Meetings galore on tap

It’s on tonight in Bay-Waveland with both the Bay City Council and the Waveland Board of Alderman meeting.

The Bay City Council meeting has potential because Mayor Favre is making another school board nomination tonight. Rumor holds he will reappoint his son Casey Favre to the Board. I’m further advised the gang has checked out the legality of such an appointment and was told it is OK provided that Trustee Favre serves without pay.  School Boards are not big spenders on their Boards with per diem set by statute so serving for free is not a big hardship. Given last year’s controversy that portion of the agenda has fireworks potential. The Bay City Council meeting starts at 5:30 p.m. sharp.

In Waveland the appointment of the new City Clerk is on tap. the Waveland Board of Aldermen meeting starts at 6:30 p.m.

And Now Something Completely Different….

Netflix is slowly taking over the movie world spending billions of dollars annually on its own content in addition to the third party licensed content it maintains. The multimedia library that is available to subscribers is huge and in talking with people I’m finding most, including myself scratch the surface of what is available. While many of you may have now heard of the movie Roma, which is nominated for the Academy Award Best Picture and Birdbox, there are several shows I’ve watched that range from watchable to very good, several of which were recommended to me by friends. Here are some shows/series I’ve watched over the past couple of months:

The Innocent Man, based on John Grisham’s only nonfiction book. (Docuseries – Highly recommend)

Get Me Roger Stone (Documentary – Highly Recommend) Continue reading “And Now Something Completely Different….”

Slabbed’s Word of the Day: Bagman

bagman noun bag·​man | \ ˈbag-mən \

Definition of bagman
1 chiefly British : TRAVELING SALESMAN
2 : a person who on behalf of another collects or distributes illicitly gained money broadly : an intermediary in an illicit or unethical transaction

Bagman – A bagman (or bag man) is a person or paymaster designated to collect or distribute illicitly gained money (“dirty money”), such as bribes to public officials, or money that is collected in a criminal enterprise, such as a “protection racket” or in the running of a numbers racket.

Let’s Hop in the Wayback Machine and revisit Childs v Hancock County Board of Supervisors

Last week on Comment Bump: Mickey Lagasse tapped to be Waveland’s new city clerk I wrote the following:

Last time Mr. Lagasse worked in government he was the Hancock County Building official. I remember his departure was precipitated by a newsworthy event but that event was around 12 years ago. Any additional background in comments would be much appreciated.

Since then Lana Noonan of the Hancock County Alliance for Good Government spent two days going through the Seacoast Echo archives searching for the story I vaguely remember but came up empty. It doesn’t mean anything per se because there was lots of news in Hancock County back in 2006 and the Echo many not have covered it so work remains there, especially if Mr. Lagasse’s (termed “Meal Man Mickey” by certain commenters here) appointment as Waveland City Clerk is ratified as expected. That said, Lagasse’s career in Hancock County politics is long and I found something of interest doing Google searches during a short lunch break last week in the Court case Childs v Hancock County Board of Supervisors. The Plaintiff’s Appeals Court brief contains a nice summary and it is there I start: Continue reading “Let’s Hop in the Wayback Machine and revisit Childs v Hancock County Board of Supervisors”