host, Tucker Carlson, saves Western Civilization by telling Donald Trump that a war with Iran is “not a good idea.” Trump agrees. You Da Man, Trumpster! Love Ya, Tucker!

Democrat Presidential Candidate, Three Term Congresswoman, Iraq War Veteran and Semi Hot Surfing Hindu Peacenik, Tulsi Gabbard, cements reputation as The Most Interesting Person In the Democratic Party when she records most Google Searches After the Democrat Debate. Love Ya, Tulsi. Continue Reading…….