BREAKING: City of Bay St Louis Cited in Preliminary Opinion for Violating Public Record Law

The long and short of this dust up is David Wells asked for a copy of the City’s open litigation list, a document that previous City Attorney Trent Favre kept as a matter of routine. Not only was he stonewalled by City Attorney Heather Ladner Smith, Mr. Wells was then told by Smith the document he asked for didn’t exist, a “fact” the Ethics Commission adopted in its findings. After being stonewalled by Smith, Mr. Wells was able to obtain the document that he requested from Mayor Ice, who evidently understands the value of treating the Citizenry with some respect. Here is the preliminary opinion:

R 18 036 PubRecords by on Scribd

Here is the litigation list as it existed at that time: Continue reading “BREAKING: City of Bay St Louis Cited in Preliminary Opinion for Violating Public Record Law”

Quote of the day….really the century. Thanks Nowdy.

Of all the quality posts the artist known as Nowdoucit wrote for Slabbed, this post which borrowed a quote from Anais Nin is one that sticks with me:

We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.

The notion has application for virtually everyone. I thought about it last night tweeting out the happenings at two public meetings where Slabbed relied on the attendees in order to be three places at once. That said, in an alternate world where I was a lawyer instead of an accountant, I’d carry that quote with me and tape it to my notes before every jury trial.

Abraham Lincoln is very quotable too so instead of the post I could put up today I’ll share a quote that is also applicable:

Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.